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Terrain Scatters: Am I Doing Something Wrong?


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So up until recently, i never had any interest in using terrain scatters because my machine can barely handle the game as is. However, when 0.19 came around my game began running a little bit smoother. I turned them on and brought the density up to %100, but when I opened up the game, no trees/rocks were to be seen. I thought maybe it was just the space center, so I went to the tracking station and opened up a Mun Base: same result...nothing. I played around with the slider but it had no effect (%100 is just as dense as %10). Getting desperate, I turned on cheats and strapped a Mainsail onto a tiny rocket and began traveling around Kerbin in search for terrain features. Nothing.

I know the feature works and I've seen how dense it's supposed to be in videos. So... what am I doing wrong? AND, how do i fix it?

Thanks for reading! :)

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They are there, especially on other planets, but the scatters near the space center were pushed way back (like 100km back) to keep them from lagging our launches :)

You need to go further to find them :D

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