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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Well this is what i did yesterday :

I assembled space station felix in orbit


Then i started a duna mission which had 3 different rockets landing very near eachother.


A sucsessfull day for my career mode savefile.

(Yes the rocket docked to the station is one of the duna crafts)

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Ran into an odd bug while constructing a small station. As I approached with a new module the station went into a spin that I couldn't pull out of, even time warp failed because it thought the station was under acceleration. It was like someone was firing a rocket off the side. Fortunately as the station was under construction there was only 1 kerbal on board, Hadnand Kerman, who was sitting in the cockpit of his shuttle. As the station span out of control I had no choice but to try an emergency breakaway, it's not easy to right click on a docking port when it's spinning in circles. Once Hadnand had broken off everything settled so I cautiously rebuilt the station which for the moment is spin free.


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I roughly matched Minmus's orbit from just outside minmus's SoI- tommorrow I intend to refine it so my ship/station hovers in defiance of the laws of nature 2250 KM over minmus. (minmus's SoI is ~2247.5 km)

Then I'm going to start shipping Kethane to it. :P

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My son (the one who suggested new planets for the Kerbol system a few months ago) had a severe asthma attack and spent most of yesterday in the hospital. We got home late, enough for me to make yet another attempt at a Kerbol escape (got the craft in Kerbin orbit with ~4900 m/s to spare finally) and to perform an entry for a speed challenge.

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Got inspired by Scott Manleys recent walker video and decided to make a miniaturized spider rover. Installed Infernal Robotics and after a couple of evenings of testing, operation MUN SPIDER entered it's final phase. All in all it wasn't the fastest rover at around 5m/s, but it could go up inclines of 50 degrees at close to speed and weights ~2t, so it is feasible to pack on landers. So I'd call it a success all in all :D

Jeb is also pleased:


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attempted to land an SSTO that was the longest running mission in my game so far. After running out of ozydizer shortly before minus escape and using GOAP to lower the Pe to 30km, recovering from a nasty flat spin, flying the plane to nearest land after stabilizing in the middle of the ocean, and atempting to land on a flat-ish patch of ground in the dark, I found out that a vertical velocity of 10m/s was too much for the landing gear..

Oh and I have 2 modules for a space station in minmus orbit that are waiting for a fuel delivery before they can be docked. one has neither fuel nor monoprop, the other no monoprop.

RIP Will Kerman and that other guy. Your efforts in progressing kerbal science will not be forgotten. Next time I will park before deorbiting to land in daylight and close to KSC. and put up a flag or something.

Edited by Stratoroc
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I put a lab in orbit of Mun (with a reusable lander) in order to more efficiently explore its surface, but I needed more manpower to get everything running smoothly. Figured, "Hey, might as well bring a jumbo fuel tank and attach it to Sky Lab so I don't have to refuel for a while.

I never got off the launch pad, on account of my support struts spawning in the air and my rocket immediately exploding.


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Today was a big day for Minmus science, particularly in gravitics. I looked at my archives, and noted that I was missing the materials study and mystery goo data both high above and near Minmus. So, I thought to myself, that's something I can just stick into a transfer/orbital stage, then collect the data before going to land. I threw together an ascent stage and checked its mass, to see if I could make an ascent and Kerbin return on RCS alone. I thought I could, but didn't go into any depth calculating, just a quick, crude, conservative estimate of TWR in my head and plenty of monopropellant. Didn't end up mattering, really.

I put this RCS ascent stage onto a biome-hopper/landing stage with two materials labs and two goo canisters, both intended for the surface. Then, below, I attached an orbital transfer stage with another two materials labs and goo canisters, and a reaction wheel, along with fuel and engines, of course. Seven orange tanks with mainsails and asparagus staging would lift it to orbit. I didn't add any SRBs this time, which probably contributed to the fact that the lifter stage was only just more than enough to achieve orbit with my admittedly poor ascent profile. So the lifter was not so overpowered as to also do the whole transfer burn.

I transferred, did the materials/goo science, took lots of gravity readings, made orbit, lowered it, did the other materials/goo science and took more gravity readings, transferring the data back to the lander can by EVA. Then I began to land, using the transfer stage for much of the deceleration. It was still partially full when I dropped it just above the Great Flats, but due to a staging error, the engine on the lander stage did not immediately activate, and the assembly hit the ground together. Attempting to lift off resulted in a crash, followed by a quickload. Unfortunately, last quicksave was LKO.

