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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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The mission wasn't actually meant to land on Eve, just do an orbit. But, after spending all that money, I thought I might as well just land. As it is Bill, I will make it my number 1 priority to get him home. Gives me a chance to find more cost effective ways of interplanetary travel.

Good luck man, if you really want to return good ol' Bill to Kerbin, you will be taking on one of the hardest challenges of KSP. Eve is a cruel maiden, and doesn't like giving things back. I know because I just tried to send what I thought was a lander capable of a return trip, and now I have a 2 million fund ship sitting on Eve, unable to return.

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My first "successful" mission to another planet. After completing all my objectives in the Kerbin SOI I thought it was time to go where no Kerbal has gone before. So I went to Eve. I think I've blown nearly all my money on a 1 way mission, but I think it's worth it!


Eve's an underrated early-game/mid-game target, good to see someone going there. For a one-way landing it's one of the simplest destinations and you can get good science returns from transmission.
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expanded en re-fueled my old small fuel-station orbiting kerbin. it now serves as a parking lot for tugs. it can hold 3 atm, and although it doesn't hold a lot of fuel it's enough to support the atomic engines :)


in this pic the refueling vessel and a small tug are docked to it

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I put the finishing touches on the first stage of my new career mode orbital space station. Currently it is going to be home for one lone Kerbal, at least until the other pieces are brought up and installed. This means I get to work on my docking skills on a larger scale, what was I thinking?????:huh:


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Agreed with James May. "Sailing is really boring." Currently sailing my Laythe boat from its landing site to the nearest island. It handles 4x warp without any serious issues though some parts do start getting displaced, but is still gonna take a while.

EDIT: And I just wrecked it trying to turn while still at top speed. Damn this game can be harsh sometimes. Still undecided whether to revert it, I normally don't but I'm trying to wind down my missions and rescuing four Kerbals from Laythe is a huge new undertaking.

Edited by cantab
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Agreed with James May. "Sailing is really boring." Currently sailing my Laythe boat from its landing site to the nearest island. It handles 4x warp without any serious issues though some parts do start getting displaced, but is still gonna take a while.

EDIT: And I just wrecked it trying to turn while still at top speed. Damn this game can be harsh sometimes. Still undecided whether to revert it, I normally don't but I'm trying to wind down my missions and rescuing four Kerbals from Laythe is a huge new undertaking.

Something I found out from when I did my jet boat rover on Kerbin was to throttle down a bit before turn, since water in KSP apparently is liquid concert. I tried the Clarkson theory of more power makes everything better, but that turned out very bad.....maybe I need to make a hammer.

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I wanted to go to Eve, land there a probe and than on to Gilly and land with the manned lander. So my transfer window (according to a table here in the forum) came up and I tried to get an intercept. It was impossible, the transfer window is about have an orbit away... (so much for tables, do the math yourself...)

So what to do. I tried for other intercepts and found that Dres is just in the right possition. So I landed my Eve vessel and redesigned it a bit (removed the probe and the atmospheric science to get some additional dV) and started again. I plotted my course and got within 40.000 km for about 1500 m/s dV. After reaching the descending node I burned an additional 900 m/s to synchronize the planes. After some month I set up a correction burn of about 200 m/s to get an intercept with Dres. In the perapsis I perfomed the insertion burn for another 1900 m/s. Slowly I became a bit worried about my remaining dV. I think Jeb wants to go back home sometime...

I orbit I discovered my first design fault. During the emergency refit form the Eve mission I obviously had also deleted my antenna. So only one crew report this time. After a perfect landing on the day side Jeb did all the science and collected the reports to the reentry capsule as the rest of the module with the science equipment would be dropped. So Jeb was ready to move on. He had about 4500 m/s left to get to Dres orbit and back to Kerbin. As I can aerobrake this should suffice. Back in orbit I calculated that the next transfer window will be in about one year. so I hope Jeb has some good reading to do, as he has no contact with the KSC...


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Nice car! Looks like it could work as a tug for airplanes, a feat I've always wanted to try to accomplish. I'd bet it would be fun.

Or, add seats to it and make it a party van :D


Anyways, I could add some external command seats to it.

I used an tiny capsule in the back of the car to 'summon' Jeb.

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Spent the weekend filling out parts testing contracts. Good way to build up some extra coin and a sci point or two in the early going. Still have a TR-18 contract with some really touchy parameters I haven't figured out yet (the band is 17,000-19,200 meters at 90-190 m/s; anyone got any pointers that don't involve spaceplanes?).

Sent up a science satellite. Forgot that a Sci Jr. is one of those experiments that has to be re-set when you transmit the data from it, and I haven't unlocked docking ports yet (but hey, that's why the good Lord invented RCS and KAS, right?)

Sent Jeb up on Geschosskopf Science Pack missions to low and high Kerbin orbit; I've got enough of the tech tree unlocked at this point to attempt a Mün shot and about 200k Kerbucks (or whatever the crap people are calling them) saved up from contracts.

