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The new Star Trek


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Have you seen it? did you like it?

I don't want this thread to be a spoiler thread, but I'm interested in seeing if any trekkies liked it, me personally, I don't think it could have been done better. If you are not a trek fan, most of it will go over your head, but if you are, and you liked the last one JJ Abrams did, you are going to freak when you see this one!

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Sorry, the star trek reboots are just stupid style over substance movies.

A lot of CGI and action, but a stupid "cassual bad guy tries to kill us all" plot.

That movies has nothing to do with "Star Trek" and GRs vision of the future

and i won´t believe it will affect people as much as the old series and movies did.

Im afraid what all this crap CGI movies and stupid TV shows of today will cause

in todays kids minds. Just explosions, action, violence, sex and bad values .... in

nearly every of this summer movies of today.

This movies fill the movie companies pockets with dollars, and the peoples minds

with a lot of crap.

And when anyone tries to tell me that movies don´t influence the peoples behavior,

then tell me why someone thinks it a good idea to dress up like the joker and kill

some people? F*** the good guy, it´s cooler to be the bad guy, thats what todays

movies shows you.

Thank you hollywood.

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Sorry, the star trek reboots are just stupid style over substance movies.

A lot of CGI and action, but a stupid "cassual bad guy tries to kill us all" plot.

That movies has nothing to do with "Star Trek" and GRs vision of the future

and i won´t believe it will affect people as much as the old series and movies did.

Im afraid what all this crap CGI movies and stupid TV shows of today will cause

in todays kids minds. Just explosions, action, violence, sex and bad values .... in

nearly every of this summer movies of today.

This movies fill the movie companies pockets with dollars, and the peoples minds

with a lot of crap.

And when anyone tries to tell me that movies don´t influence the peoples behavior,

then tell me why someone thinks it a good idea to dress up like the joker and kill

some people? F*** the good guy, it´s cooler to be the bad guy, thats what todays

movies shows you.

Thank you hollywood.

The thread was for people that have seen the movie, I don't think all that was terribly necessary.

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The thread was for people that have seen the movie, I don't think all that was terribly necessary.

Yeah Devo, I agree... most uncalled for... bad form, and what not. :P

I liked the movie, I have a few problems with it, I think it moves too fast, and doesn't do any real character or plot development, because they don't have time; there is literally an action scene every 5 minutes. Add in that some of the dialogue sounds like it comes from a High School kids fan script (Im thinking of Kirk and Spock in the Engine room specifically here... sound like a conversation you'd have at the gym with a buddy (mate- for Aussie's, Pommies, Etc :) ) Plus the opening scene is pretty much a straight rip off of the opening of "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Complete with the hero's being chased by angry natives. Blatant.

Of course, I was expecting this... I watched the first one again the other day, and for the first time put on the Comentray with JJ and the writers... He basically spends the whole time talking about how he wanted to make Star Trek like Star Wars... So I knew that the franchise I love most in entertainment, is now in the hands of the George Lucas fan club... we're screwed.

That being said, I was actually surprised that the movie was as watchable as it was, but they really did pick some great actors for the parts. I smiled every time Karl Urban came on the screen... It's nice to see a Kiwi (he's from New Zealand, right? ) playing a good old southern boy, and doing it well. I like Pine and Quinto as well, I just wish the writers had given them better lines... It was also nice to see they remembered that Scotty is not supposed to be the comic relief.

In modern movie terms, it's a 7/10... compared to it's obvious competition "Wrath of Khan" or even "Space Seed" it's a 5/10 at best.

It almost seems to me like the script was half finished, and they just went ahead and started... I would have really liked to seen a finished movie.

Really hoping 3 will be better cause JJ won't be directing. At least we did actually get to see the Klingons this time. :D

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I've seen the movie.

I liked the first of the reboot movies a lot.

This one, not so much. I felt it lacked structure. There are good elements and ideas in there, but they're not strung together very well. And the first 30 minutes were entirely unnecessary. The chase scene, the volcano, the entirely-too-long hospital scenes... we don't actually meet any of the main characters (other than the Enterprise crew) until like 40 minutes into the movie!

This movie didn't know if it was a comedy, and it couldn't decide if the main villain was the hero. His motivations are either crystal clear and concrete, or inscrutable. He's either a genius or an idiot. He's either taking the moral high ground or he's a callous mass murderer.

