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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  smysha said:
Today I went to Duna.

Ike is OK.

Duna sucks.

I just wanted to have good parachuted landing...

"Bill/Bob/Jebediah Kermann exeeded G-force tolerance"

So, my whole Duna mission crew died.

F...k that planet. You can't aerobrake effective because of thin atmosphere and parachutes just sucks. In semi-deployed status they can't do anything. When fully deployed, they just tear lander apart. Or killing crew, with Deadly Reentry.

Sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes if I have them. I'm pretty much mad right now.

With DRE you'll either need to use RealChutes or deploy stock chutes in phases, a couple at a time, to avoid that unpleasant "crew smashed into a greasy green paste" thing.

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  CatastrophicFailure said:
With DRE you'll either need to use RealChutes or deploy stock chutes in phases, a couple at a time, to avoid that unpleasant "crew smashed into a greasy green paste" thing.

Funny thing: I had RealChutes on that lander. I think, eight of them...

Maybe I should reduce them to four or something like that.

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Spring cleaning today. Got rid of all the spent boosters and debris in Kerbin orbit. It certainly polishes up the rendesvous and docking skills.



The best part was, every time I caught an RCS tank I could refuel the debris claw with it :)

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  smysha said:
Funny thing: I had RealChutes on that lander. I think, eight of them...

Maybe I should reduce them to four or something like that.

When I landed on Duna for the first time, I used parachutes just as drogue chutes. I landed with a rocket. I went with the assumption that it would save fuel for the return to orbit. Maybe something like that would work for you as well?

First Moon landing (RealSolarSystem), apollo style. (Pics removed)

What mod are you using for the Saturn V? FASA?

Edited by Fizwalker
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Last night I uninstalled B9 and installed Interstellar. Sadly, my station and a recent probe launched both had some B9 parts, so they failed to load when I fired up KSP again. So, I redesigned and sent up a new probe, and this weekend will be devoted to redesigning and relaunching my space station

Here's the probe:

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  Roastduck said:
Last night I uninstalled B9 and installed Interstellar. Sadly, my station and a recent probe launched both had some B9 parts, so they failed to load when I fired up KSP again. So, I redesigned and sent up a new probe, and this weekend will be devoted to redesigning and relaunching my space station

Here's the probe:

There are ways of having both B9 and Interstellar installed at the same time... Might I suggest Active Texture Management?

(Which can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-7-Active-Memory-Reduction-Mod)

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I've tried both versions of ATM, and the game always freezes on launch.

I also removed B9 because I really don't have much interest in planes at the moment, and my laptop only has 4GB of RAM (I'm typically at 90% RAM usage at least when I play KSP). Removing B9 simply freed up the RAM to be able to run Interstellar, so I got it

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  Roastduck said:
I've tried both versions of ATM, and the game always freezes on launch.

I also removed B9 because I really don't have much interest in planes at the moment, and my laptop only has 4GB of RAM (I'm typically at 90% RAM usage at least when I play KSP). Removing B9 simply freed up the RAM to be able to run Interstellar, so I got it

Did you wait for it to continue each time? It freezes for almost 30 seconds on my PC then continues loading.

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I tried my first mod after playing vanilla for 6 months: MechJeb

Wow, there's some handy stuff in there! It should save me some time which is great. However, I'm glad I learned to maneuver on my own first, because it fails miserably in all but the simplest maneuvers. That being said, I'm about to test landing 4 craft on Eve and will try using MechJeb to target. It worked well the one time I tried it on Kerbin.

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  Roastduck said:
I gave it a good 5-10 minutes each time

Well, crud.... I never got around to trying ATM on my laptop before I went back to running KSP on a desktop. (Which is kind of a misnomer as my tower is sitting on the floor right now..... And in fact, my TV is my monitor, so nothing but a keyboard and mouse on my desk.) Maybe ask Rbray for some help with it?

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I'm not too bothered by it. The game runs fine as I have it set up now, and I have room in my laptop for another 4 GB of RAM. I'll just play with it as is until I can get that extra RAM, then toss in Realism Overhaul and get B9 back, and I'll be happy.

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Did my first RAPIER-engine SSTO-spaceplane.


Needs a little more (maybe an LV-909 somewhere) to be able to actually rendez-vous somewhere in orbit, instead of just seeing the sights and barely making it back down... So far, trying four engines seems to result in an acute need for new rekruits.

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Today I tested the lifting capabilities of my wife's three asparagus rockets. The one she made for her third mission in career mode lifts 145 tons, the one she made for her fourth mission lifts 500 tons, and the one using SLS parts lifts 1550 tons to a low Kerbin orbit. Here they are with their test payloads:

145 tons:


500 tons:


And 1550 tons:


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I sent a probe to Duna and Ike.

I did already have one probe orbiting Duna, but it was only sent there because I needed to do something in LKO and the thing I was doing didn't require much mass at all, and rather than using a smaller lifter I sent up a generic interplanetary probe in the same launch which I then sent to Duna because it was easy to get to and I hadn't sent anything there yet. I don't know if that probe has the delta-v to get back or enough science instruments to get all of the science from space around Duna, but it definitely didn't have the science instruments to get all of the science from space around Duna and Ike, which is this one can.

After this is done the only things I'll be missing unmanned science from space above will be Gilly, Jool's moons, and Eeloo. Also I'm not sure if I got absolutely everything from Eve, but that should be easy to get on the trip to Gilly.

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  Fizwalker said:
When I landed on Duna for the first time, I used parachutes just as drogue chutes. I landed with a rocket. I went with the assumption that it would save fuel for the return to orbit. Maybe something like that would work for you as well?

I just was to greedy... Thought that I can make full-parachuted landing and save some fuel for takeoff and orbit.

Today I will try that again, using rocket.

UPD: I'm gonna abandon that mission. And whole that save. Because I just loaded my lander. In was NOT in the atmosphere. But all parachutes I had became just disabled. I can't arm them, I can't repack them... They are just glitched. And useless. Thats to the Kerbal Alarm Clock, I have some more saves... But newest one is when mothership was intended to go to the Ike's SOI. So, I must go to the Ike again, land, takeoff, dock, change orbit... And land that f..r again. I can't remember any other mission which made me so much mad.

In fact, I will probably try that again. But... Ugh. I almost landed last time. G-force was way too high, but crew survived. But I came righ above mountines, so I just crushed into them and lost half of a ship.

Edited by smysha
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Launched MULARV 8, the final trip to the Mun. MULARV 1-4 all used this basic design, and had a %100 mission success rate. MULARV 5-7 were an attempt at an 'Apollo' style lander/orbiter, they were all met with failures of varying degrees, so I figured I'd go back to my successful design for the last mission.


This thing has way more Delta-V than I actually need, as a result of my over-compensating for very poor piloting skills at the beginning of the program. Now that I'm a better flyer, I may make an attempt at trimming this down a bit, but I do like having the extra wiggle room in case I need to change landing sites.

But for now, one last look from the Mun. Minmus beckons..


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