I'm really enjoying 0.24 so far.

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Still have a TR-18 contract with some really touchy parameters I haven't figured out yet (the band is 17,000-19,200 meters at 90-190 m/s; anyone got any pointers that don't involve spaceplanes?).

Vertical rocket with controlled engine and a chute? Keep the throttle down to not get over 190 m/s until you get to the range, perform the test, cut engine and fall back down to KSC.

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I recovered my rover from my satellite in Munar orbit. The new lander has a counterbalance fuel tank on the side of it now so I'll actually be able to land. Now I just have to pick a spot with about 4 unresearched biomes near each other and I can begin my rover expedition.

I'll have an update and screenshots in the future. I'm posting this at work.

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Well yesterday I got the same station - consisting of a science lab, a habitation pod, solar panels, etc - around Duna, Ike, and Eve all in one sitting; each station has 6 Kerbals. My Kerbin ISS now has 24 Kerbals and counting, and I intend to bring them all home eventually! Usually my stations are launched and assembled in separate parts, but this time I got the station to its destination all in one go, which was cool. I guess it shows I'm learning!

At some point I want to plant a flag and return from the Jool system - Jeb hasn't done that yet. I also need to tackle Moho, and Tylo. They are a pain!

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Vertical rocket with controlled engine and a chute? Keep the throttle down to not get over 190 m/s until you get to the range, perform the test, cut engine and fall back down to KSC.

You mean take the obvious route? Didn't think of that... #facepalm.

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Last night before work I launched a mission that put satellites in orbit around Jool and each of its 5 moons, Marking my first time visiting the SOI of Laythe,Tylo, and Vall. I Will upload a pic tonight.

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Having installed the Karbonite, Kethane, KAS, and LAZOR mods, I realized my gameplay modding would change everything. I realized I'd need a starbase that could refuel based off of local materials rather than pricy launches, a virtual Kerbilon 5 of trade and commerce. I also realized that the Kethane vs. Karbonite "resource format wars" had begun, so such a station should be able to detect, refine, utilize, and be a base for testing both resources.

Lacking any sort of base around the Mun, I've spent a lot of time around Minmus, enjoying its lower gravity and small surface area. I realized, though, the Mun would likely have a better supply of resources and is easier to reach for less maneuverable craft, so I set to work with this around Mun. I use LAZOR for one reason: the docking camera. Highly recommend. The rest of the mod is space magic but docking camera 4tw.

In order of flight, the modules above are separated as follows:

1. Administration and habitation (Center). This is where my krew can kick back when off duty. This module holds up to 10 kerbals because Lander Cans make great station admin modules. Clampotron Sr's at each end formed the foundation for the spine of the station, and the spokes end in standard model Clampotrons.

2. Power Plant (Far right, with solar arrays). A couple of parts mods included advanced batteries that are rather massive, as well as the Karbonite reactor module that lets you burn it for power. Stacking two generators, decorating with standard solar panels and covering it in XL batteries upped the station to over 4k capacitance. I knew this would be needed for the refineries to come, and to manage liberal use of RCS when things start getting wobbly.

3. Science Module (Far left, rear). This module is a typical science pod with antennae, a cupola, and RCS. It actually replaced the main engine that brought the Admin section up for balance. It also has the station's resource detection suites.

4. Karbonite Processing Facility(Bottom left, mostly orange): This was the first challenging thing to dock. This is partially because it had to dock to an arm without spinning the station, and partially because I forgot it's a bad idea to Dock Under the Influence. I had to rotate the entire module and thwack the spinning station with the module size adapter to successfully dock. This is also the first ship to which I fitted Winches from KAS....and how I figured out I need things to actually winch to. Oh well, EVA tethers!.

5. Kethane Processing Facility (Bottom Right, mostly Green): The station was more stable now with so much mass facing the Mun, so I had an easier time of docking this. It's basically Kethane processors wrapped in Kethane storage tanks. Both this module and the Kerbonite module can allow ships to dock. This module I successfully tethered to the station core with a KAS winch for additional stability.

6. Fuel Storage Facility (Ridiculously huge thing, top): All of that refining of fuel and monoprop has to go somewhere, and here is where. By strapping detachable LVNs to the smaller tanks, getting the payload to the station was easy. In hindsight, I think I'd better rotate the station so this module faces downward toward Mun before filling it up, I made it way too big and high capacity. It can't store Xenon; I didn't have it unlocked yet. The winches are there to assist with future refueling operations.

Total krew space: 2 admin module, 2 Science module (currently unmanned), 1 power plant copula, 1 fuel storage copula, 8 habitat (unmanned), 2 Karbonite plant, 1 kethane plant.

Active krew: 7

Max krew: 17

Orbit: 54.2k/53.5k

Next step? The mining begins. I'm considering adding a Xenon module and using Ion ferries to carry raw materials from Mun to the station.

Edited by corvustech
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