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Shared Future Timeline (Editable Google Doc Inside)


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Just my take on FTL communication, but I believe it has already been done. When you entangle a pair of photons using some knowledge of quantum physics, (which I don't have) you produce quibits.

My very basic understanding of it is that one quibit will show the opposite "state" than its partner is in, no matter how far apart. This could, I believe, be used to make FTL communication possible.

Researchers have been able to do this, but they can only keep the photons entangled for a very short time. This has all been of the top of my head, so it could be totally wrong, but I'll check on Wikipedia or something later... :P

Edit: Just checked and apparently it's not currently thought of as being possible to send "classical information", whatever that means...

Edited by GJames
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  Kryten said:
Those are extremely generic descriptors. Say I have I have a prototype Aclubierre[sic] drive, and I turn it on, and nothing happens. Have I been able to disprove the statement above? Or do I just need to rejig the flux capacitor, or the lambda core, or just use a totally different design? A hypothesis needs to be able to make specific predictions to be testable, and that one simply doesn't.


If you, and, in fact, many trying to replicate your experiment, fail, then, yes. the hypothesis on which it is based has been falsified. If something would not count as testable just because it is possible to make excuses when it fails the test, nothing would be, because excuses can be made up just always and anywhere.

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If the hypothesis said that if you make a device in exactly this way it would act as an FTL drive, and it didn't, it would be falsified. My point is it says nothing of the sort. It simply throws in some nearly-meaningless generic terms for fictional FTL drives.

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This is slightly off topic, but I really wish people would stop glorifying the Aclubierre drive. The fact that it obliterates anything directly in front of it makes it way too dangerous to be used in a practical sense.

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  The Jedi Master said:
2030's: Mars return

2040's: Jupiter moon landing

2050's: Colonies

Optimistic, I know.

Yup, our current timeline puts the Jovian moons in the 2070's. Feel free to add what you want to the timeline!

(you can also change already existing dates, as long as you can persuade us why)

  Nutt007 said:
This is slightly off topic, but I really wish people would stop glorifying the Aclubierre drive. The fact that it obliterates anything directly in front of it makes it way too dangerous to be used in a practical sense.

Just point your ship out of the ecliptic and you'll be fine :)

Edited by Holo
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That was me. I was taking a look at the other Future TImeline websites, computing the dates in my head, then adding them to the timeline to ensure accuracy.

I also added some events. You people miss ALOT of stuff.

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  NASAFanboy said:
That was me. I was taking a look at the other Future TImeline websites, computing the dates in my head, then adding them to the timeline to ensure accuracy.

I also added some events. You people miss ALOT of stuff.

Thanks for the events :).

  NASAFanboy said:
Ok, I'm going to go in for a BIG edit. Includes the aclubbiere drive and adds a BUNCH of events. Give me the green light.

Don't deviate too far from the established timeline, and the green light is yours :D

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  Kryten said:
I like how Russia is supposed to have a moonbase before work on their HLV is supposed to be finished (so at least a decade before it will be finished...).

They're just borrowing craft off NASA by the looks of it. Paying them back for when Russia let NASA use their Soyuz :P

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  Kryten said:
In that case replace 'russia' with 'nasa', and the sentence still makes sense.

If everything goes to plan, SLS Block II will be finished a year before the 2033 moon base. Even if there's a 15% fudge factor to account for space being hard, you could still get at Block IA or IB.

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  Holo said:
If everything goes to plan

Are we on the same planet here? We're talking about a western space project in the 21st century. If everything goes as well as could possibly be expected, they'll probably over-run the reported timeframe by about 30% or so.

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  Kryten said:
Are we on the same planet here?

Yes, because the budget for NASA was...


Though wikipedia does say it's a worst case budget plan, so it's only slightly more optimistic than real life!

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  Grove said:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-scarcity_economy#Unavoidable_scarcity I suggest changing the stabilization of population at around 9 billion in 2050.

It's based on this source


Also, the timeline does seem to stabilise at 9 billion in 2050, albeit in a roundabout way. The idea is that the population rises to a peak of about 9.2G at around 2075, then falls back down to 8.9G. After 2040, there's a change of only 300M, which is rather small on the scale of a planet.

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  Kryten said:
Are we on the same planet here? We're talking about a western space project in the 21st century. If everything goes as well as could possibly be expected, they'll probably over-run the reported timeframe by about 30% or so.


The thread is about a timeline for the future.

We don't know what will happen in the future, so we Asume what will happen.

So, Stop acting like you know what will happen, please.

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  Kryten said:
Are you suggesting that space projects that are already happening could actually come in ahead of schedule? Has that ever happened?

I don't really see any ahead of schedule here.

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Removed the mentions of the Epilson Endradians. It is too uncertian. Besides, if humanity DID find a intelligent race (Less advanced), the outcome would more be like this...


This time, that planet is alien, and we are the invaders.

We have a very, very violent histroy. And you must remember, intelligence is the mark of a predator.

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  NASAFanboy said:
We have a very, very violent histroy. And you must remember, intelligence is the mark of a predator.

Have you killed anyone lately? Sure, as a species we are somewhat violent, but less than other species. Source: Sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson of Harvard University (from here).

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No, but I did kill a roach the other day for no other reason than it was between me and the door to my house.

You must see how we are, by sheer definition, a threat to non-intelligent alien life. Not an entire species obviously, but on an individual alien basis we do threaten the life of aliens. For example: If we were to dig a hole in the Martian ice-caps and find pools of life living in ice-water, what would we do? Take some of that life back to Earth to dissect and study. We'd kill some of the sample so we could study it. As far as the unintelligent alien life-forms are concerned, that's violent murder, regardless of the reason.

Obviously my example doesn't dispute your point, because you were arguing against the concept of us invading an alien world that had buildings or civilization, which we obviously wouldn't do. But on the case of non-intelligent life, we pose at least a small risk to life.

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