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[0.90] LazTek SpaceX Launch, Exploration, Colonial Transporter & Historic mods (1/25/14)


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I'm having a problem using the DragonRider capsule. The superdraco engines make it spin wildly out of control, even if throttled way down. I am using Realism Overhaul if that makes a difference. Sorry if this is the wrong thread to post this in, I've searched both threads but found nothing. Beautiful parts, by the way.

Edited by bsimms606
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Hey laz! Just reporting in that most seems to work well with 1.0! Only thing I encountered so far was

Dragon Aft Dock (Designed to allow docking between Dragon V2 and Dragon Trunk V2 when equipped with Dragon Dock

Didn't appear to want to dock/connect. Maybe just me and lack of knowledge haha.

Do have a question for ya about the Habitat as I started to use it lately, how are / is it suppose to land on say Mun with Dragon on top? Land with Habitat + Dragon and decouple and lift dragon causes Dragon to just flip over before I can apply thrust. Is the habitat suppose to release as dragon acts as a sky crane in a way and softly let her down? Not sure how to do it correctly/way you intended :)


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If you are still taking requests for a wish list. I would love to see that heat shield, engine shroud, landing gear cover you have in the video for the upper stage. Especially now that reentry heat is in.

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After a week and a half extensively testing (sure, it's playing) 1.0, I've got a good handle on all the changes I need to complete to bring the SpaceX Launch Pack to 1.0 compatability this week. Feel free to request something to be added to this list:

LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack 1.0 change log:

Dragon 2 Capsule - Rebuilt without heatshield, uses new aero

Dragon 2 Heat Shield - Attaches to bottom of Dragon2

Dragon 2 Nose Cone - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Dragon 2 Parachute - Rebuilt to fit on front of capsule as demonstrated by SpaceX on May 6, 2015

Dragon 2 Ladder - Uses new aero

Dragon 2 Trunk - Acts as a aero shield, fins now provide stability, designed to launch with Dragon 2 capsule on abort, uses new aero

SuperDraco Twin Engines (Attaches to Dragon V2 nacelles in two sets of two) - Reconfigured for new physics, uses new aero

Dragon Nose Cone - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Dragon Chute - Reconfigured for new aero

Dragon Solar Array - Rebuilt to be fragile without aero protection

Dragon Solar Panel Cover - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Dragon Trunk - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Dragon Trunk Adapter/Decoupler - Uses new aero

Falcon Remote Control - Uses new aero

Falcon Upper Stage Fuel Tank - Reconfigured, uses new aero

Merlin 1D Vacuum Engine - Reconfigured for new physics

Falcon 9 v1.1 Interstage Fairing/Decoupler - Uses new aero

Falcon Main Fuel Tank - Reconfigured, uses new aero

Falcon Lower Landing Leg (Attached to Falcon first stage in a set of 4) - Reconfigured, uses new aero

Falcon Upper Landing Leg (Attached to Falcon upper stage in a set of 4) - Reconfigured, uses new aero

Falcon Expanded Fairing (Attached in a pair) - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Merlin 1D Engine Housing (Designed to be combined with nine Engine Centers to be individually controlled) - Uses new aero

Merlin 1D Engine Center (Nine fit into the Merlin 1D Engine Housing) - Reconfigured for new physics

Falcon Payload Bay (Optional payload protector with bay doors that open and close) - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Falcon Satellite Capture Frame (For use inside Payload Bay to assist with orbital capture) - Removed due to obsolescence

Falcon Heavy Interstage Fairing/Decoupler - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Falcon Heavy Nose Cone - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Separation Engine (Tiny SRB to assist in first stage booster separation) - Reconfigured for new physics

SHERPA Remote Satellite Launch System - Reconfigured for new physics

Gridfin (Retractable control surface) - Reconfigured for new aero

Small Gridfin (Attaches to Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy interstages and remote controls in sets of 4) - Reconfigured for new aero

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  LazarusLuan said:
After a week and a half extensively testing (sure, it's playing) 1.0, I've got a good handle on all the changes I need to complete to bring the SpaceX Launch Pack to 1.0 compatability this week. Feel free to request something to be added to this list:

LazTek SpaceX Launch Pack 1.0 change log:

Dragon 2 Capsule - Rebuilt without heatshield, uses new aero

Dragon 2 Heat Shield - Attaches to bottom of Dragon2

Dragon 2 Nose Cone - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Dragon 2 Parachute - Rebuilt to fit on front of capsule as demonstrated by SpaceX on May 6, 2015

