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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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After a quick escape attempt, there was no way near enough Delta V in those 3 little engines on the capsule, decided to re-land and save Bill

I say save...he's now stranded, but thats my 1st official, if not fully perfect landing done :D

All I need to do is work on the engines on the way down, kept pushing myself back up and yo-yo'ing, which then meant drifting side to side...

I think you might have too much Delta V on that ship, that would explain the yo-yo'in you are getting. On my single crew lander I only use on of those style of engines under and FL-T 200 tank under a FL-T 100 tank as seen here.


If your retrograde marker is not under you you will slide around a lot, best bet is to do small pulses to keep it there and speed down to under 10 m/s. Using the inside view to see how far you are from the surface helps too, I know command pods have an instrument to gauge ship distance from the ground. As far as a rescue mission goes I would use a probe with a command pod attached, this way you can fly it there unmanned and return with Jeb at the controls.

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Touched a Kerbal down onto Duna (or three) for the first time, with an Ike encounter on the way in. Managed to break two of the landing struts on a 12m/s touchdown. Not a big fan of these week .22 struts...



I was quite proud, got back to Kerbin with a little fuel to spare. Next up, an Ike landing.

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Since I messed up and WIPED A YEAR OF PROGRESS, I've been grinding science back.

Since yesterday:

A returned mission I quicksaved on; a fuel line screwup caused Jeb to be stuck out there. I built and sent up a rescue craft, before realising he was in an aerobrake orbit and didn't need to.

Launched and returned a Mun mission. With the correct fuel lines this time. A somewhat hairy landing due to excess horizontal velocity broke two landing struts, after repeated near-surface backflips. I LOVE THRUST VECTORING.

Launched and returned a Minimus mission, after a few tweaks to the lander.

Recovered the rescue ship.

Redesigned the lander, launched and returned a Mun mission.

Redesigned the lander again, added more fuel to the lifter, chucked it up again, found out I'd made the same mistake as got Jeb stranded up there the first time. While descending to the Mun. Landed, nearly tipped over, adjusted, and landed again. Discovered I forgot to add the new science bits on it ANYWAY.

Designed a rescue craft, which was basically the same thing but with a probe core and hitchhiker container instead of a lander-can.

Redesigned the lander again, with new science parts and a few tweaks.

Then I called it quits for the night, as I obviously cannot be trusted with things.

Tomorrow, I do the rescue mission, plan and possibly launch an Eve mission, and do more Science. I'm aiming to unlock the Mainsails to launch more weight before I do anything more significant, though. I need that, the Sr docking ports, and the rendezvous software for Mechjeb to get back to where I was when I messed up, which was a two-part orbital-construction Duna mission that needed a redesign and a half.

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my first post--

i have been designing some crazy stuff for the last few days, such as a car that, if you brake rolls over perfectly on a half circle of small plates (those h-shaped ones) and lands back on its feet (might post a comment about it)

also a car that is powered by giant homemade wheels turned by reaction wheels(will definitely show thatone off(its pretty sick))

but now, i have a cool little cannon that can shoot stayputniks to the end of the runway with macheffects, and looks good doing so.

also, it can quite easily target the VAB

it is powered by one torodial fuel tank and a mainsail engine running at full power(for like half a sec), at the same time, a stack seperator fires and releases the stayputlik cannonball :P

here are some pics:






enjoy ;)

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Gave up on my career mode, also gave up on my usual station building in sandbox with .23 looming I just didn't feel like putting in the work.

I did however have some fun playing with the Bargain Rocket Parts Mod

Easily my favorite parachute.


Who wants a space burger?


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The Kraken ate my god damn solar panels on my Laythe lander while it was stationary on the ground. I've had to do an emergency launch (before the batteries die) so far outside the rendezvous window that I'll have to perform the rendezvous using my giant fuel depot with the return service module attached and a single LV-N. Also because I was stupid enough to not put RCS on the service module, I'll have to undock from it, dock the fuel depot with the lander, charge the batteries, undock the lander then dock with the service module.

This whole mission has been one giant pain in the ass after another. If Jeb and crew make it home it'll be a minor miracle.

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Touched a Kerbal down onto Duna (or three) for the first time, with an Ike encounter on the way in. Managed to break two of the landing struts on a 12m/s touchdown. Not a big fan of these week .22 struts.

I was quite proud, got back to Kerbin with a little fuel to spare. Next up, an Ike landing.

I would recommend using girders to make it have a wider stance. This has helped with the gear being on the weaker side, or you could just adjust stiff in the file. Doing the latter is much more drastic though. Or make a tug and lander the can decouple from one another thus making the lander lighter.

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Finally wrapped up a marathon Jool Explorer mission, which consisted of a 2-Kerbal lander with a 6-pack of probes. Made it back with one probe (which made 2 landings), and lost Kurt on Pol when he used a puff of RCS while jumping. He vanished in a puff of dust on landing. Overall made 2 manned landings in the system and left a probe floating around on Laythe. Biggest headache was having to launch a probe to jumpstart the fuel supertanker in solar orbit that was supposed to follow, but someone forgot to deploy the solar panels. IIRC correctly the mission burned about 7 jumbos of fuel all told, aside from the 5 Goliath (26 jumbos and 19 mainsails each) launches that put it all in orbit.