So, I did it all again, more carefully this time. Circularised a high orbit around Minmus, did science and checked that the orbit passed over several biomes I had not yet landed in, lowered and recircularised to get more science and to choose landing spots, then came in to land at Minmus Highlands, dropping the transfer stage higher this time, and actually activating the lander engine. When the transfer stage was dropped, it split into three pieces explosively, despite lack of radial decouplers. You can see some of the remains in this image: what remains of the central piece is in the foreground alongside Jeb and the lander, while that little thing in the background is the debris of one of the side pieces, with the instrumentation.


After doing the surface science, it was off to the Flats, which were nearby, and happened to be in just the right place that heading straight up was almost the direction to burn for Kerbin return. Also, like the Highlands, they were on the sunny side of Minmus, which was important because I had forgotten to add landing lights. This went well, and so did the science.


Finally the return. While I was confident I could make the return on RCS alone, I decided it was better to be safe. So, I used the lander engine to get most of the way to Minmus escape, then dropped it (still half-full, I think) and did the rest on RCS. I attempted to guide my return and land in the crater, but ended up in the grasslands. But it was a safe return with a lot of science (though it may not be impressive to some).


2418. Not sure if that's a personal best, haven't noted that down anywhere that I remember... Anyway, bought lots of things using yesterday's and today's science, including the turbojets, aerospikes, structural wings and nuclear engines. Also the Z-4k, lots of structural pieces and probe cores and so on. Only three top-tier technological nodes to go, and also Ion Engines. I expect to get enough science for those in a Mun mission soon, because I haven't revisited Mun for a while, and I somehow forgot to get the Crew Report in space near the Mun. I think I'll do a more complex one, maybe with a rover, lunar escape system, orbital module, docking, multiple landers, several crewmembers... the works. At least, that's the plan.

Edited by Concentric
Clarifying debris, correcting biomes
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I finished the flight tests with my Tylo lander prototype, and launched the actual ship into orbit. As it's still 115 days to the next launch window to Jool, I decided to store the lander at my LKO station.



It's starting to get a bit crowded out there, so I may have to build another LKO station.

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I finally filmed the first bit of the Lunar Tour Bus going to Minmus, it took a nearly an hour so I have some editing to do yet. Now there are 34 Kerbals enjoying the beautiful view from Minmus.


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I've only recently discovered the wiki's campaigns. I've done many of them (either directly or indirectly) but a few looked interesting enough to try.

This number nerd finds the efforts somewhat relaxing. Who needs MechJeb?


ComSat One was inserted into orbit directly above KSP (marked by the Kerbin flag) and in geosynchronous orbit at 0.0 degrees inclination.



ComSat Two and Comsat Three, each with 120 degrees of separation, now form a communication umbrella encompassing the entire planet.



Soooooo satisfying.

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so what did I do today.... well after I switched to my largest space station that randomly exploded in orbit and sent over 200 new pieces of debri into orbit I decided to send a rescue ship to retrieve the crew members but then I noticed that the rescue ship had a design flaw, I forgot the hitch hiker module.... so yeah, I left all 13 kerbals to float above the planet with 22 hours of life support before they died. also sent a lander to minmus and got over 700 science from the mission. and I also sent up an awesome working telescope that I made (Mods I used to make the working telescope: Hullcam VDS & Distant Object Enhancement). the telescope I made was so awesome because with the Distant Object Enhancement mod, you could see all the terrain features from moho, duna, ike, eve, gilly and dres (only the ones I mentioned because the other celestial bodies were to far away). ugh, can't upload the pictures.... bottom line the two mods are awesome so I recommend that you atleast have a look at them.

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I completed my biome hopping on Minmus:


Built my rendition of the Orion SLS to launch my KSM (Kommand Service Module):


KSM in Orbit:


Then completed construction of MuRS (Mun Research Station):


Which is will be used as an orbital research station and reprocessing facility for my MuLM (Mun Lander Module) which will biome hop all of Mun:


There are also several launch windows for interplanetary mapping missions coming up during which I will be launching several Scansat mapping satellites (need 6 alone for the Jool system as I am using Custom Biomes)

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