Dragon 2 Ladder - Uses new aero

Dragon 2 Trunk - Acts as a aero shield, fins now provide stability, designed to launch with Dragon 2 capsule on abort, uses new aero

SuperDraco Twin Engines (Attaches to Dragon V2 nacelles in two sets of two) - Reconfigured for new physics, uses new aero

Dragon Nose Cone - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Dragon Chute - Reconfigured for new aero

Dragon Solar Array - Rebuilt to be fragile without aero protection

Dragon Solar Panel Cover - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Dragon Trunk - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Dragon Trunk Adapter/Decoupler - Uses new aero

Falcon Remote Control - Uses new aero

Falcon Upper Stage Fuel Tank - Reconfigured, uses new aero

Merlin 1D Vacuum Engine - Reconfigured for new physics

Falcon 9 v1.1 Interstage Fairing/Decoupler - Uses new aero

Falcon Main Fuel Tank - Reconfigured, uses new aero

Falcon Lower Landing Leg (Attached to Falcon first stage in a set of 4) - Reconfigured, uses new aero

Falcon Upper Landing Leg (Attached to Falcon upper stage in a set of 4) - Reconfigured, uses new aero

Falcon Expanded Fairing (Attached in a pair) - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Merlin 1D Engine Housing (Designed to be combined with nine Engine Centers to be individually controlled) - Uses new aero

Merlin 1D Engine Center (Nine fit into the Merlin 1D Engine Housing) - Reconfigured for new physics

Falcon Payload Bay (Optional payload protector with bay doors that open and close) - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Falcon Satellite Capture Frame (For use inside Payload Bay to assist with orbital capture) - Removed due to obsolescence

Falcon Heavy Interstage Fairing/Decoupler - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Falcon Heavy Nose Cone - Acts as a aero shield, uses new aero

Separation Engine (Tiny SRB to assist in first stage booster separation) - Reconfigured for new physics

SHERPA Remote Satellite Launch System - Reconfigured for new physics

Gridfin (Retractable control surface) - Reconfigured for new aero

Small Gridfin (Attaches to Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy interstages and remote controls in sets of 4) - Reconfigured for new aero

Lazarus! Great to hear you have an update in the works. The radial mono tanks have been a life saver on a number of my projects. I've used them for all kinds of things. I was curious if they could be made to switch between multiple fuel types?

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Great to see you are at work on it. Look forward to using Falcon again in 1.0.2.

Are you planning on converting the textures to DDS? It seems that it offers advantages in 1.0.x

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  Airlock said:
Will the update include the new stock-alike textures mentioned earlier? I'm actually pretty interested to see them.

Yes - I'll post up photos of the difference between the textures on the parts and let everyone in this thread vote on which version will be the default and which will be an alternate texture pack.

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  LazarusLuan said:
After a week and a half extensively testing (sure, it's playing) 1.0, I've got a good handle on all the changes I need to complete to bring the SpaceX Launch Pack to 1.0 compatability this week. Feel free to request something to be added to this list:

Looking forward to the updates, and flying everything again in 1.0. :) The only thing I have to mention is a friendly reminder link to my report of a few issues and some things I did to get more information: Post 1097. The original offer still stands: If I can gather more information, test, or help troubleshoot in any way, just let me know and I'm happy to help. Thanks for the superb mod and all your work. :D

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Please remember to update it on CKAN, I've got multiple mods that have updated to 1.0 for several weeks but didn't update it on CKAN. So I had to remind them to update, I really couldn't wait to play this again ^^

This is my most favourite mod, SpaceX is awesome :P:D

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Can´t tell you how much I love your mod! It´s by far the best SpaceX mod around.

Our wishes for stuff to be added?

-Working gridfins! That would be great!

And I don´t know if you have seen it, but the animation of the lower landing legs on the Falcon9´s first stage is borked.

Can´t wait for the update! :D

How far are you?


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Many of the mod makers will be holding off till Unity 5 comes as its better all round, so they dont have to double up on work. Laz has always updated his stuff so I implore you to show a little bit of patience and give him the time he needs to release an awesome mod

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  V8jester said:
No kidding, and then we wonder why mods are abandoned. If its not done in a month..... Just wait longer.

I know right, I'm wanting the update quickly too, but geez the guy isn't paid for it. Perhaps make a donation before you complain. lol

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