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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Well I changed my mind. I went ahead and sent the first section of my Munar Science Station out and so far so good. At the moment it's a lab, a hitchhiker container, some antennas / monoprop / batteries / science equipment, and a few spots to dock modules. Either shortly or tomorrow I'll be sending up some fuel tanks, crew for the lab (because I forgot), a lander or two and probably an escape pod capable of getting back to Kerbin on minimal fuel. This is going to end up hitting my wallet pretty hard but it'll be worth it, if nothing else for the accomplishment since I've never had a station outside of LKO unless you count a small tanker here and there for emergencies.


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@smysha Yeah I don't like the budget system aswell. I wish the contracts would've been in Science Sandbox mode, only thing I don't like is the money, it just limits creativity (I.E you can't build a 500 part rocket right off the bat and melt your PC) but I really like progression thats why I play the old carrier mode and only it. Sandbox = no progression -- New Career mode = Has limits

On another note: I landed a small base on Duna, and it also had a rover attached, in total there are 9 kerbals on that one way trip rocket, I had really much trouble landing it because I kept landing on slopes and I tipped over so many times, good thing I quicksaved.

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Oh holy...

This is aweswome!!!

But TWR and turning speed must be horrible.

1 m/s^2, so the escape burn will total about 1 hour over multiple passes. The ship is over 400 parts to so I can't time warp.

It will be fun.

Anyways, made this orthographic view of the launcher fleet plus some iconic space craft :)


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Nice graphic, Maccollo!

Well, I decided to check all my current transfer windows, and Alex Moon's pointed me I just had a Moho window open. I dive in immediately!

When I was outside Kerbin SOI, I noticed my manouver nodes weren't getting anywhere close to the target, and I figured out the Moho phase angle was actually at 3º, when I believe it should be at ~-251º.

Reverted flight. May we visit Moho another day.

Also, installed Protractor for future inquiry.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/3Chrb/embed"></iframe>

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I've done alot in the last week:

I finished a Dres mission:

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Sent a habitat and rover to Jeb stranded on Eve:

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Worked on my mission to both Pol and Vall with one ship:

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And did my first kerballed Moho mission (to be finished soon):

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And since I now have landed on every planet:

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1 m/s^2, so the escape burn will total about 1 hour over multiple passes. The ship is over 400 parts to so I can't time warp.

It will be fun.

Anyways, made this orthographic view of the launcher fleet plus some iconic space craft :)


Is there a tool that makes those orthographic views or did you make them by hand? Cool either way.

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Woah so many amazing posts today.

Today I continued my voyage with the KRSS - Explorer I. I decided to use Mechjeb instead of the Kerbal Clock to calculate the departure times for my mission because Kerbal clock has a strange way of doing it. For instance, there is a difference of one year if I wanted to depart from Moho to go to Eeloo and to me, the calculations of Mechjeb seems more accurate than Kerbal Clock.

So my next destination was Dres and I had less than a k-day (Kerbal day = 6h) to depart from Moho. I launched my lander and rendez-vous with the rest of the ship.



After some time I arrived near Dres and parked in a circular orbit. There I undocked my lander and landed on the ground of this lonely and usually forgotten planet.





Bill Kerman is the first and only kerbal to step on this planet, the other two (Jeb and Bob) didn't want to go outside because it reminded them to much of the Mun. Bill was happy to poke the planet and plant the flag.


My next destination will be Gilly, the departure from Dres will be in 122 k-days to Eve. It will be also the first time that the KRSS - Explorer I will be doing an aerocapture. The future of this really long mission looks bright and purple.

Edited by Jon Tash
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After launching core module for my Kerbin Station today I had launched two more modules - Service Module and Docking Module. All that is been done while waiting for Moho probe to enter Moho SOI. After those 2 modules were launched first 3-Kerbal (Dercan, Dudrick, Ansted) crew launched to the station. They will wait for supply ship to arrive with lifesupport supplies and space to store and deorbit unnecessary pieces from the station (few solar panels that were placed on to keep station alive while service module was on its way and RCS thrusters that were used to dock new modules to the core).




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Maintenance day... i ferried new crew and an orange tank to my orbital station.


Frank_G... is that the "Black Knight" (from NASA's STS-88) I see there on the right?!?!?!!! :D


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Today I sent fuel tanks to my Mun Science Station in progress, and built a surface science truck using Modular Multiwheels. Just noticed one fuel line isn't connected on the truck. Oh well.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/oSP3D/embed"></iframe>

Edited by Duke23
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Wall cars!





It's an ordeal to get the jet engine activation and flip-up rocket firing timed well enough to actually get on the wall, but once you've gone through the 90-degree pitch without losing a wheel, it's a blast.

This car is actually surprisingly good at going around the outside corners, but doing so too fast can bust wheels, which are really hard to fix if you're not on a level surface.

It can also accidentally become a VTOL:


I've managed to land it safely a couple of times after that happening, but getting back to the wall so far evades me. Doing fine maneuvers with jet engines is tricky with the spin up/down time.

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I started work on a Space Station, never did that before so was entertaining. Got 2 of the cosmo-pack solar panels to supplement my existing parts, managed to put into a 28'900'000m orbit what is the core of my station (and the biggest, and unbalanced piece of the lot).

It seems the large cosmo solar panels cannot be made to face the direction I had planned them to look, but will try and assemble more of the station and see what it will become. If successful, next step is to build it around Pol.

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Landed my unmanned science lander on Vall, and a modified version (with extra engines to assist with landing) of the same lander on Tylo. I have now landed on all the all the bodies in the stock kerbol system.

Also, while organizing my Vall lander's encounter, I accidentally let my Manned lander that was returning from Laythe overshoot its encounter. Thankfully I managed to spot it early enough that I could get another encounter in less than a Kerbin year as it was overdesigned enough to have 4 k/s Delta V remaining after its original encounter was obtained from Laythe orbit.

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1 m/s^2, so the escape burn will total about 1 hour over multiple passes. The ship is over 400 parts to so I can't time warp.

It will be fun.

Anyways, made this orthographic view of the launcher fleet plus some iconic space craft :)


The banana for scale helped me determine well the size of these rockets. ;-]

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