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Apollo Mission Pack Development (Beta version released!)

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Man, it was going so good too. When I tried to export the file, the .mu was empty. It didn't even try to export the model. :/

EDIT: Well, I got it to work, but my in-game models don't look near as good as yours do. Perhaps I should just stick to modelling/texturing.

Edited by Razorcane
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Gorgeous work, folks. You're really doing the Saturn V justice. I'll be watching with bated breath until the final version is available. Full IVAs... wow.

Thanks a lot! We're working hard(when we can) to make it even better.

You guys might wanna check this site out!

We Choose The Moon

Where has this been my whole life.

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I suddenly realized I had bookmarked a web site about the Apollo 11 mission for about a few months.

Oh, after the LM launched to lunar orbit, it had to dock with the CSM, right? How did it "eventually crashed on Moon" (Apollo Lunar Module)? Maybe NASA performed a deorbit burn or due to orbital decay?

Orbital decay has not yet been implemented in KSP, so I think we have to perform a deorbit burn for the LM ascent stage.

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The wikipedia page lists the ultimate fates of all of the Lunar Modules that were produced. One of them is in solar orbit. A few were left in lunar orbit and eventually decayed and crashed. Most of them were "intentionally crashed into the lunar surface". They must have had some sort of flight program to automatically deorbit them after they separated from the CSM, because it wouldn't have made sense to waste the fuel to bring the whole LM/CSM assembly into an impact trajectory then bring the CSM back out again.

Thanks for that link, bang_coi. I haven't had a chance to really play around with it, but it looks very cool

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They did that to make the S-IVB stage crash into Moon's surface ("During Apollo 13, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17, the S-IVB stages were crashed into the Moon to perform seismic measurements used for characterizing the lunar interior")


Then they performed a little course correction burn to bring the Apollo CSM/LM to a perfect trajectory around the Moon. :cool:

I do that all the time. It's pretty nice to see your booster losing altitude then crash into Mun's surface while you are up there, performing a circularization burn :cool::D:D

//Hey, what is the altitude of your parking orbit around the Mun? Mine is 30k kilometers.

Edited by bang_coi
grammar correction
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They did that to make the S-IVB stage crash into Moon's surface ("During Apollo 13, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17, the S-IVB stages were crashed into the Moon to perform seismic measurements used for characterizing the lunar interior")


Then they performed a little course correction burn to bring the Apollo CSM/LM to a perfect trajectory around the Moon. :cool:

I do that all the time. It's pretty nice to see your booster losing altitude then crash into Mun's surface while you are up there, performing a circularization burn :cool::D:D

//Hey, what is the altitude of your parking orbit around the Mun? Mine is 30k kilometers.

That's kind of interesting, since before that, they just brought the third stage back to earth. That means they had to remake the third stage each time. That was pretty expensive.

I suddenly realized I had bookmarked a web site about the Apollo 11 mission for about a few months.

Oh, after the LM launched to lunar orbit, it had to dock with the CSM, right? How did it "eventually crashed on Moon" (Apollo Lunar Module)? Maybe NASA performed a deorbit burn or due to orbital decay?

Orbital decay has not yet been implemented in KSP, so I think we have to perform a deorbit burn for the LM ascent stage.

Pretty sure a few of them were left in orbit, and crashed into the moon due to orbital decay, which means they had a pretty low orbit to begin with.

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That's kind of interesting, since before that, they just brought the third stage back to earth. That means they had to remake the third stage each time. That was pretty expensive.

Apollo 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 S-IVB stages are in heliocentric orbits. As already stated, Apollo 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 S-IVB stages impacted the lunar surface. Apollo 4 and 6 S-IVB stages were destroyed upon re-entry (both flights were unmanned test flights). Where did you get that any S-IVB stages returned to earth?

Interesting fact (Since it was talked about earlier) The Ascent stage for LM-4 (Apollo 10; Snoopy) is the only surviving flown LM ascent stage. It's currently in a heliocentric orbit, as well.

Edited by LM951
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Apollo 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 S-IVB stages are in heliocentric orbits. As already stated, Apollo 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 S-IVB stages impacted the lunar surface. Apollo 4 and 6 S-IVB stages were destroyed upon re-entry (both flights were unmanned test flights). Where did you get that any S-IVB stages returned to earth?

