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Eight Jiggabogs of memory to the first person who can solve my riddle.

it's a never-empty vending machine but it will make you lose anything you drink

It's more compex than any man-made machine

Any 5 year old could produce it.

EDIT: hints

1. We have the plan, ____ has the means of production

2. Sometimes you poop it, sometimes you buy it.

3. the answer is nearly an anagram of "hicocsh realiic". The space is scrambled like any other letter. and there is exactly one character missing.

Winner PM's me a mailing address (USA only unless you pay shipping)

I reserve the right to deny winners for no reason.


Edited by nhnifong
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(plus some extra characters)


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I was going to say homour or comedy, but then you gave the anagram thing.

I'm now guessing it's at least partially not in English because Internet Anagram Solver gives nothing with less than 3 words, 2 spaces.

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Yes, it's english.

It's not going to come up in your anagram solver because a bit of a rare term.

EDIT: very sorry, the anagram was missing a few letters, however, since you're just going to plug it in an anagram solver. I'm not going to give you the correct one.

Edited by nhnifong
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Some of us aren't using anagram solvers.

But then again, the game was rigged from the start.

I reserve the right to deny winners for no reason.
Edited by Leonov
Always wanted to use a Fallout Quote.
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It's not "rigged" it's just difficult and I will give this mem to the first person to rightfully solve it.

Giving us an "anagram" missing letters without even telling us is rigged because it gives you a clue which can only lead to false answers and denies correct ones, umless you mean to say that the missing letters was accidental. I didn't know using an anagram solver was against the rules (not that I didn't try to figure it out by myself first), but regardless I was only having a go for fun.

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I never expected it to be this hard :/ and the anagram was incorrect by accident. very sorry about that.

the anagram is back. There is exactly one letter missing. "hicocsh realiic"

And another hint: Sometimes you poop it, sometimes you buy it.

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I never expected it to be this hard :/ and the anagram was incorrect by accident. very sorry about that.

the anagram is back. There is exactly one letter missing. "hicocsh realiic"

And another hint: Sometimes you poop it, sometimes you buy it.

Since human waste is used as fertilizer, and is sometimes sold (WTF), the man who said "Urine" is correct. I would say something else, but it is that rather odd......body part that male Terrans have.

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