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Most Useful Spacecraft You Have

Uncle Mort

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Z4 Munar Rescue Rocket, and its successor, the very similar Z5.

Because, well, the name says it all.


I say most useful because my space program couldn't run with out it, and its smaller brother. It's no good sending something for a trail run, if there's no guarantee of a safe return.

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Tur 2 Interplanetary tug. It weights 77 tons. Lifting it to orbit was a herculean task, but it was worth it. My ship can get a full jumbo tank to Duna, and carries its own medium Rockomax tank, so it works well as an emergency fuel/monopropellant tanker. When i add a lander to forward docking port, it acts as a long range exploration vessel. Only problem i have with this ship, is seemingly unsatiable thirst for monopropellant. One docking can burn through half of my RCS tank.

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I needed a multi-purpose space tug to help me build my space station. My previous manned tugs, the Hercules and Hercules MkII, were built for this purpose, but I got tired of having to EVA my Kerbals to and from the vehicles every time I used it. So I came up with this, an unmanned version of the Hercules called Ukonvasara.


In Finnish mythology, Ukko is the god of Thunder, and one of his weapons is a hammer called Ukonvasara (Eng.: Ukko's Hammer). It's comparable to the Norse mythological weapon Mjolnir.

Ukonvasara, like Mjolnir, is used to forge lightning, but since we can't do that in KSP, this unmanned vehicle is instead used to construct vessels in orbit, such as space stations. And no, it's not you, that engine is actually falling away. After upper stage sep, Ukonvasara uses that engine to maneuver itself into position to rendezvous with its target. As it closes in on the vessel, it activates those Rockomax radial engines and detaches the bigger engine on a safe trajectory, exposing a rear Clampotron docking port to complement the forward facing Clampotron Jr. The best thing about having both sizes of docking port is I can make my station modular. Different sized parts will have different sized docking ports, so this all-in-one tool makes that job much easier.

I usually have two of these at my station at all times, and they've proven their worth in eventually converting my research station into an orbital fuel station.

NOTE: This image is actually outdated. I'm working on a Ukonvasara Mk II that's lighter, uses the KSPX 1 meter probe part, and doesn't have that detachable engine in the back. Pictures once that's all done.

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Well, i think like most people. I don't use one lifter+Spacecraft for all my missions.

But this one is the most useful, it's a reusable VTOL shuttle. ( I have a separate lifter for it though, it only takes off vertically from the mun or minmus.)


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This bad boy right here.

The Hydra-13XMT, a monster of a launcher, looks BA and is pretty powerful (I don't know how it compares to a Mainsail, I just like the look).


And that's a variation designed to launch large interplanetary probes. Overdone? Yes. Epic? Yes as well. Useful? That's up to the engineers and budget guys.

It spins like mad though... and there's no way to defeat it, fortunately the kraken only treats it like a top, not food.

Not really a spacecraft but my most useful craft for sure.

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This thing back in 0.16.

Literally got EVERYTHING into anywhere for me.


In terms of some of my favorites, this one is high up there.

One of the only planes I EVER made that doesn't flip around or not take off


This was the video it stared in.

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Most useful? Easy. For me, that'd be the Bucket+Bunker combo:


The outer part, Bucket, is a U-shaped SSTO booster rocket. ~500-ton lift capacity, no debris, can get its payload either into a stable LKO or almost all of the way out of Kerbin's SOI. I've used it to put huge rovers on Mun, space stations in LKO, and fuel depots to Jool, Duna, and Eve. The U shape means I can hold any awkward payload inside it using struts.

The inner part, Bunker, is a 400-ton fuel depot paired with a 50-ton lander/kethane refinery. Vessels needing fuel can dock with the big part, or can have the small part come to THEM.

They're not pretty, but these things have been fundamental to exploring the system. Without them, my Grand Tour would have failed miserably. My FAVORITE vessels would be my SSTO spaceplane, or my Kethane-powered reusable lander that's landed on every planet/moon except Jool. But there's a reason I've got a dozen Bunkers in orbit around various planets and moons...

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The "Mule" it is.


First off, it can serve as a tug, a tanker for fuel and RCS and - since I usually unload two crewmembers either - can get two Kerbals out of orbit.

The best part is that I accidentally managed to get the RCS pretty even. I can switch on RCS and ASAS and there hardly is a wobble.

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The Libra class science vessel, of which only 2 of this current structure have been commissioned, is a ship commonly used to deliver probes to the closest planets to Kerbin; Duna (plus Ike) and Eve (plus Gilly, but no Eve missions have yet occurred with the Libra).

Currently, the only Libra class in service is the Libra LBR-030-A itself:


With proper management, the Libra class can easily make a round trip to Duna, but it is unable to land. The Libra has flown to Duna four times now. Future iterations may include limited VTOL ability.

