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TT's Mod Releases - Development suspended till further notice


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Question, since I don't see it on the front page and didn't see it on the Spaceport page, but what is the license for the Mk4 system?

I want to put out a .cfg update for it to get it up to speed on 0.23.5

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All my mods include a readme file which contains the license. All of them are non-reupload, aside from one file which is specified in one of the mods which it applies.

Though uploads of just cfg files alone is fine, but I wouldn't bother yourself with doing it. The user would have to know how to manually move the files to the new locations, and trust me, a lot of them can't.

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I downloaded the MK3 Expansion Pack awhile ago, but all that shows up in the VAB/Hangar is the rocket body. I've no problem editing config files and such, and added TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics to them (so they appear when the MK3 cockpit does), but to no avail. I've looked into the KSP debug log file and can see that the textures load, but in the output_log, all I see is the rocket body being loaded:

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'TouhouTorpedo/MK3ExpansionPack/Parts/TTC7MK3ERocketFuselage/part/TTmk3RocketFuselage'

I don't see PartLoader loading the other parts like the bomb bay and cargo bay. Looking into the directory structure, i can see the model.mu and textures and part.cfg files are there.

I realize that you're discontinuing support on your mod, but would you be willing to share some insight on why the other parts aren't loading? I like the MK3 models and parts you did and would like to use them. If you're not willing, I understand, though if you could at least comment on how you figured out the dimensions on the MK3 fuselage, I could model parts myself.

Thank you for your help. :)

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  TouhouTorpedo said:
They weren't made for Gamedata. Add Part{ to the top and } at the end.

Ohhhhh, that worked! At last, I has a space shuttle. Thank you much! Sad to see you go, I haven't been playing as long as you no doubt so I'm unaware of the frustrations you have. It's unfortunate because these parts look fabulous.

Thanks again. :)

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Would someone be able to re-upload these to curse or another site?

I had a hard drive failure and lost all my saves, and I really loved these parts.

Great Mod Touhou, this is one of those parts that makes you wonder why this isn't stock.

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  ElR0acho said:
Would someone be able to re-upload these to curse or another site?

I had a hard drive failure and lost all my saves, and I really loved these parts.

Great Mod Touhou, this is one of those parts that makes you wonder why this isn't stock.

Nope, TouhouTorpedo doesn't want these reuploaded.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, these are the only Mk3 mod parts I've used for quite some time. Now that TT has taken his ball and ran home, can anyone make suggestions on alternatives? (And not B9, please... way too much bloat and cruft there. I'm looking for actual Mk3-compatible parts, not equivalent items with different shapes/sizes.)

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  Kyrian said:
What about B9? :D

I just need a mod with engines and fuel etc. Driving is kinda boring without.

did he not just say not B9..... lol

@RoboRay ,I am not sure at the moment, if I come across something before you do, I will pm ya.

Also, you could just delete everything you do not like in B9 and use what you do like as a last resort.

Edited by mrsinister
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  Kyrian said:
What about B9? :D

I just need a mod with engines and fuel etc. Driving is kinda boring without.

same here, i want another mod like this. (TT Multiwheels)

or this mod updated,

or this mod being taken care by someone else

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  mrsinister said:
did he not just say not B9..... lol

@RoboRay ,I am not sure at the moment, if I come across something before you do, I will pm ya.

Also, you could just delete everything you do not like in B9 and use what you do like as a last resort.

Yeah, that is a possibility, but... I've been dabbling with the Spaceplanes+ Mk2 expansion set lately and I like the stock-alike look better than the B9 look.

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I still have TT's Mk3 parts, but I like sharing the craft I build which pretty much excludes using parts that are no longer available. I really want to mix some Mk3 parts back into my designs.

Edited by RoboRay
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  TheCanadianVendingMachine said:
The fact that SQUAD is a small company, and that they need to save money for their company, does not mean that you should act like this. They will probably not change, as for they already have the money you used to buy the game. Of course, they do care about their community, but that does not mean that they will bend to the communities every will.

