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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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While waiting for my next probe to arrive at Duna's SOI, I fulfilled a Kerbal-and-capsule retrieval contract, again using a Klaw, but making sure to land on land this time (last time, I lost the retrieved item when I hit water). There was a spectacular explosion upon landing, but for the life of me, I can't see what exploded. All equipment and Kerbals recovered safely. But I think I need to take another look at the retrieval method, and maybe do it using some sort of cargo bay instead of carrying the thing externally, which appears to be rather iffy.

Also redesigned and simplified my workhorse "Horus" Kerbin-orbit spacecraft.

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Last night I finished mopping up the mess from a couple of days before. Spent a lot of time re-organizing and reclassing probes, stations, etc. into different mission types, so I could better keep track of what was important and what wasn't at this point in my career save. I also reviewed my science archives for Mun to see what still needed to be done there science-wise; I've still got a good deal of harvestable sci from Mun. Hopefully it'd be enough to finish out my tech tree. Also just need another √550k or so to finish upgrading KSC to the max; Tracking Station's the only thing still Level 2.

So after taking care of the administrative BS, I launched Jeb and his group of tourists off from the surface of Mun and had them rendezvous with the Munport space station. I might need to look into lowering the station's orbit at some point; right now she's at 150k, way too high for Mun (but where the out-of-fuel Project Peacock was when the station arrived, hence the high orbit). The lander that batch of folks is in is supposed to be permanently assigned to Mun, so I'll need to go pick them up at some point (I'm low on cash, so that needs to be sooner rather than later, probably).

That's pretty much it for last night, though I also re-designed my space station refinery module to include a large ore tank for incoming deliveries; I don't have any of those deployed at the moment but they'll be important for maintaining infrastructure in the Kerbin planetary system (especially over Mun; that place makes me guzzle gas for some reason). Right now I'm waiting for a space station to arrive in orbit of Minmus (will happen in two hours) so that I can refuel Bill's Project Peacock craft, which will fix the Sojourner probe over Minmus, which will let the damn thing do its job and let me beginning mining operations on Minmus's surface. I'm also supposed to deliver 400 units of ore from Mun to Kerbin; I've got plans to design a spaceplane capable of the final delivery from LKO to the planet's surface. It occurs to me that I'll probably need to build some kind of craft capable of doing the transfer burn as well. I've got a rescue mission over Kerbin to do; I should be able to knock that one out easily enough, and another one over Minmus which will depend on how soon I can get a ship out there to do it.

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After clearly visualizing what I wanted to build today while at work, I got home and started a mission in my my scarce free time during the week.

I learned (I hope...) I am not one of those geniuses or long-time KSP elites who can design things in 45 minutes flat.

KSC: "Jebediah, your trajectory looks great. That's it until you reach Minmus."

Jebediah: "Hey KSC, got the manual for this spiffy new lander handy?"

KSC: "Is there a problem, Jeb?"

Jebediah: "Not exactly. I was just wondering where all the science equipment was."

KSC: "..."

Jebediah: "Also, the rumors about me being on a diet are entirely false. I wish you'd packed more snacks for a mission of this duration."

KSC: "Duration?"

Jebediah: "Well there weren't any parachutes so I assumed the flight plan had me coming back after you launch that space station you keep talking about - and that's, what, next month?"

KSC: "..."

Sigh. KSP just isn't a game you can cram in between long shifts. I can't revert now, either; it's all saved over. And I'm using TAC-LS, which means I'm going to have to launch a rescue.

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Started my first Career game after completing the Science Mode last night (although I'm sure I'll still play it - my Minmus rover drill is still a good way from completing the tour I embarked upon and Moho remains the only other planet I've "visited" (OK, crashed into!)).

