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[0.90] LazTek SpaceX Launch, Exploration, Colonial Transporter & Historic mods (1/25/14)


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No matter the timing. "I love this mod". I will wait, but would prefer not to.

Thanks! I think the mod will still work with the .23 update since I don't have anything that generates Science! other than crew reports from the Dragon 2. I have a Exploration Pack that I was going to launch today as well, but am waiting for the update since the new pack includes an inflatable science research habitat.

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This was kind of unexpected, one day before 0.23 it gets the 0.22 update *Wink* But good to see there is a update now

Unfortunately, the wonky state of the spaceport website made getting this update loaded a week-long struggle. Perhaps if they would be so kind as to fix it, my .23 update will get to everyone in a more expedient manner.

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I'd say, screw Spaceport. It's a buggy mess that corrupts files, is a chore to upload to and near-impossible to search (you can't even filter out the .craft files people have spammed it with). Use Mediafire instead, it's much more reliable.

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I'd say, screw Spaceport. It's a buggy mess that corrupts files, is a chore to upload to and near-impossible to search (you can't even filter out the .craft files people have spammed it with). Use Mediafire instead, it's much more reliable.

I'll look into that, thanks. If anyone has trouble with SpacePort in the meantime, use these links to download from LazTek:

LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack 2.2 [KSP .22]

LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack HD 2.2 [KSP .22]

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Good riddance. Many people complained about not being able to download bigger packs from Spaceport, that should save them some grief.

Oh, and I have a question. What are the future plans for the pack? Perhaps a Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 v1.0, plus a Cargo Dragon capsule? Cargo Dragon would be easy, just remove the windows and interior from the current Dragon. Falcon 9 v1.0 would need a shortened 1st stage and a new engine cluster. Falcon 1 could probably only reuse the Merlin engine, though. Also, there was a proposed (not built) rocket called Falcon 5, which was basically a thicker, shorter Falcon 9 with 5 Merlin engines.

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Thanks for an alternative link. The one on spaceport was indeed causing corrupted loads for me and I couldn't isolate via the configs what it was doing.

You're welcome... I've been trying to delete my SpacePort uploads all day with no success.

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Good riddance. Many people complained about not being able to download bigger packs from Spaceport, that should save them some grief.

Oh, and I have a question. What are the future plans for the pack? Perhaps a Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 v1.0, plus a Cargo Dragon capsule? Cargo Dragon would be easy, just remove the windows and interior from the current Dragon. Falcon 9 v1.0 would need a shortened 1st stage and a new engine cluster. Falcon 1 could probably only reuse the Merlin engine, though. Also, there was a proposed (not built) rocket called Falcon 5, which was basically a thicker, shorter Falcon 9 with 5 Merlin engines.

I will release an exploration pack along with the .23 update, which will include an inflatable science habitat, ejectible heat shields and upper landing gear along with other goodies for visiting all the planets and moons of the Kerbalverse, I'm following with the proposed SpaceX Falcon X, which I have already built out and tested with a 3m fuselage. I will create a deep space module and landable habitat for this pack along with a 4-person rover that I've been working on for the past couple of months. After this, I plan to create a "historical" pack with the older SpaceX vehicles.

Edited by LazarusLuan
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I will release an exploration pack along with the .23 update, which will include an inflatable science habitat, ejectible heat shields and upper landing gear along with other goodies for visiting all the planets and moons of the Kerbalverse, I'm following with the proposed SpaceX Falcon X, which I have already built out and tested with a 3m fuselage. I will create a deep space module and landable habitat for this pack along with a 4-person rover that I've been working on for the past couple of months. After this, I plan to create a "historical" pack with the older SpaceX vehicles.

Interesting. With every announcement like that, I'm looking forward to 0.23 even more. :)

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Laz: Can we have an option to turn off the blue light in the cabin? It's so bright it illuminates the ground by the launchpad, I'd love to be able to just flick it off, it kinda bugs me if I'm honest :)

Also the F9 1.1/Dragon 2 stack doesn't seem to fly terribly well with FAR. I've had numerous issues with it falling over on gravity turn (using MechJeb 2.1).

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Thanks for the update! My current game uses your Falcon launchers exclusively (with several cfg changes to make performance feel more realistic to me), and your Dragon capsule is the only way my Kerbals leave or reenter Kerbin.

It's the best reusable 21st century launch system for someone like me who hates KSP spaceplanes. I'm also making all my payloads fit into fairings, which makes for an interesting challenge. ;)

Soon as 0.23 is done downloading (estimated 2 hrs left...seriously, Squad???), I look forward to trying out the new Falcon/Dragon!

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I see you made several design changes.

The top-mounted heat shields and burning 3 engines during 1st-stage recovery make your design closer to the conceptual video SpaceX released, so those make sense to me. Even though SpaceX said nothing in that video is official, I know people expect it to look like the video.

Did you reuse the 1st-stage landing legs on the 2nd-stage as a placeholder while you work on new legs, or is that a permanent change? And why the longer interstage?


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I was playing this with .23 and it seems that I cannot board the Dragon while EVA in space. I can grab the extended ladder but when I climb to the hatch, there's no board option. Doesn't seems to matter if the hatch is open or not. Since the version I'm using is .22, it may not be appropriate to mention it, I dunno.