KSP has sold quite a few copies, they have more money than the development of this game will cost already. Also SQUAD is a marketing company first and foremost, with a few people working on a game, the company is not small (at least in comparison to other indie devs).

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This is why I keep zips of mods on my external drive, I suggest you all do the same in the future. You never know when something childish can ruin a good thing. As for good rover wheels.. HOME comes with a very nice set, ZWheel is very nice as well. Neither have engines and use non electric fuel though

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  TouhouTorpedo said:
Spaceport mods are only backed up on Squad's own offline backup. Assuming it actually exists. Either way I still have my own local copies and development sources. Although I like a lot of what the community has done using my mods over time and I'd like to keep seeing it, I also don't want to support Squad at this time as I think they're going down a road which will benefit no one in the long term.

Before you say it I don't care that it's Curse, what I care about is only a 1 month warning to deleting a year and a half of community work, when really since they commited to providing a service to the community in the first place, they should have kept up with that.

I agree. Your mods live on in my installs, with slight updates. Not archiving the useful mods on Spaceport was a frustrating and senseless thing to do. Especially for someone like me that enjoys modifying classic mods for my own use. You have every right as the creator of your content to control it anyway you want to.

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Well this sucks. You are not punishing Squad doing this. Although im sure they are aware. The only people this really punishes is the fanbase. :(

Most of us aren't happy with curse either.

Mods are how we gamers get the game we actually want, because god knows devs sure as heck wont make them for us. Every game I have is heavily modded, and its the same for every friend.

Ive never seen devs yet who listen to their customers. And trust me, ive tried. I cant tell you how many beta tests and alpha tests ive been in, and the devs didn't listen to anything any of the testers said. Even when it was unanimous., not even one time. I now consider beta tests a scam for free stress testing. So please reconsider your fans. That's the only people it will actually effect. I doubt Squad cares what any of us do, or don't do, so you aren't hurting them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for reliving the thread, but could there be a new site to download the MK3 IVA or any other mods ? It's great - not just the stock MK3 cockpit can have it, tiberion's shuttle uses it too (and it's a wonder to have !)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Coyote_ar said:
Just tried the TTModularWheels-v0.6.2.3 in 0.24 x64, and its still working.

Those who love this mod (and are lucky enough to keep a copy of it), can still use it.

Nice, still have my copy, just haven't gotten around to testing it yet. I do love it, hopefully some pride can be overlooked and these awesome mods can be continued.

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  tygoo7 said:
Since spaceport was shutdown and you don't like curse, have you thought of Kerbal Stuff? It is a great alternative to Curse and I enjoy it more IMO.

His beef isn't with Curse specifically, but with Squad's decision to destroy the SpacePort site entirely rather than keep it online for archival purposes at the very least.

Unfortunately, while I can understand his point of view, there really isn't anything anybody can do to change his mind about continuing his awesome mods at this point. He'll either start missing the challenge, or he'll decide the protest is more important itself.

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  Deadweasel said:
His beef isn't with Curse specifically, but with Squad's decision to destroy the SpacePort site entirely rather than keep it online for archival purposes at the very least.

Unfortunately, while I can understand his point of view, there really isn't anything anybody can do to change his mind about continuing his awesome mods at this point. He'll either start missing the challenge, or he'll decide the protest is more important itself.

hate to be an ass and brutaily honest but i think i speak for everyone when i say that TT should at least put the files up on media fire. witholding mods just to get back at an orginisation that doesn't care if 6 mods go off the forums due to some poerson disagreeing is hardly fair on his/her fanbase and the people who actually want the mods and love the mods.

sorry :( i just wanna rage but i'm too downcast to actally care about yelling at TT about this.

uhm since no one can redistrubuit it can someone PM me all the files for 0.22/0.23/0.23.5? i'm pretty sure THAT isn't illagal... i think...

(if i'm wrong modderators i'm sorry for saying this and just tell me. i'll edit this and say sorry)

Edited by AntiMatter001
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