(Totally inspired by the USCSS Prometheus)


Another useful ship is the Interplanet 4. Composed of 2 separate units (the lander and the transfer unit), Interplanet 4 missions can reach just about anywhere in the entire system, and have been to Moho, Laythe, and Dres, all with fuel to spare, and all with successful landings. Currently, none have returned to Kerbin. Here is the Interplanet 4 sent to Moho:


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Here are my tug, explorer, and unmanned prove(with Mechjeb 2 part, if the pilot was transferred out. And oops, the designation doesn't seem to be unique xD


Hercules 1B-10

This twin Rocketmax tank hauler ended up a most versatile craft from refueling a mothership, space station, and even some stranded SSTOs due to my design failures and lack of flight skill. Actually, there was A model with 4 Rocketmax tanks but they were not detachable and was too heavy to perform any space operation, even simple station docking. Actually, B-1~9 was a total failure even with less payload due to shortage of delta V. But B-10 was the first one hit the nail and operational. Although this shot was taken on a one way mission to Duna, to refuel a stranded mothership with weird orbital plane(almost 90 degree...), it can return to Kerbin.


Hercules 1B-25

A usual day of Hercules 1B-25 with part number optimization, removing redundant central ASAS module and RCS thrusters which causes huge lagging when it operates around a space station. But this model still suffers from unwanted rolling when SAS is not operational(Also, I'm not sure that Rocketmax size ASAS are working correctly...), So, I've managed a bit more lightened version.


Hercules 1C-2

Early variant of C model. It still suffers from redundant part system performance drag, but has better delta V than B variant when running a tug mission. Also, if one decides to feed from Rocketmax tank, it can reach Jool.. in theory.

Still grinding for better designs!

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Its unofficial name is "Eva-02"

It is based on the Rocket they used in Evangelion 3.0

It is extremely maneuverable and has a total delta-v of ~3000

Amazing for docking.

I'm planning some interplanetary missions with it right now :wink:

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My most useful ship is the Centauri V Launcher

I'm using it to launch pretty much everything into orbit that will be used by my space station and future mun base.




And its fully reusable! You just have to glue it all back together again and its ready to go back to space.


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My most useful thing is

Buenos DIaz Xll

I not with ksp, i will post pics tomorrow.

It got Anything i needed to orbit,my space program would be very limited to 30 ton payloads.

Any other? No, since averything i send i just a mission that i decided it was cool, not really doing it like real life :P

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Here Are My Go-To Ships

Quest IB - Light Duty (Moon Capable-Landing and Return with 2 launches)


Quest V - General Use for Mun/Minmus Missions and by far my most used Launch Vehicle

(Quest VM)


(Quest VM Mark III Rover)


{Quest VM LS Light Shuttle)


Pluto I - My Current Go-To interplanetary Ship

(This is the Mk 3 Rover Variant)


Pluto V - For Extreme Heavy Lift

(This Is The Apollo Style Launcher)


Mark III Rover - My Go to Rover







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Kerbin Orbital Refueling Station Zeus, Currently has 10 Kerbins living there. Holds 57k Liquid fuel, 70k Oxy, 7k MonoProp, Robotic Arm for easy fueling and refueling of station and other craft, and a docking port.

Just finished fueling the station on Friday and have been using the station to refuel my last three missions to the moon. The weight savings of being able design craft that burn most all their fuel in getting to orbit is awesome. No more cumbersome designs!



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Just your basic Apollo analog, but I have been using it from the beginning.

Modded it out with life support, Remote Tech, docking camera and a few additions to the part file like a fuel cell generator etc.



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My three most useful, and repeatedly utilized designs are the following:



Built to replace a probe series that unwittingly abused the heck out of the old RCS bug, the FOXTROT, with it's LV-N and drop tanks, has enough delta-v to get anywhere, map that place, and if the gravity is low enough, land. I've currently got one of these in a polar orbit around just about everything. One was event sent to Gilly Ike to chase down the [REDACTED].


These little guys are so ubiquitous I actually forgot to name them. They go up with every piece of cargo that needs to be pushed around and have been dragged to Jool and Duna to help shuttle around bits of those missions. I guess they'd be TUG BASTARDS.


The humble FUEL BASTARD. Like the slightly less rudely named "Topper" earlier, this is simply a gas can with enough RCS to get it to dock with something and refuel it. These have also been fired off to Jool and Duna with the Science Armadas so that there would be enough fuel to get back.


In this screen shot you can actually see versions of all three of them. This is the City of Pomona, her mission - carry some modified FOXTROTs to Jool. A FUEL BASTARD has arrived, carrying spare drop tanks and a pair of TUG BASTARDS. The TBs fitted the drop tanks to the City of Pomona and then each grabbed a PBF to carry it off to one of the Joolian moons. The FUEL BASTARD then refilled the City of Pomona's internal fuel tanks and then went into permanent orbit around Jool in case anyone else stops by with a need for some gas.

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