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New to the Forums, not new to KSP!


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Hello everyone!

I got KSP a few months ago after watching it being featured in the Yogscast's Christmas Charity livestreams.

I have to say, it is a game that I love and always will love. I am not new to it as I have completed many missions already.:cool:

These include-

1. Kerbin Space Station

2.Landing on the Mun (over 4x)

3. Mun Space Station

4. Space Station orbiting Kerbol

5. Landed on Eve

6. Landed on Duna (Latest Mission)

I hope to make some new friends here, as well as find some information I may not have known earlier!

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Welcome to the forums! :) Sounds like an impressive array of missions you've got there.

If you're interested in learning new things, the "How To" subforum is always a good place to start. I've got a project going in there where I'm trying to collect as much useful information in one place as I possibly can; see the Drawing Board link in my signature.

Happy launching!

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Welcome to the community Amtrak :)

There's a lot of good people here, al brought together by their love of space so I'm sure you'll enjoy it on the forums :)

If you need any help just ask and don't forget to check out Specialist's Drawing Board!

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