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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I went to Mun for the first time (manned) the other day, but lost my science objects in the ocean on return, so today I sent an unmanned science ship with strutted science-things.

I discovered on re-entry that I forgot my parachutes.

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I went to Mun for the first time (manned) the other day, but lost my science objects in the ocean on return,

If you do another manned mission and don't want this to happen again, it might be easier if you EVA and collect all the science, so you can put it in the crew capsule.

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I went to Mun for the first time (manned) the other day, but lost my science objects in the ocean on return, so today I sent an unmanned science ship with strutted science-things.

I discovered on re-entry that I forgot my parachutes.

...Welcome to KSP :D
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I went to Mun for the first time (manned) the other day, but lost my science objects in the ocean on return, so today I sent an unmanned science ship with strutted science-things.

I discovered on re-entry that I forgot my parachutes.

At least you didn't try to use parachutes on the Mun.

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Designed an awesome looking SSTO, more than capable of orbiting at 80km.

Re-entering? It turns out COM is behind COL, so Jeb was giving an incredible (if unintentional) air acrobatics display consisting mainly of flips and weird yawing culminating in uncontrollable spinning.

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I tried to reach a new goal by making a huge SSTO spaceplane to get a Orange Jumbo 64 tank into orbit.

Sadly I lose lift just under 20km altitude so it will probably need a large tri wing instead of a bi wing. And I'm actually curious wether my goal is achievable. I'm not even sure if I can manage the intake to keep the engines running when I achieve to get any higher.

Any thoughts?

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I rendezvoused in Eve orbit (for the first time ever) to refuel my tug for the trip home. It made me feel like I was rendezvousing for the first time ever again, seeing a familiar sight above a different planet to Kerbin. I'm very pleased with myself :)


Plenty of leftover fuel and the next transfer window back is a year away, so I think I might go and visit Moho.

I also made a little picture to help other people understand bi-elliptic inclination change transfer orbits:


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I did some speculative engineering. If something like the Space Shuttle were economically viable at Kerbin, how would the kerbals build it? It might look quite different from the NASA shuttle, but it should still be essentially the same: launch like a rocket, drop spent stages during ascent, carry something useful to orbit, and land like a plane. To be competitive with SSTOs, it should be fully reusable and use only cheap engines.


This is what I came up with: an 11-kerbal crew shuttle with four big SRBs and three LV-T30 engines.


The big SRBs are kind of like basic jet boosters: by the time they become useless, the ship should be at around 15 km, flying 500 m/s to 45 degrees.



The first model had too little fuel to be useful after reaching orbit, but it proved the concept. Maybe I'll eventually replace my crew shuttles with something similar.

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I was a bit all over the place. MacGyver Kerman pulled off an unlikely landing back at Kerbin all the way from jool in his Ion Plane. (unfortunately it broke on impact and he rolled 2k). Added a colonial barn to the Minimus Ranch and Smeed Kerman tested out a new Lathe Lander with rocket pop off top to get rid of science weight before launch.






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I finally decided to try and intercept an asteroid outside of Kerbin's SOI. I also *just* unlocked nuclear tech so I could toss a few LVNs on the ship. I managed to set up an closest approach of only 270km when the rock is still 9d out all from low kerbin orbit. I'm feeling kinda proud.

What I'd like to really do, though, is set it in a captured, retrograde orbit so that it impacts Minmus at some point. I've almost finished setting up my seismometer network and I'd like to toss something really big at it for an impact experiment!

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Managed a Kerbin descent-ascent-Munorbit mission while testing an uprated version of my Duna Lander. This should, therefore, be capable of a Laythe mission (most likely it'll need a transfer stage, though.) Also found out that I was terrible at low TWR landings on Mun - the lander can doubles as an ion-lander that I managed to land on Minmus previously. (Note: I haven't actually calculated if it has a TWR above 1 when on Mun, but I'm pretty sure...)

Full details (and pictures) here.

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