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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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So my Minmus station got its (StationScience mod) science lab and the plant growth experiment. It was supposed to get that + life support / power module + a reusable Minmus lander, but it was too big an undertaking to launch all at once with my current tech (I could get ti there, possibly with orbital refueling, but it was an extremely long payload when stacked and too unstable), I will bring that in the next flight, as well as two crew members, as it is currently still unmanned. This was my first orbital rendezvous in Minmus orbit. On the way back I also visited the Mun to complete a science data from its orbit contract.

Some pictures with increased gamma because of darkness.


First I had to go on EVA, enter the station and undock the adapter left over from the previous launch.


Connecting the science lab module...


...and then the plant growth experiment. The decoupler is to be able to drop the heat shield when I bring the experiment back, because it's currently bugged as you probably know.


After finishing I re-docked with the transfer stage and went to the Mun, before going home. This transfer stage has the honor of being by far the largest piece of orbital debris in Kerbin orbit currently.

[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/wXDJIPC.jpg[/IMG] Edited by ROXunreal
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I tested out my new Mun lander by sending Jebediah and Bob to the Mun. The lander ran out of fuel on the ascent, and Jeb had to use his EVA pack to get out of the Mun's SoI and back to Kerbin. He landed on his helmet without so much as a scratch.

After I recovered him, I suddenly remembered that I had forgotten Bob.
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I built my first 'thing' in 1.0.5. A truck mounted mortar.







Shell in flight:


You can guess the rest...
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Val, Bill and Bob went to the Mun and back.




All stock. 48 parts (would work without the seps (8) and probably could get by with 2 panels & 2 batteries instead of the 4 flown).
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I landed on the Mun, for the first time in forever.

Like, the first time since beta.

Gregbles Kerman bravely conquered the Mun, using the Phage, a new, two-stage lander design.

T'was probably the most fun and luckiest landing I've ever done. The first part of the rocket, though unstable, carried the Phage into orbit and partway to the Mun. The transfer stage took over, getting us there with plenty of fuel to make orbit. Once in orbit, I used the last bit of the transfer stage to slow us down over the landing spot and begin the descent.

I slowed down pretty well despite being rusty at landing. Had trouble with the very last step of landing, lander, being fairly tall, kept tipping over right on touchdown, had to reload a few times. Gonna need to tweak the design.

Finally, I was landed. Ladders down, solar panels out, Gregbles took the first steps on the Mun in 1.0.whatever.

After 9 days landed, I left.

IDK how you all feel about it, but in my opinion, reentry is FUN!!! It was such a nail-biting, nerve-wracking experience sending the now smaller Phage (ditched the landing gear and descent stage), through the atmosphere. I had to shift the lander every few seconds to prevent one side's solar panels and RCS tanks from overheating. Very fun.

Then I landed, and the end.

On one hand, I feel sad that it took me so long to actually have a decent Mun landing, but I'm also very happy.

EDIT: Dangit, a much better, cooler Mun landing was posted before me. Also, sorry for no pictures. I'll try and get it sorted out sometime.
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Made some design changes to my stock Enterprise, looks a bit closer to the original series/motion picture versions now. The slight wobble on the saucer section has been reduced to minimal levels. There is even less torque from engine placement than before. The RCS is better balanced and it has about ~1kms more ∆v. Took it out on a quick jaunt to the Mun to test the handling.


The shuttlecraft that fits in the back looks a bit more snappy too.

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I sent Bob Kerman on his first mission. Decided to do some "science hopping" on Minmus. Got about 2383 science and was able to unlock almost everything except the 500 and over science modules.

Go for landing


Landed on the Flats


Hopped to the Slopes


Hopped to the Midlands


Took off from final hop from Lowlands


Got 2383 science from mission and raised a total of 2447 science. Needed to get sh*t done. Got sh*t done!!!

[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/aC4ZmYy.png[/IMG] Edited by DunaticFringe
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After several weeks of nothing but logistics missions within the Kerbin system (and the occasional course correction burn), in the last couple days--both Kerbal and real-life--a number of exciting things finally happened.


Two new interplanetary Spacebuses went up; Phoebe is a 12-seat Spacebus 3L...



...and Carlos is a 4-seat 2L. Descended from the Aqualung family of tankers, both types are designed for efficient travel between planetary orbits, and landings on small airless bodies.


Super Aqualungs Green and Red sent a mining rig on its way to Dres in a complicated double-header operation.


Carlos departed a few days later with a crew of four; it will meet the mining rig on the surface, where it will refuel for the return to Kerbin.


Most importantly, Valentina finally returned from Duna--my first Kerbal ever to do so (and only my second completed Kerballed interplanetary mission ever). That mission has been underway for ages; she launched back in August. Anyway, according to my (silly, but whatever) personal rule that I can only go places in sandbox mode once I've been and returned in career, Duna is now--finally!--open for sandbox exploration.

Edited by Hotaru
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This is probably my final mission to Minmus before I begin building my space station and starting my Munar landing program. Finally, Bill Kerman got to go on his first mission. Decided to get science from the north pole for maximum science potential.

Forgot to check light angles, but had just enough light to go for landing.


Nice view above Minmus pole with the Sun, Kerbin and the Mun in the background.


Successful landing at the north pole despite the low light conditions.

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Had a flashback to several years ago:


0.13 was even more sparse than I remember. Also Kerbin was a bit different...


Someone want to make a RetroKerbin mod? :)
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Got fed up with trying to design a lander/rover combo for Duna and decided to literally combine them into one vehicle:


Worked pretty well, within dangerously narrow margins. Landed safely with a small amount of thrust and its quadruple parachutes, drove it around to get all the science from high/mid/lowlands, and flew it back to the mothership in orbit. Required a lot of quickloads from unexpected problems, though. The wheels would burst if I hit a bump going faster than 10 m/s, and takeoff turned out to require a nearly vertical launch to get out of the atmosphere before running out of fuel; had to ditch the spare tanks on the front and back to get a little less mass on the thing, and still used up all my fuel and half my monoprop. And I screwed up the RCS again (see if you can spot the mistake), making for a very annoying docking procedure. An additional and less-obvious problem is that the probe core meant for flight control is upside down, so everything on the navball was backwards.

Still, got triple science from a single landing, as planned, so time to refuel it and drop it on Ike... and fix all those design issues before I launch another one of these.
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Sent up a payload to minums on this fly-back booster.

When it returns, I'll have enough Science to unlock the Burn Together module, so I can finish development of its bigger brother:
[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/qC9Z58H.png[/IMG] Edited by DunaRocketeer
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I finally started my space station program. I had a contract that needed to have a space station for 5 kerbals with antenna, docking port and research lab in orbit of Kerbin. Nice simple design with two docking ports and has its own guidance computer for unmanned operation. The orbital insertion stage is still attached to the second docking port and I plan to jettison and deorbit it when it gets low on fuel. Future station boosts will be provided by docked manned or unmanned spacecraft.

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After sending station to orbit, I decided to send the first crew. That also satisfied a contract of docking two spacecraft in orbit. Was able to dock without any aids other than chase view.






I docked once, but undocked, rotated and redocked to have solar panels on both craft in the same plane.

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That is what I did.


Then I said, what if it was also a boat! And then it was! Thanks Squad! Love the new water not swallowing up everything that touches it! Edited by Hyomoto
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I finally managed to launch my next generation 1.05 mining rig into orbit.

During my ascent I managed to recover from a forward roll, doing a complete 360 in the process.

Successfully land on Mun.
Needs a bit more balance adjustment. The VTOL aerospikes are pitching the rig down at full throttle.
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