Kirk and crew are basically just along for the ride. The actual plot hardly involves them at all; the best they can do is not die along the way, and mutter lines from the original under their breath while they're watching the one interesting character in the movie.

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I only read the OP, because I'm leaving in a few minutes to go see this. Will let you know how it is. I liked the first one. It had a lot of nods to the old series while being its own thing, which is a good way to do a time-travelling reboot. And I HATE time travel (Except for shows like Dr. Who). If you don't hate time travel, watch Star Trek Voyager start to finish and see how much you like it after you finish the final ~3 episodes.

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I only read the OP, because I'm leaving in a few minutes to go see this. Will let you know how it is. I liked the first one. It had a lot of nods to the old series while being its own thing, which is a good way to do a time-travelling reboot. And I HATE time travel (Except for shows like Dr. Who). If you don't hate time travel, watch Star Trek Voyager start to finish and see how much you like it after you finish the final ~3 episodes.

I have.


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Star Trek was the most shield kicking phaser firing cannon easter egg loaded movie I could have asked for. Star Trek is alive my friends warp factor 10 for some great stories on the 1701 yet to come with a dynamic and engaging cast. If we are lucky we might even get a TV show off it. As is we will see some good exploration hopefully in the next movie.

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I have.


And Future Janeway was possibly the worst ending they could have come up with. "Everyone dies" would have been better.

Anyway, just got back. I thought this movie was decent, but only if you keep in mind that it's a completely new series, and that Kirk isn't quite the same Kirk as in the show. I do wish they'd spent more time on character development, but that applies to any movie. Books are always going to be far superior in that regard.

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JJ Abrams is a butcher

he should have his eye lids sewn open and forced to watch the Twilight series until he goes insane

my luck the little twerp probably thinks that is a good story line too

Trekkies everywhere are bowing their heads in shame at what he has done

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JJ Abrams is a butcher

he should have his eye lids sewn open and forced to watch the Twilight series until he goes insane

my luck the little twerp probably thinks that is a good story line too

Trekkies everywhere are bowing their heads in shame at what he has done

Wow, I've been watching Star Trek for over 30 years and I couldn't disagree more. You can't make Star Trek like they used to, the younger generation just wouldn't take on. They will watch the new ones, gain interest then eventually watch the old ones, that's what my kids did anyway.

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I'm surprised at the number of negative comments regarding the new Star Trek franchise*, many of which follow the same predictable formula: Too many explosions and lens flares, Gene Roddenberry wouldn't have liked it, J.J. Abrams is a blundering monster who strangles puppies for fun, etc.

I could refute these point by point (as others have done), but that would be a massive waste of time. Instead, I will simply say this: I've been a life-long trek fan, and it is clear to me, as it must be to any reasonable observer, that the J.J. Abrams reboot has been the best thing to happen to Star Trek in nearly 20 years. Remember that back in 2005, when Star Trek: Enterprise was canceled, it wasn't just that particular show that was ending; the entire franchise had just about run out of steam. So many spin-offs had been made already, there didn't seem to be any way to move forward and preserve the essence of what Star Trek was while attracting enough viewership to make the whole thing worthwhile. Star Trek was dead. Then in 2009 the reboot came out and suddenly Star Trek was back, and it was good, and popular, and most importantly it had an exciting future ahead of it again. And it really was Star Trek, from the first moments of the film, I remember feeling like I was back in a very familiar place, even though there were strange new aliens and gratuitous lens flares and spaceships with almost TARDIS-like mismatches of interior space vs. exterior extent. I disagree with some commenters in that I really feel that this new Star Trek has heart, it really is about likable characters and human stories, and it preserves the optimism of the original show.