Interesting fact (Since it was talked about earlier) The Ascent stage for LM-4 (Apollo 10; Snoopy) is the only surviving flown LM ascent stage. It's currently in a heliocentric orbit, as well.

It was in a presentation I saw from NASA on the Saturn V. They said they guided the third stages back to earth with the instrument unit. But the wiki says that they just slightly changed its orbit. That's kind of weird, that means for the displays they had to build separate S-IVBs.

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Ok, so we haven't updated you guys on this project in a while. As far as I know, aphazael is temporarily busy with real life stuff, and I am as well. However I do put in an hour or two a day on the project. I haven't made any new parts, but I've been focusing on importing them into the game myself, as well as changing the textures and geometry a bit.

Here are some screenshots:




The docking ring currently doesn't have a parachute, so it falls to the planet and explodes. This is a really high priority fix, and I hope aphazael can get it working when he gets back. I'm going to send him these new files in the hopes that he can do something with them. I wouldn't mind trying my hand with the parachutes myself, but I don't know how the animation is supposed to work, nor how it is incorporated in-game. I'll be sure to ask him about that.

So, for those of you wondering, I personally have an itinerary for finishing this project, for my side of the work at least. Italic means it's already finished, and underlined means it's still a WIP. Regular means no progress has been made.


  • Apollo Command Module
  • Apollo Docking Ring
  • Apollo Service Module
  • Apollo Service Propulsion System
  • Apollo RCS(including LM RCS) ~ These are underlined because they just need textures. The model is really well done.
  • LM Ascent Stage
  • LM Descent Stage ~ Needs better textures
  • LM Lander Legs ~ I think these need a complete overhaul, although they are a low priority.
  • Lunar Module Adapter ~ Also needs a complete overhaul. Needs to jettison petal fairings.
  • Saturn V Rocket Engines ~ These are well done, but the textures need to be slightly improved.
  • Saturn V Stage Tanks ~ These are also well done, but need additional geometry/texture improvements to mimic the real ones.
  • Instrument Unit ~ Needs more detail on the inside, to be frank.


  • Thrust values for engines need to be adjusted for a somewhat more accurate flight time. ~ I've already been working on these, still need a bit of tweaking though.
  • Proper Stage Decoupling ~ This is more or less finished, there just needs to be ullage rockets to help separation.
  • Power Generator in Service Module
  • Apollo SPS and LM Descent/Ascent Engine adjustments. ~ Haven't had the chance to get around to these yet.
  • Instrument Unit as a Command part. ~ So that the S-IVB can be moved if needed.
  • Lunar Module Adapter fairing jettison. ~ This is a very high priority. If anyone knows a good way to do this, it would be of great help.

If I've missed anything, be sure to let me know. Also, if anyone has experience with modeling and texturing, I could sure use the help. I can do it on my own, but we could finish this so much quicker with one or two other dedicated modelers.

Also I don't want to hand aphazael too many things at once, which is why I haven't done any work on the mods. The next pieces I'm going to do are the SPS, LES, LM Ascent, and LM Descent, in that order.

Edited by Razorcane
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Sweet jibbley jibblets that CSM is sexy.

On the note of overhauling the landing legs-- it's probably a good idea. I've noticed that after landing, if you leave the scene in any way (e.g. going to the space center or closing the game), when you load back to the LM, the landing legs will wobble around a lot and cause the LM to rotate and wiggle along the ground. It can be fixed by retracting and re-extending them. I'm not sure if this is something that's fixable with an overhaul, but I know nothing about how they work.

Astonishing work though, guys. Can't wait to see the final product. It's got me excited.

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Ok, so we haven't updated you guys on this project in a while. As far as I know, aphazael is temporarily busy with real life stuff, and I am as well. However I do put in an hour or two a day on the project. I haven't made any new parts, but I've been focusing on importing them into the game myself, as well as changing the textures and geometry a bit.

Here are some screenshots:




The docking ring currently doesn't have a parachute, so it falls to the planet and explodes. This is a really high priority fix, and I hope aphazael can get it working when he gets back. I'm going to send him these new files in the hopes that he can do something with them. I wouldn't mind trying my hand with the parachutes myself, but I don't know how the animation is supposed to work, nor how it is incorporated in-game. I'll be sure to ask him about that.

