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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Today I finished up my F-15 that I started a few days ago. Comes with a terrible kicking 80's paint job and two Null-rays that can make electrical devices stop working with a single shot... according to the Wikipedia page.


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Note: it's still ugly :cool:

The front reminds me of a fly's proboscis - not to inappropriate for a flying thing. :wink:

Maybe move some intakes closer to the front as big eyes and leave some space between the wings ... :P

(Hm, I might actually try that this afternoon. :D )

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First post!

Successfully landed, Science'd, and returned to Kerbin from the Mun today. I had been practising landing a probe for days before finally working up the guts to send Jeb up there.

Although I'm looking forward to the day where Munshots and successful landings are routine for me, I'm unashamed to say I felt pretty darn proud of myself when my command pod splashed down at the end of the mission.

Now planning a larger scale mission to Mun, with 3 Kerbalnauts and a rover. Still a lot of science to be had.

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Although I'm looking forward to the day where Munshots and successful landings are routine for me, I'm unashamed to say I felt pretty darn proud of myself when my command pod splashed down at the end of the mission.

Congrats! Yeah, that first time is really fantastic. I had the same feeling. That splashdown was just pure awesomeness. :)

Once you've done it a few times, you can go back whenever you want with confidence. :)

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Yesterday I made a rover that can hook to the underside of the Seagull lander, and (hopefully) detach once on the surface. It has room for 2 Kerbals on it and has a goo can, Gravioli scanner, temp guage, and a seismometer to travel to a second biome after landing. I am debating putting a materials bay on it as well as of right now it tucks nicely into the launch craft. In the pic the probe body was only added to get it onto the launch pad, and is not actually part of the design.


I know there are other rovers out there that look more "realistic", but I prefer functional over fashionable, plus the real lunar rover was really Kerbal-esk when you look at. I may change out the wheels on it later, but for now it is still in the testing phase. I may also use this in my oral communications class for our demonstration speech that I have to; "How to Get to the Moon" or something. Ah college level learning made easy with KSP!

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After reading that the russians successfully tested a Topol-M missile today, I decided to design something similiar in KSP. Infernal Robotics is your friend here. Et voilá, the "Raketenträger 1" ("missile carrier 1"):


Ready for launch:




FAR makes this flying like a dream. A dream made out of solid fuel.


Through the clouds. Even with DRE, it doesn't burn up at ~2200 m/s.


Can go intercontinental? Check.


Edited by Stahlwerk
Image link #2 was broken
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I docked for the first in Kerbin orbit.

It may not look like much but it means a lot to me.


Weirdly I have docked once before but it was in mun orbit.


Next I will launch my manned mission to Duna.

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Today I finished up my F-15 that I started a few days ago. Comes with a terrible kicking 80's paint job and two Null-rays that can make electrical devices stop working with a single shot... according to the Wikipedia page.


Starscream? Is that you?

Do not mess with the Kraken man... never... O_____o"

They called me mad, but I will show them a real space program!

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I docked for the first in Kerbin orbit.

It may not look like much but it means a lot to me.

That's almost exactly the same spaceship design I used to dock for the first time.

Enough RCS to fly yourself to the Mun and back, all used for docking...

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I docked for the first in Kerbin orbit.

It may not look like much but it means a lot to me.


Weirdly I have docked once before but it was in mun orbit.


Next I will launch my manned mission to Duna.

Good job! I know how elating it can be to get it to work the first couple of times.

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Hello everyone. I went to the Mun and back with Bob, using the Demo of KSP (will prolly get the full game one of these days - its amazing :D ).

After a couple of failed attempts, I finally got the landing approach right and landed in one piece... well... just ignore the two landing legs that came off. It remained a stable platform. :)


And this is the monster that brought me there. The Titan 1b. Probably a slightly outdated design by todays standard. But using the old demo, one has to accept compromises to get all the gear to the target and back. :huh:


Shortly after take-off... all those boosters make my computer yell and scream at me, while going at 0.5 FPS or so. :confused:


In orbit, gaining speed for the trip to the Mun...


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Hello everyone. I went to the Mun and back with Bob, using the Demo of KSP (will prolly get the full game one of these days - its amazing :D ).

Congrats on getting that frame killer to not blow up the system :wink:. Just in case you didn't know Steam has the full version on sale right now for $16.19, the offer ends in 21 hours or so from now.

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Did a major reworking of my "Kylon" heavy cargo SSTO. I replaced the S3-7200s and replaced them with an X200-32 and an adapter, cutting weight by a significant amount.

Old version:


New version


This one actually made it into orbit


Its really stable, and handles reentry like a champ.


Landing was a little rougher than I would have liked, maybe because my framerate started chugging once I got close to the KSC. I really ought to get rid of the clutter I have lying around, flying a 200 part spaceplane is hard enough without a prototype modular surface base tanking the processor at the same time.


It's still very much a WIP as there are a number of flaws in the current design

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Had a pair of HSOC Peregines lingering up in orbit. I can't remember for the life of me why I had them both up there, except for the possibility that I was thinking of slapping them on a TranStar carrier bound for Laythe.


Anyway, the newer HSOC Kestrel has come along to surpass the Peregrine, so it was time to bring those puppies back home. Well, one of them at least. Once the pilots had played enough rounds of Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock to be satisfied which one was the best to bring back, they took up their seats and began the retro-burn.

Once the burn was completed, they scavenged all the fuel they could from the other bird, and cut it loose to see how it fared on re-entry.


As they slowed into maneuvering speeds, Kurt lifted the nose, while Wilfred took a short time-lapse of the impending impact below. It went on for some time, and both agreed it was "pretty kool" to watch.


A few minutes later, the remaining Peregrine landed smoothly and rolled up to the SPH. There was no gathering of press or onlookers to welcome them back, as TranStar had never announced their mission, nor were they apparently willing to publicly admit they'd completely forgotten about the flight for the last two weeks. >_<

- - - Updated - - -

I only learned a couple days ago that you can use the mouse wheel on maneuver node controls to make fine adjustments. o_O

...and now you've just taught another player that the feature even exists! Thank you! :D

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I landed a Class D asteroid today from a highly inclined orbit. I was aiming for KSC but due to instability of my de-orbit stage, I was lucky to get it down on land at all.







FYI, 36 parachutes weren't enough to land a 300 ton rock safely; all the parts on my parachute pods broke off and exploded except for the Claws. And this. Take a look at the velocity meter (it's about 15.6% of the speed of light):


Already out of the solar system and headed towards infinity. :)


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