Of course I'm not saying there aren't flaws, there are. From wonky sets (it doesn't matter how hard you try J.J, a brewery is still a brewery!), to wonky science (how the hell does a black hole absorb all the radiation released by a supernova that has already happened?), to the fact that every planet is somehow just a few minutes of warp flight away, there are certainly issues that should be pointed out and things that could have been done better. But I hope anyone who decides to tear apart these new films will take the same critical view of the older films and series, because the honest truth is they had faults too, some of which were quite serious. I mean, why do we need a Lt. Barclay appearance in Star Trek: First Contact, can't that guy just go away, like forever? And in the original show the Enterprise encounters another god-like alien entity every week, which is implausible, and the first episode of The Next Generation, "Encounter at Farpoint", is weird, and in Generations the whole Nexus-caused time-loop thing doesn't make sense, and Kirk just gets killed by a collapsing bridge after a total of maybe 30 minutes on screen. Not to mention Star Trek The Motion Picture and Star Trek: Insurrection are boring. Don't get me wrong, they're interesting, but you have to admit, you really don't want to watch those if you're sleepy. And what's this silly rule about not showing the ships upside down? I'm very glad J.J. Abrams broke that one in the first film.

I very much liked 2009's Star Trek, and I just saw Star Trek Into Darkness today and thought it was a terrific Trek film, well worth the 4 year wait. But if you didn't like them please remember that the rest of the franchise is still there, and thanks to these new movies a lot more people will be watching it again.

*I've heard many people call it "nuTrek", is that the popularly accepted term? It's got a nice ring to it.

Edited by SpaceSphere
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HEY, YOU LEAVE BARCLAY ALONE, HE'S A COOL GUY. When he's not playing God in the holodeck. Or crushing on Diana. Or talking. Okay, maybe he did suck. But even he had his moments!

I wonder if they'll do new versions of TNG, DS9, or Voyager. I hope so. Those captains were my favorite.

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I enjoyed the movie a lot although perhaps I'm too much of a fan not to enjoy it. My favorite pet peeve though, currently, is as follows (and I think this does not constitute a spoiler in any way but if you're skittish or don't trust me, look away now):

I happened to watch the movie in '4DX' (which may be marketed by different names in different countries?), meaning with extra effects such as moving chairs and air circulation.

So, not only do we get to see the Enterprise go to warp with a loud 'wish-bang!' and the accompanying visual effects; now, we also *feel* the woosh of wind blowing as it does so! For sc... I mean, for entertainment! That really grinds my gears, if you get the reference.

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I liked it. I loved the references to the original movie (Wrath of Khan). Though I did find it hard to watch the spaceflight scenes after my experience with KSP. :P

I found it a bit convenient that earth's gravity didn't seem to kick in on the debris until it also kicked in on the ships.

I had a similar response to one of the scenes on Oblivion. Astronaut is rendezvousing with something, he explicitly says the closing velocity is like 200m/s or something, then he points the ship at the target and does a burn with its main engines to brake. THATS NOT HOW YOU RENDEZVOUS! YOU ARE A TERRIBLE ASTRONAUT. Then later he does a burn with retro rockets. Why not use those when you're supposed to!?

But tbh, movies are always going to have things like that.

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Think I'll give this one a pass.

I've always been a fan of Trek, and liked the first remake for what it was... a unique story with an original plotline- even if it was an impossible and unrealistic one (the whole 'cadets forced into action and one becomes captain' thing, not the 'spacehips and aliens' thing). Now that they have merely decided that they are gonna rehash the entire franchise, trying to remake every single movie with the same main characters, they have lost me. If I want Khan, the perfect one already exists.

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I found it a bit convenient that earth's gravity didn't seem to kick in on the debris until it also kicked in on the ships.

I had a similar response to one of the scenes on Oblivion. Astronaut is rendezvousing with something, he explicitly says the closing velocity is like 200m/s or something, then he points the ship at the target and does a burn with its main engines to brake. THATS NOT HOW YOU RENDEZVOUS! YOU ARE A TERRIBLE ASTRONAUT. Then later he does a burn with retro rockets. Why not use those when you're supposed to!?

But tbh, movies are always going to have things like that.


I found it a bit iffy that Earth's gravity kicked in, at full strength, at the moon. If the Enterprise is supposed to be not in orbit, but hovering, when not travelling some-place, it should collide with the moon. And even then, the astronauts should be weightless.

If anything, that would make the events more harrowing (no atmo to brake in, can't just deploy a thousand parachutes). This is actually a really good idea for a part of a story.

Then again, shouldn't the escape pods be able to make it into some orbit? They're only realistically useful right near Earth (unless you have a virch pod or a sleeper pod).

Which is where they are.

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