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Good news - I am close to completing the .23 update, and will have it ready for public testing after I complete the low-rez build, which should be be the 27th. I've made a number of cosmetic and component changes from the earlier versions and have complied a change log:

Changes in LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack 2.3:

Upgraded everything to Unity 3D v4.22

Added all parts to the KSP tech tree

Dragon 2 Capsule - Added to the Meta-Materials node of the tech tree; now has control to turn blue lights off; rotated heat shield by 180 degrees to orient passengers feet down upon rentry; rotated ship 180 degrees to correctly orient the hatch side as "forward"; removed interior seats from exterior view to allow more realistic interior view of Kerbals in seats; redesigned control panel for more accurate interior piloting; fixed various physics and physic collider issues related to changes between versions of the Unity engines

Dragon Docking Ring - Added to the Meta-Materials node of the tech tree

Dragon Chute - Added to the Advanced Landing node of the tech tree

Dragon Nose Cone - Added to the Heavy Aerodynamics node of the tech tree

Dragon Panel Cover - Added to the Heavy Aerodynamics node of the tech tree

Dragon Solar Panels - Added to the Specialized Electrics node of the tech tree

Dragon Steps - Added to the Advanced Motors node of the tech tree

Dragon Trunk - Added to the Specialized Electrics node of the tech tree

Dragon Trunk Decoupler - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree

Falcon 9 Interstage - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree; remodeled to new design unveiled by SpaceX; removed command, SAS and ASAS abilities; now acts only as a decoupler/shroud for the upper stage Merlin 1D vacuum engine and nozzle

Falcon Expanded Fairing - Added to the Heavy Aerodynamics node of the tech tree

Falcon Fairing Base - Added to the Heavy Aerodynamics node of the tech tree

Falcon Heavy Interstage - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree; removed command, SAS and ASAS abilities; now acts only as a decoupler/shroud for the upper stage Merlin 1D vacuum engine and nozzle

Falcon Heavy Nosecone/Remote - Added to the Advanced Unmanned Tech node of the tech tree; replaces separate command remote control with one unit; now has ASAS and reaction wheel

Falcon Lower Gear - Added to the Advanced Landing node of the tech tree; has been rebuilt to comply with new landing gear design from Squad

Falcon Main Tank - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree; remodeled to new design unveiled by SpaceX

LazTek Falcon Middle Gear - Added to the Advanced Landing node of the tech tree; landing gear for upper stage that replaces earlier heat-shielded design with a smaller side-mounted version of the lower landing gear unveiled by SpaceX in middle 2013

LazTek Falcon Payload Bay - Added to the Heavy Aerodynamics node of the tech tree

Falcon Radial Decoupler - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree

Falcon Remote Control - Newly added to the Advanced Unmanned Tech node of the tech tree; replaces remote control/command probe/ASAS functions of the old SPS Base and first stage decoupler/remote control

Falcon Remote Control Heatshield - Newly added to the Advanced Unmanned Tech node of the tech tree; replaces remote control/command probe/ASAS functions of the old SPS Base; provides top-mounted re-entry protection for upper stage; acts as decoupler before re-entry

LazTek Falcon Sat Capture - Added to the Heavy Aerospace node of the tech tree

LazTek Falcon Upper Tank - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree; remodeled based on new design of Falcon v1.1

Merlin 1D Engine Cluster - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree; remodeled based on unveiled v1.1 design; now contains only 6 engines

Merlin 1D Engine Center - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree; now designed to be attached to the Merlin 1D Cluster in a set of three to allow three engines to be re-lit in vacuum as designed by SpaceX

LazTek Merlin 1D Vacuum Engine - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree; nozzle bell has been increased in size to more accurately reflect the actual design

Separation Engine - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree

SHERPA Core - Newly added to the Advanced Unmanned Tech node of the tech tree; replaces SPSS from old SpaceX Launch Pack with new upcoming shepherding, droid-like independent spacecraft that can launch and maintain dozens of small satellites for up to 3 years; has own decoupler and monopropellant-fueled engine built in

SHERPA Tank - Newly added to the Advanced Unmanned Tech node of the tech tree; designed to be attached to the SHERPA Core in a set of 4

SHERPA Decoupler - Newly added to the Advanced Unmanned Tech node of the tech tree; designed to have small satellites attached

SuperDraco Nacelle - Added to the Very Heavy Rocketry node of the tech tree

Any parts not needed with the new design changes revealed by SpaceX have been eliminated, along with any pre-built space stations or large satellites, though there are 6 small satellites included with the .craft file for the Dragon 2. The "experimental" version of the SuperDraco Nacelles has been eliminated and through the part tweaking functions introduced with KSP .23, the fuel levels may be adjusted before launch to more accurately reflect real life.

Edited by LazarusLuan
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The update is ready for download. After thoroughly playtesting it with KSP .23, it became apparent that all of the parts of the launch packs belong within the regular nodes of the Kerbal tech tree instead of "experimental".

Download from LazTek:

LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack 2.3 [KSP .23]

LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack HD 2.3 [KSP .23]

Download from SpacePort:

LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack 2.3 [KSP .23]

LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack HD 2.3 [KSP .23]

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