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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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After another landing in base:


I had enough crapy game engine that move and rotate whole base every time. And screw my robotics unpacked from KIS/KAS:


Displacing robotics out of vessels, or even did this to spider crane:


So I turn to world stabilizer, but it didnt help much, however I seens some expensive parts flying down underground and missing inside da Mun.

Pipes start rotating for hours:


In meantime I tested new wheels made from construction parts and elmotors (simulation on Eve) for gargantuic rover where biggest stock wheels didnt help. Now I can drift there (without damage) with whole mine on stock parts. But this be shown when I get it launched outside the simulation. Price is just killing budget - I blame putting there 10 thermonuclid reactors, but subject is much deeper - it even have a chassi to look peacfull as tank.

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1 hour ago, eberkain said:

I managed to redesign my crane, a few more parts, but it can flex around a 20t ore tank like its nothing.

I see you went for the adjustable counterweight solution!  The heavy pistons were a good call too.  Mobile cranes are such a nightmare to build.  Cranes are most effective when they're heavy, tall and long, but "tall" and "mobile" don't like each other one bit (and "long" and "mobile" are on shaky terms too).

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Well, i cant believe i havent seen dis mod earlier, makes this game actually look like what ud expect on a planetary surface with genuine micro sized features!


Paralax mod is epic, makes the surfaces actually uneven and challenging to traverse by vehicles (didnt get any screenies, but i already lost a mech to the new terrain :().



Damn its hard to drive on the mun now, guess ill have to seriously redesign my vehicles and actually think about how to navigate this kinda surface.    Still not 100% sure if i want to keep the new collisions enabled, but im thinking of keeping them on since it really makes the game much harder to play which is a welcome thing (and its hard in a way i actually enjoy, not making it impossible to fly spaceplanes to anywhere like RO style mods do or add tedious mechanics like life support mods would (they have their merits, but im just not a fan of having to babysit all my 100+ ships spread throughout the universe)...


and ofc what mod would be complete without its share of bugs :)...  Pretty sure its not intentional for half my base to be underground, but hey, maybee its just buried partially or something, wont stop me from landing ships in the designated landing zone.  So yeah, not too crazy or anything, but this thing just adds so much immersion, im so not going to remove it any time soon, planet surfaces still arent quite up to other games, but they are finally at a point that immersion isnt lost completely like in stock KSP where the planets themselves are just meh surface feature wise.  I might disable it just to take a quick look at the 1.11 planets, but after dat its back up and makes the game look amazing...

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But why not call it Korolev Hexagon?


This weird design is a little-known, but fairly serious proposal for an R-7-derived launch vehicle, weighing 2.5 times what a modern R-7 derivative Soyuz 2.1b does, but lifting almost 5 times of payload to LEO! This is achieved in a truly Soviet way — that is, by placing a nuclear engine with an appalingly radioactive exhaust on the core stage. On liftoff only the boosters with conventional engines fire, but once they separate you don't want to be anywhere near the rear end of the rocket (not that you want to be there in general). The next stage could come equipped with a similar nuclear engine to propel the spacecraft around the Moon and with two launches — to land there, which is exactly what this rocket was meant to do. 

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5 hours ago, panzer1b said:

Paralax mod is epic, makes the surfaces actually uneven and challenging to traverse by vehicles

It's awesome, but makes the ground a bit too dark and melts my GPU. Hope they optimize the shader or release a performance version.

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This morning is off to a great start as I have discovered that Kerbals can and will walk anywhere as long as they have an RCS jetpack equipped and enabled.  This includes walking on water, walking UNDER water, and walking several meters above the surface of the Mun.  I wonder if Danny2462 knows about this...

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Today I spent 4 hours watching a video on designing a Mun rover, and then went and built one in the VAB.  Got the thing pretty close to what was shown in the video, with some exceptions as I don't have all the parts that were used.  I know I overcompensated on the amount of fuel I'd need, but that's not a big deal.  I launched the rocket, sent it to the Mun, and then decoupled it while the relay probe that went with it got into a nice stable orbit.  Decided to try and use MechJeb to land the Rover...and then realized I failed to put a MechJeb controller on the rover.  Sigh.

So I attempted to land the thing in the polar crater myself; there is ore there, and the rover is designed to do some surface scanning in preparation for a mining operation.  So I created a node to adjust the orbit so that the Pe would be in the crater, got to the node, did the burn, and then sat back and waited to the appropriate time before firing up the ant engines to slow down during descent.  Part of my doing this ended up having to do some radial in/out maneuvering as the orbit wasn't polar to begin with.  No big deal, but I've noticed that sometimes when I do this, the Ap/Pe grow or shrink, and I always have to adjust for that.  So I'm sitting there, watching the service bay that holds the rover drift up a bit, and then start coming down...and it slams directly into a probe I had previously sent up as part of a contract (you know, put a new probe in X orbit).  Major explosion.

I figured at when it happened that it was no big deal.  I could just revert to launch and be done with it.  Except when I decoupled and took control of the rover, that was no longer an option.  I tried to put control back to the relay probe and revert...and that wasn't happening either.  Sigh.