Capt Kirk Tiberious Kerman arrived back in a blaze of glory, aerobraking at 4.5km/s down to 30km altitude to make parking orbit. After sending the science probe parachuting down to land, he made a 'chuteless powered landing 33km from the KSC. The mission netted well over 5000 science points, with about 3500 left over now that the tech tree is maxed.

The jumpstarted Fuel Supertanker (3 of my regular fuel barges linked up) burning towards Jool:


The blaze of glory:


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Big first accomplishment for me. I landed on the Mun finally... But I dont have enough juice to get him back home. Looks like im building a unmanned probe to get him back, hopefully...

Also during Bob's excitement, he broke the solar panels. Just cant find good help anymore.


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Big first accomplishment for me. I landed on the Mun finally... But I dont have enough juice to get him back home. Looks like im building a unmanned probe to get him back, hopefully...

Also during Bob's excitement, he broke the solar panels. Just cant find good help anymore.


Congrats!! How much RCS do you have? That combined with what is left in the rocket might, that is a big might, be enough to get him home. You might want to look back a few pages also I posted a lander I used for my first missions to Mun and Minmus and the tanks I used for that stage (in the video area I have videos showing the full rocket as well).

Best of luck on the rescue mission :cool:

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Congrats!! How much RCS do you have? That combined with what is left in the rocket might, that is a big might, be enough to get him home. You might want to look back a few pages also I posted a lander I used for my first missions to Mun and Minmus and the tanks I used for that stage (in the video area I have videos showing the full rocket as well).

Best of luck on the rescue mission :cool:

If the combination of fuel/rcs doesn't appear to be enough to get him home it could still at least get you orbital saving your rescue ship the hassle (and fuel) of landing.

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Looks like it is first timer's moon landing day today, congrats Jerry! :)

Finally! A perfect Mun landing, all went fine aside from trying to jettison the penultimate engine & fuel tanks a bit close to Mun and they stuck back on for 10 seconds of panic!

Either way, Jeb touched down safely, on the dark side of the moon, with no lights, rush made the craft and completely forgot to illuminate it! :D I thought I was still airborne, jiggling away at the RCS then realised I had touched down!


The start of something beautiful, AND, maybe enough power left to get back, maybe...although no parachute was a slight oversight on my part AGAIN :D

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Created two new installs to run three versions of the game to accommodate all the mods I want to use. I'm now trying to figure out how to sort them. 22 Add-ons and plugins. I have a problem.

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Not today, but landed on the mun for the first time ever a few days ago. 297 science holy cow and I didn't even use my communitron. Also, my design of a center fuel tank itch girders then four 909s did not transfer fuel, so I manually did that, ergo incorrect ratio and unlevel flight home.

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I landed on Gilly for the first time ever.

...Good grief the space potato is light. Kerbals can't even WALK there without getting an apoapsis.

I'm not even sure if my probe has actually landed there. It just sort of rocks across the surface, half the science parts get confused keep telling me I'm high above Gilly.

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I'm not even sure if my probe has actually landed there. It just sort of rocks across the surface, half the science parts get confused keep telling me I'm high above Gilly.

I had the same problem with my lander. The suspension spring-back from my landing actually sent me back a dozen meters into the air. I had to thrust down with my RCS to ensure I actually stayed planted!

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Put my Duna lander on test. Detached the main engine and went in for the land. After some tries (AKA crashes) got it safe, put the flag, did some science and take off to meet the engine floating in LDO. After circularization burn I got 10 m/s spare, I really though Duna atmsophere was thicker. Anyway, the main engine has also a probe and RCR tanks, so I did the rendezvous and docking with that part, then got the Ike lander secured in place and prepared for the trip back home. I think I'm going to arrive Kerbin only with fumes!

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Also, I learned that it's generally not a good idea to run out of EVA pack fuel when you're 5 km away from the lander.

I feel for ya. Walking on any moon is very time-consuming, and its easy enough to kill kerbals by accidentally jumping off a crater wall.

I finally made my Moho landing yesterday. Got 2 kerbals into low orbit. Detatched the lander and performed a neat suicide burn for a 'cheap' moho touchdown. Eva, sciency bits, flag, then back into orbit to rendezvous and transfer spare lander fuel back to the nuke.

Transit stage lit up and sent the plucky kerbonauts onto a kerbin encounter. Unfortunately my multi-tasking space program meant that I was aerobraking a flotilla of 12 ships into jool when i should have been making the moho return correction. Net result is Moho return ripped through kerbin soi level with minmus's orbit at almost 4kms. The guys know they only got 500ms in the tank so they didnt even bother, just waved as they zipped past. Added kerbal alarm clock to my otherwise vanilla career save just to do the ugly math for me.... 3 years before they get another try at a return, though im hoping the 500ms they have when burned down at moho's orbit will be enough to shunt that encounter directly into an aerocapture.

Provided I actually remember to make said correction. 3 years is a bit brutal, even for someone who doesnt care much, like myself. I may try my hand at a solar orbit rescue/refuel just because i havent done that yet.

Meanwhile, as mentioned above, 12 craft carrying a total of 17 kerbals arrived in the jool system and established themselves in orbits around jool itself as well as pol, bop and vall. landers will visit these 3. several craft also intercepted tylo and laythe, though the mission carries no landers rated for these larger moons.

Encounters also for my Duna fleet of 5 CM/Landers with 10 kerbals aboard. 3 orbiting the red planet, 2 dispatched to Ike.

Nobody has actually touched down anywhere yet, since mission control was by this point distracted by the ballistic Moho return trajectory and it's implications.


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