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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Yesterday, I found that Wack-a-kerbal was not a vialble method of putting things in orbit.


It was a glitchy way to change velicity in orbit too.

Today, we had a little fun.


The latest prototype made it to airstrip island, drove for a bit and promptly collapsed. From exhaustion probably.


I now have a cool shipwreck!

But got to make some changes before it comes time to take this to Eve...

Edited by Tw1
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Today, I managed to land on Minmus for the first time. Initially I thought I'd go to the Mun with my improved munar rocket (more struts for less wobble, and a more effective fuel transfer system, as well as small tweaks for proper re-entry). I got into orbit and though "well, why not see if I can get to Minmus, jeb's flying after all" and gunned the throttle after setting up the maneuver. I got an assist from the Mun, passing close behind it, then managed to get into a Minmus orbit, albeit a polar one. No biggie though, I shot for a nice landing site in one of those big flat salt lakes, and set out for a descent.

Everything went smooth until the very last meter, where the lander bounced and threatened to topple. I barely managed to save it and drifted for a while until I could slow the craft down proper again and get my bearings. I touched down at an angle but the craft settled just fine, so Jeb could get out and begin having a little walk on Minmus!

He planted the flag as proof of me having been there, and after watching the sun set over the mountain ridge nearby, he decided to go home, since Kerbin was almost right above our little lander. So he got in and off he went, leaving Minmus in the dust. The return trip was easy to do, and while I ran out of fuel making the final corrections in Kerbin orbit, I already had a good approach on KSP, and despite flubbing it somewhat, I still managed to land within about 80km of the space port, safe and sound :D

After such a successful and safe episode, jeb will likely go back to exploring the more dangerous things like rover racing, space planes, and getting bigger things into orbit, the little guy sure misses his explosions.

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Successfully completed mcirish3's "The SSTO Revisited (Rockets)" Challenge :Dhttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/32267-The-SSTO-Revisited?p=411210#post411210 Only the last two milestones (landing without parachutes and landing directly back on the KSC launch pad) are not accomplished, but I will try to do that soon :D This is the single-stage rocket I used, coming down at KSC. Note how much fuel is left hahaha.


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I successfuly placed my new space station in orbit. Took 2 tries, i lose couple of secondary pieces along he way, but my heavy launcher worked like a charm. I even had some 400 units left in last booster tank after circularising the orbit. For the next two day i'm going to run only refuelling mission to fill this monster :D 300+ parts and almost 50 tons without fuel and monopropellant on board *whew* I'm thinking about adding more habitats and a power module with some Gigantors, but i feel i'm pushing part count dangerously. Oh, and in the morning i've brought back two landers from the Mun - one carrying rescued crew of the third lander which lost one engine during botched landing. All kerbonauts are safe and sound in Kerbin orbit, waiting for the shuttle ride down gravity well. So, all-in-all quite productive day.

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Tested new hardware on Duna.




Separately landing rover and ascent vehicle.




driving to the pyramid at 22 m/s x Time warp 4




Repairing wheels after unwillingly getting airborne.




Planting flags while listening to the transmissions




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I managed to step up my previous newbie successes, and actually got a rover on the mun now!

It took quite a bit of R&D to first make a decent rover that was balanced and could optionally seat one kerbal for manned transportation, but I managed to build one that had enough solar capacity to keep running with all instruments active and the lights on. Of course, night missions will be tricky, but MK2 is planned to have isotope generators instead, as well as an optimized construction.

Building a workable lander also was a challenge, but I managed to build something that works quite well, only it was a bit hard to control when making full on burns for some reason, despite being apparently balanced. It seems like something went wrong when I set up the probe core or something. But it is only a minor thing, the rover was landed safely (though I did have to quickload after making a rather silly mistake) and is now ready to do its exploration duty on the mun.

Now with a flag on both minmus and mun, as well as a rover on mun, I am thinking of setting up a few satellites, followed by the construction of a more powerful lifter so I can possibly land some base modules on mun and put stations into orbit.

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Today I've begun construction of my first space station, in a 100/100 orbit around Kerbin. So far two of the five planned sections are in orbit, and I've just finished bolting them together!

Here's kerbonaut Bill Kerman checking components on EVA.


Not bad for my first docking, huh? I was a little off with the rotation, so I'll have to correct that in the future.

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I finished my new space station. I'm really loving the new large docking port for things like this. Much less wobble.


I also built my first SSTO spaceplane.



It kinda tumbled on reentry and ended up crashing though.

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is that meant to be a joke?

No, every time I detached the first stage while even 16 km up, it flipped around into that position regardless of my attempted corrections. I'm guessing it's due to some bad mojo mixing KerbX and Bobcat's Orion.

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I went hog wild with the KW Rocketry, only to realise I'm still a rookie and not an ace. 45 years of head knowledge doesn't mean squat against practical application. Colour me humbled.

Edited by Jack Wolfe
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