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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Working on the arrival of the Eve fleet in my 1.0.2 career. There's six ships, and each one has to make a course correction, an orbital insertion burn, a plane change, a circularization burn, and then a variety of other maneuvers to get it to its ultimate destination (Gilly, Eve surface, or rendezvous in low Eve orbit).




A new Nuclear Aqualung, "Violet," went up from KSC to replace "Cyan," which will probably be towing some base modules to Jool at the next window and will therefore be gone at least a few years.




SS Phoebe arrived first in the Eve system, carrying the science and power modules for the Eve station.



Starlet Constance flew a tourism and crew rotation mission to the SS Rumfoord in Kerbin orbit.




Phoebe rendezvoused with Super Aqualung "Red" and the Eve station core in low Eve orbit. With the modules assembled, the station manned, and a few EVA reports collected for the lab, the station (still officially unnamed) is now operational, awaiting the arrival of the various Eve landing craft.

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When last we left our heroic Kerbals, they were stranded at the north Mohole with no hope of escape. Well, I figured, I just can't leave them there. Not on Moho. Eve, sure, that's a given, Joolian moon, ok, at least there's a nice view, well probably, but not Moho. Not the literal cornhole of the Kerbalverse. Like they said in that movie about the guy, bring 'em back! The Ussaris can wait a week! (WARNING VERY PIC HEAVY! PREPARE YOUR BANDWIDTH!)



Fortunately, this stranding just happened to happen right in a nice Kerbin->Moho transfer window. So I slapped together a rescue ship:



It, um, had some problems at first...



But anyway, it was soon on its way! No fiddly electric propulsion here, good ol' chemical reactions with lots of FIRE and high thrust for an accurate burn!



The transfer stage was SO big... (how big was it?) that it still had a kilometer & a half per second of delta-V left when the ship reached Moho's SOI. So that cut a nice LOUSY FRIGGIN LESS THAN A FIFTH of the capture burn off (I hate Moho!).



Slow, efficient electric propulsion for the remaining 5km/s(!) of the capture burn. Plenty of solar power out here at least. And, of course, the rescue ship comes in at a near perfect 90* angle to the inclination it NEEDS to be in. So swing out from periapse just to the edge of Moho SOI, fix the inclination, then circularize & rendezvous. Only a few hundred m/s left in the stage now, but its mission is done.



There's also a couple of KIS boxes of supplies for an extended mission! OK, this is actually going well, right? Ah yes, there's the waiting Moho station now...



Final checkout complete, electric powered lander detached...



The lander begins its descent toward the Mohole. It's about this point I realize I'm landing something that absolutely needs gobs of solar power in a place of eternal shadow... Oops.



Against all odds (and after several tries), the rescue lander sets down only a kilometer & a half away from our stranded heroes. It runs on an argon-fueled electric engine (Near Future Propulsion) that can be "throttled" between efficient & powerful. It was a balancing act, full efficient doesn't have enough thrust to counteract Moho's minor gravity, and full power... still barely has enough thrust to counteract Moho's minor gravity. 



Yet the lander alights, and the stranded crew rejoice! Good thing I didn't pick that other hill behind this one... On the ground and full solar power still available. Which, as it turns out, was only enough to run the engine at 80%. No wonder it lacked power...



With rescue now FULLY ASSURED, yessiree, no chance anything could POSSIBLY go wrong now, we're good to go, flight!, after several months cooped up in a tin can with Chuck, Gweniella finally ventures out onto the surface. She seems quite happy. Probably because she can't smell Chuck anymore.



Quit screwing around Chuck, we're professionals.



SRSLY, quit it, Chuck! Staaaaahp. Don't be weird & stuff!



Anyways, with rescue FULLY ASSURED KERBIN WE DON'T HAVE NO PROBLEMS NUH UH, our intrepid and fragrant young Kerbals set out on the seismic rover to run a seismic experiment. About this point, I realize the futility of trying to operate a rover with no SAS units in hilly terrain that's become quite top heavy with two intrepid and fragrant young Kerbals on it...



So, escape on the seismic rover, not gonna work. Nice going, there, Chuck. Next time, let her drive. But wait! there's a spare!



But wait! there's a spare!


Yeah the backup general science rover didn't work too well either.

So, back to the old school Mündays of flying everywhere on jetpacks! After an amount of time spent ragdolling along the surface that no one involved will actually admit to, our beleaguered pair at last board the rescue lander!



The rendezvous is uneventful, the supply ship docks with the lander and tops off its argon tanks for a second landing attempt. Gweniella and Chuck return to the Moho station and head right for the space shower while Haycia and Lagercia take their places on the lander. No, their parents didn't like them much.



Right about this time I realize that Chuck needs to go back down too. He's the only engineer, and will be needed to set up the surface science package from the KIS boxes. So, Haycia tries to return to the station, and



The Curse of Moho has stuck again. I am unable to extricate either Kerbal from their command seats without ending up with some truly spectacular debris fields, like this:



and this:



and also this:


One or the other invariably explodes during all this, too, hmm...

Chuck goes to offer his support. In a desperate, last-ditch effort, good ol' Chuck will try to unseat the ladies with his trusty power screwdriver. Um, wait that didn't sound right...



Right or wrong, IT WORKS! In no time, the other two are safely extracted with only a minimum of shooting-away-at-high-velocities by treating them like cargo, grabbing them with KIS, and plugging them on the radiator. 


Wait that sounded wrong too...

