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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I didn't do anything yet today

Yesterday, I got the KCOM 2 satellite into geostationary orbit (I know it's useless, but I enjoy it). It's something I need to improve at.

I am going to try to do something I've never done before in KSP today. IDK what it is. Maybe attempt a docking?
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I've been trying and completely failing to build something, [i]anything[/i] in a Mark 3 spaceplane size that will actually get off the ground. If they're not shaking themselves to pieces then they're refusing to lift off even at 400 knots, even if I move the center of lift [i]way[/i] forwards of the center of mass. The only exceptions have been either terribly unstable or reverted to a nose-down attitude soon after taking off. It seems impossible to actually build a Mark 3-sized vehicle that will [i]fly[/i]. I know people have done it, and yet...
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[quote name='Workable Goblin']I've been trying and completely failing to build something, [i]anything[/i] in a Mark 3 spaceplane size that will actually get off the ground. If they're not shaking themselves to pieces then they're refusing to lift off even at 400 knots, even if I move the center of lift [i]way[/i] forwards of the center of mass. The only exceptions have been either terribly unstable or reverted to a nose-down attitude soon after taking off. It seems impossible to actually build a Mark 3-sized vehicle that will [i]fly[/i]. I know people have done it, and yet...[/QUOTE]Sounds like you could use a lot more pitch authority, i.e. your tail feathers aren't big enough.
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[quote name='zolotiyeruki']Sounds like you could use a lot more pitch authority, i.e. your tail feathers aren't big enough.[/QUOTE]
I had pretty big tails. Admittedly, my flaps weren't so big, but I blame the fact that the hanger wouldn't let me attach control surfaces of the correct size properly. It was doing weird things like snapping them to points outside of the wing.

I did [i]eventually[/i] get something that could take off. It's nowhere close to what I [i]want[/i] out of this vehicle, but it's a start...
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Hey everybody, I had the Idea to push the concept of a stratolauncher to the limit, and I am at a point where I have a promising Prototype. I already built a succesfull launcher for 2.5m rockets, but I thought I can go even bigger... Everything built with FAR and a 5x version of Kerbin (SKY-Pack). This is also my personal record for the biggest flyable plane I have ever built in ksp with FAR.


Tell me ur opinions
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[quote name='SkyRex94']Hey everybody, I had the Idea to push the concept of a stratolauncher to the limit, and I am at a point where I have a promising Prototype. I already built a succesfull launcher for 2.5m rockets, but I thought I can go even bigger... Everything built with FAR and a 5x version of Kerbin (SKY-Pack). This is also my personal record for the biggest flyable plane I have ever built in ksp with FAR.


Tell me ur opinions

Launching a Saturn V from a plane ? That's plain genius ! Why hasn't anyone done this yet ?

I would myself, if I knew how to make proper planes, and had a PC that could properly handle more than 150 parts.

(Also, I'm not sure a plane capable of lifting 3000t would fit on the runway)
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Sent up my first stations (not counting one I lost due to update, but it was also only the basic module).

Both are currently uninhabited until I bring life support modules.

First I launched the [I]Minmus Orbital Habitat.[/I] This was an unmanned launch. Before I expand it further I'll have to send a Kerbal in on EVA to decouple the adapter that secured it to the lifter/transfer stage.




After this I launched [I]Kerbin Orbital. [/I]

Pretty much a clone in design, but without the docking port hub, having only a single standard size docking port. As this station will be expanded indefinitely, I'm waiting until I research the large docking ports before further expansion, only this module will be connected by the standard sized port.


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Launched four satellites in one go - was glad the remaining struts vanished after a scene switch.
Put them one by one into a 1000x1000km orbit via the usual resonance orbit magic.

First Mun probe flew with help from RemoteTechs flight computer to activate science gizmos on the far side without connection to KSC and a small course correction to set PE at Kerbin for reentry at 40km.

Overlooked that I already had the tiny landing legs and picked a wrong tech node - so more science gathering is required to get to docking ports.

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I tried building a U-2 copy in a Sandbox game. The first flight, with Val at the controls, I managed to get up to 11,000 meters and a bit and then hit Mach 1 (just about) in a dive afterwards (which I am [I]pretty[/I] sure the real U-2 couldn't possibly do), then flew over and landed on the KSC runway, which I have never done before (admittedly, MechJeb's auto land did [I]most[/I] of the work, but I had to take control at the last minute because otherwise the dang thing would fly the plane straight into the runway. Hands-off it is not. That's beside the fact that it had a strong tendency towards phugoid oscillations during the whole flight back, which I thought was peculiar). On the whole, I was pretty pleased with myself, because this is not impossibly far off from the real U-2's performance.

[I]Then[/I] I decided to tweak the design to see how high I could go with a single Wheesly. I extended the wing and cut the amount of fuel onboard by half since it had provided a mission duration much longer than I needed to set an altitude record. Those modifications let Jeb reach 13,000 and a bit meters, almost 14,000, which was pretty nice.

The real fun came when I tried to descend, though. I attempted to combine the dive with a 180 degree turn back towards KSC, but instead of smoothly turning, the airplane went into a flat spin! Fortunately, SAS recovered it after a few moments, but then I tried to continue turning (now at a significantly lower altitude), and it started spinning again! That one elicited an "Oh, ....!" from me, but once again SAS saved the day, and afterwards I had no more major problems (aside from clipping one of the outer wing panels off on landing). I was pretty impressed that you could actually have flat spins occur nowadays, though.

Incidentally, I was ultimately able to achieve an altitude of 14,725 meters on a fourth test flight (also flown by Val) by further reducing the amount of gas in the tanks and shortening the wing. As this was just 200 meters higher than my third flight, though, I think this is about how far you can push the design without putting in a turbojet instead of the turbofan, and it has an endurance of only 10 minutes or so with so little fuel on board. Edited by Workable Goblin
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Built an early career Science and Exploration aircraft with short takeoff and landing capabilities and a cruise speed of 250 m/s.

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I made this flying boat:


It flies great, it takes off great from both land and water (thanks to having flaps), and lands great on hard ground, too. But water landings are a bit problematic. It tends to stop VERY suddenly upon contact with the water.


I suppose this is due to being rather top-heavy (all the Mk2 "boat hull" parts are empty). But if I land at less than 50m/s, it doesn't flip over and all is well. Any splashdown you can swim away from, as they say :).

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No pics, but I'm testing the new or modified engines before I update my chart and graphs. I've learned that the Goliath and Wheezley fly pretty well with the engines turned backwards and their settings changed to reverse thrust. Mind you, not as well as facing forward and keeping them set to the default forward thrust; but not bad. No practical use for backwards engines except for possible design esthetics. :sealed:
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I trimmed down my Venus flyby to juuuust avoid kissing the atmosphere.

Sadly my probe is suffering from not enough power generation, so I've only been getting it there by husbanding the battery. But it should have enough for transmissions before it dies.
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Fourth iteration of my SolSat series. I launched three before this and SolSat 4 was the first major design change as well as launch vehicle change which allowed it to get to a PE of ~540k Km compared to the original SolSat's PE of 1.2m Km for the sun.
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It is good to be landing on other worlds again. Ready for return to surface of Minmus. Aiming for the Great Flats.

Go for de-orbit burn.


Go for landing.


Thank you Valentina!!!

[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/J37bFep.png[/IMG] Edited by DunaticFringe
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