I've taken a few tourists on sub-orbital hops, tested out some experimental equipment and finished off with my first orbital flight, levelling up Jeb. Not bad going for an afternoons play, even if I do say so myself! :)

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I love how much clearance there is between the pilot seat and the rotor. It seems perfectly safe (by Kerbal standards). :)

Lol, at first the Kerbals were very, very careful around the rotors. But after being on Duna for nearly 6 years, they've gotten a little careless :P It's like they think they're immortal!

I think that prop is low enough that when it's off, one of the blades clips thru the pilot's helmet :P Used this one because the pretty one doesn't work on Duna... yet.

Edited by Slam_Jones
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Considering the power of the Firespitter electric engines you probably could have gone smaller lol :P

Indeed, I could have easily gone smaller. I actually Tweakscaled the one you see to make it bigger :P It just looks silly with tiny little blades.

Basically trying to find a good compromise between "looks good" and "actually works." The one you see above falls much further into the second category, in that it works on Duna and Kerbin, but looks like... well you can see it.

The one below is only in the first (it looks awesome, and works on Kerbin... it just fails to produce ANY thrust on Duna :\ ), so I may have to edit the cfgs a bit.


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I had an "interesting" session today. Yesterday I put a Duna base into a 60x60 km orbit. Tonight I landed it on Duna, which was a challenge to say the least. The landing system relied on areo-braking and a parachute assisted suicide burn. Needless to say this is a knife edge maneuver and was very difficult for me to do. My design could have used more parachutes and a bit more power, but I did eventually put it down in a very hard but survivable landing in a great location!

After disposing of the descent stage (see pic below) I was able to switch back to the base and take some screen shots and pat myself on my back for pulling it off. Then I switched to tracking station and soon noticed that my brand new base no longer exists :(

Very disappointing. Much sorrow. So sucky.

Here is the base with descent stage separating from the transfer stage (which has plenty of dV left, but unfortunately I did not use a docking port on it).


On the surface with descent stage still attached:


The descent stage separates, launches and pitches over to dispose of itself:


My awesome :P base on Duna:



Edited by KerBlammo
fixed typos
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Developed, prototyped and released a supersonic aircraft using my usual partner in crime GarrisonChisholm's "Space Tuna" fuselage concept, consisting of a sideways Mk2 fuselage for drag reduction and increased fuel fraction.


The A-4X Ultra Skyhawk is a fictional development of the famous Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, with vastly increased fuel capacity and SSTO engines for training spaceplane pilots. It is also a capable Mach 5.2 fighter/attack aircraft for small nationstates; dependable, affordable and equally capable in both naval and land based service without the trillion dollar price tags associated with contemporary "joint service" craft development projects.

Craft Thread

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Landed Jeb, Bill, and Bob on the Mun in a completely stock game for the first time:


I'd done every individual maneuver needed for such a mission without MechJeb before, but never all of them on the same mission; wanted to satisfy myself that I could. Still, was reminded why I installed MechJeb--and KJR!--in the first place. Completing a mission once with no autopilot, no delta-v information, and a noodle rocket was an interesting challenge; doing it a hundred times in career mode would drive me nuts.

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Last night was spent on a rescue-plane design. I figured I'd try to design a plane by winging it, without the formulas I developed for use with FAR. After I got to flying the thing, I remembered why I developed formulas for use with FAR in the first place. Let's just say when it comes to giving a plane enough pitch authority, I suck. Will be going back to the drawing board tonight if I can catch a break for once.

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Slapped togeather a 5 minute VTOL and added Throttle Controlled Avionics. Duna hear I come :)

Mechjeb fights it a little but its better then plowing into the Duna sand like I was doing yesterday....


I got a similar idea yesterday, as well. After crashing the D-3Contructor, Mission Control on Kerbin decided to make some changes. Now, it's VTOL for all!

The first contender was the D-4 Skimmer transport plane, which can now take-off and land with incredible precision. No more "finally coming to a stop 2km past the base," no sir!

Uses two Infernal Robotics rototron, for the two propellors, and can acheive much higher speed than the last model.

Here it is, hanging out in front of Duna City.


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