Well anyways, at this point the crew is of the unanimous consensus of "BUGGER THIS FOR A BUNCH OF BANANAS LET'S GET THE FLAPPITY FLARP AWAY FROM THIS SUN-BLIGHTED PLANET!"
It's time to go home.


The Moho station has also now convinced its self that its solar arrays are closed when they are, in fact, quite open.

The crew gather in the return ship, detach from the station, and go to rendezvous with the original transfer stage. Which has no probe core and so is listed as junk, so now must be sorted out from all the other junk now orbiting Moho.



Finally, rendezvous is made. Chuck is again called into action to slap a MechJeb box on the return stage to stop its tumbling.



Docking, incredibly, proceeds without a hitch.



The crew is right. Let's get the flappity flarp away from this sun-blighted planet. I hate you, Moho. I hate you so much.


The return is again, fortunately, uneventful. Even though there's more than 10 km/s d/v left in the transfer stage, any thoughts of keeping are quickly disgarded as I'M NEVER GOING NEAR THAT GLARBITYFLARBING PLACE EVER AGAIN! LET IT BURN! LET IT BURRRRRRN!



Our five brave Kerbals finally land safely. All that trouble and the mission only brings back a lousy 3000 science.








I hate you, Moho. I hate you like a hateful thing hates something really hate-able. I hate you. IhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyou.


I hate you.



Bugger this for a bunch of bananas I'm going back to Ussari!


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I accidentally built a rotational Kraken drive (Kraken gyroscope?) by adding modded-in grid fins to my Mun flyby probe's free-return instrument package; it nearly destroyed the (expensive) Mun-survey satellite it was co-launched with.

Craft file to follow after I've had some sleep.

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After issues launching light but bulky payloads on top of rockets, I repackaged my survey satellite (ScanSat and RemoteTech) to fit in a Mk2 cargo bay, with the intention of then designing an SSTO spaceplane to deliver them to orbit 2 at time.  I'm new to spaceplanes since version 0.something and may have got a bit carried away having discovered that SSTO's seem to be a lot easier now.


There's a 5th one in the cargo bay in the middle too.  However 208 parts seems to be nearing the limit of my laptops's capabilities.

Unfortunately when Jeb and Bill tried to launch them they each underwent a spontaneous failure to exist and distributed their subcomponents over an area of several kilometres.  It appears some component must have been impinging on the end of the cargo bay.  An updated version has had the release mechanism checked but has not launched yet.

However I think the probes still need work, I've not actually figured out if they've got enough fuel to get to Eve, or will have enough power at Duna (plan is to leave them in a parking orbit for now and then send them to survey Minimus, Eve, Gilly, Duna and Ike as and when I get the transfer windows and contracts)



I've also been continuing the iterative design of my Kolonisation Relocation and Assembly Pickup, planning to use Kolonisation to build a big base on the Mun or Minimus, and it makes sense to keep the part count as low as I can, so I've welded the chassis to reduce around 30 parts in to 1.



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3 hours ago, Frank_G said:

Glad, you like it. I will release the craftfile this weekend, so you can compare. :)

*...sends 40 engineers off to Kiberia after 3 hours of effort leads to a craft that runs our of fuel at 16km, and goes back to pipe-bomb space-travel...*

lol.  It must be a 1.02 vs 1.05 thing.  I'll wait for the file and new physics.  :)  - but yes! Very cool.

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20 minutes ago, GarrisonChisholm said:

*...sends 40 engineers off to Kiberia after 3 hours of effort leads to a craft that runs our of fuel at 16km, and goes back to pipe-bomb space-travel...*

lol.  It must be a 1.02 vs 1.05 thing.  I'll wait for the file and new physics.  :)  - but yes! Very cool.

Definitely! My SSTOs lost all their abilities in 1.0.x... i just recently tested an old craftfile and was very surprised, seeing it work again. The 1.0.5 aerodynamic- and part-tweaks really made the game more enjoyable.

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Ahh, not much. Revisited the Pyramids.......

...Classic mode!


I built this plane intend for doing small Island Run Contracts, but it flies so darn well and sips the fuel, I just had to do a run to the pyramids.
After this I flew to KSC2.....and still have 2/3 of 240 for fuel. After that I'll head home....and hopefully still have fuel left to land at KSC.

Hmm.....this would make a interesting challenge, eh? :)


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Well... Today i was testing out an SSTO. I was waiting to get to my apoapsis, and decided i would go on a quick EVA to make sure i could get out and back in (clipped cockpit). Then, all of a sudden, my plane was gone, it just blew up!!! And my Kerbal was being hurled downwards at orbital speeds!!!! I quicky reverted, and when i did, the KSC was in the middle of an ocean. I think i got a Danny moment......


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Today I am learning how to do a clean install on Steam, because my mods are conflicting with each other in ways that make the game unplayable, like everything exploding as soon as it leaves the atmosphere while a rocket motor is running.


ETA: I may have found a fix that doesn't require such a disastrous repair. I will report back later if successful.

Probably also if not. :o

Edited by SSgt Baloo
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18 minutes ago, SSgt Baloo said:

Today I am learning how to do a clean install on Steam, because my mods are conflicting with each other in ways that make the game unplayable, like everything exploding as soon as it leaves the atmosphere while a rocket motor is running.

You mean that's not supposed to happen? :D


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6 hours ago, Veeltch said:

OK, so the KUNIV ship is under construction. Nothing fancy. There are still 2 more tanks to be added.

And I need a better name for it, because that acronym sounds pretty bad. Got any ideas, guys?

What is that vessel's destination? Its certainly cool looking.

Also, I think it should be called "Trident" (3 fuel tanks up front).

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