So, for those of you wondering, I personally have an itinerary for finishing this project, for my side of the work at least. Italic means it's already finished, and underlined means it's still a WIP. Regular means no progress has been made.


  • Apollo Command Module
  • Apollo Docking Ring
  • Apollo Service Module
  • Apollo Service Propulsion System
  • Apollo RCS(including LM RCS) ~ These are underlined because they just need textures. The model is really well done.
  • LM Ascent Stage
  • LM Descent Stage ~ Needs better textures
  • LM Lander Legs ~ I think these need a complete overhaul, although they are a low priority.
  • Lunar Module Adapter ~ Also needs a complete overhaul. Needs to jettison petal fairings.
  • Saturn V Rocket Engines ~ These are well done, but the textures need to be slightly improved.
  • Saturn V Stage Tanks ~ These are also well done, but need additional geometry/texture improvements to mimic the real ones.
  • Instrument Unit ~ Needs more detail on the inside, to be frank.


  • Thrust values for engines need to be adjusted for a somewhat more accurate flight time. ~ I've already been working on these, still need a bit of tweaking though.
  • Proper Stage Decoupling ~ This is more or less finished, there just needs to be ullage rockets to help separation.
  • Power Generator in Service Module
  • Apollo SPS and LM Descent/Ascent Engine adjustments. ~ Haven't had the chance to get around to these yet.
  • Instrument Unit as a Command part. ~ So that the S-IVB can be moved if needed.
  • Lunar Module Adapter fairing jettison. ~ This is a very high priority. If anyone knows a good way to do this, it would be of great help.

If I've missed anything, be sure to let me know. Also, if anyone has experience with modeling and texturing, I could sure use the help. I can do it on my own, but we could finish this so much quicker with one or two other dedicated modelers.

Also I don't want to hand aphazael too many things at once, which is why I haven't done any work on the mods. The next pieces I'm going to do are the SPS, LES, LM Ascent, and LM Descent, in that order.

Oh that's beautiful!

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Sweet jibbley jibblets that CSM is sexy.

On the note of overhauling the landing legs-- it's probably a good idea. I've noticed that after landing, if you leave the scene in any way (e.g. going to the space center or closing the game), when you load back to the LM, the landing legs will wobble around a lot and cause the LM to rotate and wiggle along the ground. It can be fixed by retracting and re-extending them. I'm not sure if this is something that's fixable with an overhaul, but I know nothing about how they work.

Astonishing work though, guys. Can't wait to see the final product. It's got me excited.

Thanks for the support!

I've definitely noticed that behavior on the landing legs. I've tried a bunch of different setups, and they've all had the same problem to a greater or lesser degree. I've also noticed that even the stock legs do it a little bit (although for them you need to give them a little push to get it started). Next time I sit down to work on this, I'm going to start playing around with the new attachment node types that were introduced with 0.20 and see if they will help (also keeping fingers crossed that it will be a cure for the Saturn tank wobble too).

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Sweet jibbley jibblets that CSM is sexy.

On the note of overhauling the landing legs-- it's probably a good idea. I've noticed that after landing, if you leave the scene in any way (e.g. going to the space center or closing the game), when you load back to the LM, the landing legs will wobble around a lot and cause the LM to rotate and wiggle along the ground. It can be fixed by retracting and re-extending them. I'm not sure if this is something that's fixable with an overhaul, but I know nothing about how they work.

Astonishing work though, guys. Can't wait to see the final product. It's got me excited.

That's interesting. I've made about 15 launches and haven't noticed that. Mainly because when you detach it from the ascent stage, it becomes unusable unless you add a MechJeb thing on it. Out of the 12 launches I've done(and landed on the Mun) with this craft, I have never had that problem.

Thanks for the support!

I've definitely noticed that behavior on the landing legs. I've tried a bunch of different setups, and they've all had the same problem to a greater or lesser degree. I've also noticed that even the stock legs do it a little bit (although for them you need to give them a little push to get it started). Next time I sit down to work on this, I'm going to start playing around with the new attachment node types that were introduced with 0.20 and see if they will help (also keeping fingers crossed that it will be a cure for the Saturn tank wobble too).