So I spent 4 hours doing this today, and it ended in massive failure.  50k in :funds:gone.  Thankfully, I have the craft saved in my career game.  So tomorrow I'm going to adjust the amount of fuel used (I had about 2/3 of a Rockomax left when I decoupled, so I can save some money there), drop a MJ controller on the underside of the rover, kill the current relay probe, and try for another launch.  I could leave the current relay probe up there, but the rover core I have access to doesn't have Prograde/Retrograde hold, so I need another core anyhow.

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I actually fired up KSP for the first time in a while, tinkered with some of the new EVA gear, then a quick round of golf:



On the negative side, shortly after taking this image, the rover decided it was done with the laws of physics and started rotating in place with no control input & despite the brakes being set.  I guess some things don't change


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8 hours ago, Popestar said:

So I attempted to land the thing in the polar crater myself; there is ore there

Bad inclination and there is a better crater south with higher ore concentration and better inclination. If recources are not random game to game.



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I finally made my first DSN Network but due to only using the RA-2 Antenna's, they won't actually connect to each other. Sort of a bummer, but live and learn I guess. I'll probably send another batch out between Kerbin and Eve, but using the larger RA-15's and see if they remedy the issue a little.  (Maybe I'll even throw on a few Sentinals because I can xD )

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5 hours ago, vv3k70r said:

Bad inclination and there is a better crater south with higher ore concentration and better inclination. If recources are not random game to game.



I'm not sure if it's random or not, but when I tried to land manually it was the closest point to my current trajectory that had a concentration of ore at or greater than 50%.  And I've gotta start somewhere, right?  Besides, I built the rover so it could traverse the whole Mun, so it isn't like the polar crater is a landing and done anyhow.

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16 minutes ago, vv3k70r said:

Have a fun!

Did You this thing with rover before? Mun is big and driveng rover is extremaly boring. I did it around whole Mun, and this was a bad, boring week.

I haven't done it before; this is my first rover.  And I want to do it; I want to learn everything I can so when I do future missions to the other planets and bodies I am not wasting time there.  Easier to figure out now what to do than to not have a clue later.

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13 minutes ago, Popestar said:

I haven't done it before; this is my first rover. 

You were warned :)

13 minutes ago, Popestar said:

And I want to do it

Everybody does. But if it is first trip I suggest to avoid making great plan for a rover trip. See how Your rover behave, how to drive mountains (polar are is really bad onda Mun), how to set friction, traction, springs, speed.

Later on You will cover this distance with rocket jumping from fuel mine to pinpoint landing in few minutes.

Rovers are not the best mean of transport in this game. And are very boring.

But it is a great adventure to learn it Yourself.

19 minutes ago, Popestar said:

Easier to figure out now what to do than to not have a clue later.

Later You will find diferent way of traveling whole celestial body. Rovers are great for short distance.

Try also Muncake. It is vessel powered by reaction wheels. It is much better on da Mun.

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2 hours ago, vv3k70r said:

Mun is big and driveng rover is extremaly boring.

I wouldn't say Mun roving is boring, per se. Dangerous as hell (especially at night), frustrating, taxing, prone-to-drive-one-to-drink-heavily, yes...still beats the living hell out of trying to drive on Eve.

I find Tylo to be a surprisingly fun place to drive (if you can get down there intact, of course). You can get up to 50-60 m/s out there without  worrying too much about the terrain.

From someone who's been driving in KSP since 0.19,  I'd chime in with the basics. Make your rover low, make it wide, make it sturdy, and have a plan to right the thing/repair things when something inevitably goes wrong. For Mun, that's usually finding a sixty-degree grade via driving over the lip at 25 m/s...at night.

I, of course, have never done such a thing. Not once. Nope. Never...

Edited by capi3101
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36 minutes ago, capi3101 said:

Dangerous as hell (especially at night)

Yes. My first landing was at night. Few hours later I realised how stupid ot was to not wait after sunset.

37 minutes ago, capi3101 said:

frustrating, taxing, prone-to-drive-one-to-drink-heavily, yes...still beats the living hell out of trying to drive on Eve.

All true. But untill You get to Eve it is easy, because You are not using stock wheels any longer - You build better from stock parts on electric motors and costruction parts + grip padrs.

2 hours ago, Popestar said:

While I appreciate the input, this is your opinion, not mine.

It will be Yours. But You have to lern Yourself - it is a whole fun.

You will understund why Lunohod did 39km in 1973 and Opportunity beat this record doing 15.16km in 2018 during his 14y travel.

41 minutes ago, capi3101 said:

I wouldn't say Mun roving is boring, per se.

I drived around Mun all biomes. There are intresting situation when something stuppid happen, like wronge route.

After You lern all the tricks with friction, traction, spring/dumper load, motor power, breaks, drift and changing mode of reaction wheels travel deliver not much per input per week.

50 minutes ago, capi3101 said:

For Mun, that's usually finding a sixty-degree grade via driving over the lip at 25 m/s...at night.

Depend on reaction wheels and suspension. My first rover was a science lab on samllest whells:


So I send tractor to push it:


After KIS/KAS and 1.11 it get a proper wheels:


Another one for Minmus was way better:


and jumpy:


I was pasing most slopes this way.

Now I waiting for window to EVE with monstrosity mine (6big drills, 2bigisru) that cen drift even sidways on construction part wit electric motors and grip pads.

57 minutes ago, capi3101 said:

I, of course, have never done such a thing. Not once. Nope. Never...


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