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Rescuing 3 kermans from Kerbol orbit (pic heavy)


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The story of three stranded kermans starts with the launch of the first succesfully built rocket. Milster, Kenory and Geneemy were selected as the brave three for the first spaceflight of the space program. The mission of the flight was to test the rockects capabilities. It was concluded that the best way to do so was to try achieve as high velocity as possible. Somewhere after Kerbin escape it was realized that the return was poorly planned. The scientists had installed a parachute, but it started to look like it would have no use. The spacecraft was now on Kerbol orbit without any fuel left.

The planning of a rescue mission was started immediately. The planning ang and testing took time. However, after two years, construction of a space station, several test flights, and personnel training, the rescue ship finally arrived. Geenemy was not really happy after eating beans for two years. Luckily the rescue ship had, amongst other necessities, a long awaited pizza delivery.

Here's the rescue ship "Noutaja 2" (Noutaja means retriever) leaving Kerbin:


Fortunately the target orbit had close encounter with Kerbin orbit:


Rescue ship approching target after multiple orbital maneuvers:


Since the stranded ship didn't have docking port, crew transfer was done as EVA. The rescue ship is remote controlled and has empty crew module for the rescued crew.


Crew transfer complete, a moment of relief. Getting ready for the long way back home.


Maneuvering for Kerbin encounter.


First glimpse of home! (along with Mun)


First Kerbin orbit:


Safely on LKO wating for shuttle back to KSC! Mission (almost) complete.



Since there was lately a tragic shuttle accident, the crew must wait on the LKO until KSC folks come up with a better shuttle desing. However, for the stranded crew the short wait will feel like a second or two.

Edited by erGo
fixed pic urls
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