Wobble, eh? Maybe my case is just unique, but I haven't had that problem either. Then again, I did greatly lower the power of the engines, so that probably fixed any withstanding issues.

Also, when will you be able to jump back in on the project? I can send you the new stuff that I posted, however I would like to wait until the last second in case I want to make any changes.

Edited by Razorcane
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That's interesting. I've made about 15 launches and haven't noticed that. Mainly because when you detach it from the ascent stage, it becomes unusable unless you add a MechJeb thing on it. Out of the 12 launches I've done(and landed on the Mun) with this craft, I have never had that problem.

Wobble, eh? Maybe my case is just unique, but I haven't had that problem either. Then again, I did greatly lower the power of the engines, so that probably fixed any withstanding issues.

Also, when will you be able to jump back in on the project? I can send you the new stuff that I posted, however I would like to wait until the last second in case I want to make any changes.

Probably not until Thursday of this week. Then I'll try to get a bunch done Thurs and Friday, and some the following week, then I'm out of commission again for a few weeks as I'll be travelling, so I'll try to get as much done as I can before I leave.

By the way, that punch list looks pretty good. It'll be nice to start checking things off the list

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Probably not until Thursday of this week. Then I'll try to get a bunch done Thurs and Friday, and some the following week, then I'm out of commission again for a few weeks as I'll be travelling, so I'll try to get as much done as I can before I leave.

By the way, that punch list looks pretty good. It'll be nice to start checking things off the list

A few weeks? Wow. Well I can keep on working while your gone, and I can upload WIP packs of the mod while your away, for more hands-on testing. If that's something you'll let me do.

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Yeah, unfortunately. I'm going to be attending a conference for a week, then I'm going to be driving across the country, which will take close to a week. Then, it'll take a little while for me to get set back up at the place I'll be staying for the summer before I'm able to get back to work. So, like I said, I'll try to get as much done before then as possible.

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I have some Solidworks body-modeling experience, but I'm afraid I'm terrible with texturing. Still, if you need the help, I can hop in on this.

Beautiful work on the CSM. Also, Razorcane, are the IVAs done as well? I notice they aren't on your list.

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I have some Solidworks body-modeling experience, but I'm afraid I'm terrible with texturing. Still, if you need the help, I can hop in on this.

Beautiful work on the CSM. Also, Razorcane, are the IVAs done as well? I notice they aren't on your list.

I'll be doing the IVA's. They are going to be waiting until the command pod models are all completely set in stone before I do anything else with the interiors

edit: Thanks for the offer of help. I'd probably take you up on it, except for the fact that I work in blender and Razorcane works in 3dsmax, and I think adding a third program.format into the mix would be more of a pain than anything else. On the other hand, I would like to add a lunar rover to the pack at some point. If you felt like starting to model that, I could always add it in later on.

Edited by iamaphazael
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I'll be doing the IVA's. They are going to be waiting until the command pod models are all completely set in stone before I do anything else with the interiors

edit: Thanks for the offer of help. I'd probably take you up on it, except for the fact that I work in blender and Razorcane works in 3dsmax, and I think adding a third program.format into the mix would be more of a pain than anything else. On the other hand, I would like to add a lunar rover to the pack at some point. If you felt like starting to model that, I could always add it in later on.

I would be more than happy to unwrap/texture them, but the models should probably be set in stone before I do that, because I'm not sure how they work. Also, I use SolidWorks sometimes at work, and it has the same export options as most traditional 3D programs. However, I don't really trust CAD software with video game development.

I have some Solidworks body-modeling experience, but I'm afraid I'm terrible with texturing. Still, if you need the help, I can hop in on this.

Beautiful work on the CSM. Also, Razorcane, are the IVAs done as well? I notice they aren't on your list.

I must have forgotten. No, they aren't finished, and unfortunately I don't know if I can finish them. I would be more than happy to unwrap/texture them, but I'm not sure what the game requires in terms of IVAs. Which is probably why I'll do those last, if at all. I would like to do them though, but with the redesign of the CM, the IVA itself needs to be redone.

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