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This is my first rocket that I actually built, that can get almost anywhere. Asparagus staging. No SRB's until I know how to stage them.



Depending on your skills, how close your target is, et cetera. After about a month of extensive testing, it can most definitely make it to the following locations:




Mediafire download: http://www./?4dw0bqqh7w5vtk0

PROTIP: Try not to waste a lot of fuel orbiting Kerbin. This thing has JUST enough to get to a planet without a return trip. If it's close.

Feel free to tell me how to improve on this!

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The top stage is for landing and orbital corrections.

If that's a bad thing, then I'll have to add MOAR FUEL TANKS.

Or just an orbital corrections stage.

Edited by spink00
corrections BAHDUMTISH
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Why did you add two ASAS at the top? They don't work like the normal SAS modules, adding more won't give you, more control, it's just some additional weight and precious fuel wasted. And I would change the central core's engine for something more fuel efficient, the Rockomax poodle has a good vacuum isp and with your asparagus boosters giving you a lot of power, you probably wouldn't have trouble getting in orbit anyway! Even better than the Poodle, I would allow part clipping and make a cluster core engine. You could, for example, put an LV-45 in the middle and 3 LV-909 around it, that would give you a total power of 350 and a atmospheric isp of 311 which is a lot better than the mainsail, and a vacuum isp of 378. MAybe you would get a low TWR, but you will get a very efficient burning, meaning a further reach in space ^^

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I tried playing ith your design a bit, and by putting a cluster of 5 LV-909 engines on the lander, you get a power of 250 and the same mass, ISP and delta V. But it'S more powerful by 30kN so that's interesting. and for the launcher, I just switched the core stage by 1 LV-45 and four LV-30, and i managed to get this up to kerbin orbit with half the fuel left. You have a much better isp in atmosphere and in vacuum, and it gives you a total of 1080 of power instad of 1500, which is much more useful for trips to other planets. if you want it to get even further, I recommend actually putting only one tank on the lander. this way your launcher gets you a much better kick into orbit and towards another planet. And also, adding the smallest 2.5m tanks at the bottom of an orange tank which has a mainsail will pretty much negate the overheating. So yeah, hope it helps ^^

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Oh, man, I accidentally added two ASAS?

I thought one was SAS and the other was ASAS. :|

Well, I'll try to follow your tips for the Freedom Mk9 rocket.

EDIT: After looking into the ship, I didn't have two ASAS. One SAS and one ASAS. CURSE THEIR LOOKALIKE PAINTING

Freedom Mk9 will not include an ASAS.

Edited by spink00
cursing ASAS
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I have to agree with stupid_chris (not implying anything!). I used to have 'moar boosterz' fever until I realized that's no substitute for smart design. This is definitely the product of Kerbal engineering though. I suspect the majority of it's thrust is used to lift the fuel used to generate the thrust that lifts the fuel ad infinitum.

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Are you sure that it was one SAS and one ASAS? There's no stock 2.5m SAS module. Excepted for the KSPX one, and it does have the same painting, but in different orientation, and your craft looked totally mod free so I didn't think you had a KSPX SAS on. But an ASAS would be more useful than an SAS on this lander honestly. You'd rather keep the ASAS.

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