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What is the hardest aspect of this game?


What is the hardest thing to do in KSP?  

  1. 1. What is the hardest thing to do in KSP?

    • Manned Deep Space Missions
    • Surface Bases
    • SSTOs
    • Landing on other planets

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  Specula said:
I'd also add 'docking large vessels' to that list, but that's just me. For me, especially getting a BIG space plane up there, an SSTO is hard work.

Yes, this would be a candidate.

Anyways, SSTOs that serve any function other than to get in to space have been the biggest challenge for me.

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SSTO is easy, SSTO plane is hard.

I voted for deep space manned missions though, because getting those planetary encounters without mods is painful, and you end up using a huge amount of fuel if you get it wrong.

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I'd say, triple docking an orange tank to a 4-nuke drive stage, looking through your hands as you start the transfer burn with a mainsail ( I was getting about 20 degrees of flex), then sitting through all of it.

Although triple docking isn't too hard, as long as you have a clean final approach, you do need to get to know fine controls.

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The only reason spaceplanes is hard is due to the physics model. If we had a proper physics model based on aerodynamics it would help a lot.

I think the only real hard part is matching orbits and docking as we see a TON of these "Help me to dock" threads.

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  NeoMorph said:
The only reason spaceplanes is hard is due to the physics model. If we had a proper physics model based on aerodynamics it would help a lot.

I think the only real hard part is matching orbits and docking as we see a TON of these "Help me to dock" threads.

I don't know about the aerodynamics model...I've tried FAR and I couldn't even get a plane off the ground. That could just be me though :P

I think the main reason behind all those docking help threads is simply that docking requires you to have some technical know-how and a bit of skill, but after you've mastered the basics you can dock with ease. Spaceplanes require you to have super piloting skills, as a design that got into orbit one attempt can't even get into space on another, depending on your piloting skill.

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SSTO spaceplanes by far. I'm a pretty seasoned veteran of KSP and I have done pretty much everything on the list. However, I will always remember building my first SSTO spaceplane as one of my crowning achievements in the game.

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SSTO: A single-stage-to-orbit (or SSTO) vehicle reaches orbit from the surface of a body without jettisoning hardware, expending only propellants and fluids. The term usually, but not exclusively, refers to reusable vehicles.

I build these all the time. SSTO spaceplanes are a different story.

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Really haven't had ANY problems with most of the above... I'm one of life's over-designers, as is necessary in my career. My friend showed me KSP for the first time and was amazed when my first 3 minute attempt at building a rocket launched, made orbit, landed on Mun and returned my Kerbal safely to Kerbin. Getting my head round some of the concepts, docking, interplanetary transfers, oberth effect etc has been a challenge, but actual rocket design is so, so simple when there's no budget (I'd be terrible at it in career mode). Have never had a crash landing or had a mission objective fail, again always through over design. Hell, my 'Small Load' lifter is rated for nearly 40 tons, and it's very rare I'd ever launch anything less than 25 tons into orbit... don't think I've ever made anything smaller other than satellites, and I launch those in clusters of 6+ with a transfer carrier :P

SSTO however. Wow. I SUCK at SSTO. Been trying to build a crew transfer shuttle for WEEKS with absolute zero success. I also suck at flying in atmosphere. So yeah, the real challenge in KSP for me will be SSTO, until such times as I have a budget constraint, which I suspect I'll also be terrible at.

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I'm not gonna vote.

Becouse nothing is hard! (not to sound like i'm invinsible or on god mode or anything :P) and why??!

IMO it just takes GOOD planning and patience, a calm mind and hand, and an iron will to get things done right the first time! :cool:

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Yeah... biggest requirement for this game is... PATIENCE and lots of it or your Kerbonauts end up a PATIENTS instead... if they don't pop that is.

Actually, Kerbals should limp away from crash landings. Would give us even more empathy for them.

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SSTOs all the way. Actually, any SPH-built vehicle gives me trouble simply because no matter how much it looks like it will fly, it just doesn't (blames aerodynamics). I've never even performed more than a sub-orbital hop with a spaceplane I built myself :(

Landing a plane is also difficult for me. Once again, this is probably because what I make doesn't actually work and ends up hitting the ground too fast no matter how hard I try to slow the descent, engines or otherwise.

Apparently the hardest aspect of the game is docking, but I don't find it difficult at all.

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I havent voted because I cant believe you dont have docking on there - by far the most difficult, and frustrating, thing in the game!

And also simply 'getting into space' is often difficult and requires me trying several times with a new rocket design so that should be on there as well.

Thirdly I would say just 'flying a plane' is very difficult to do in the game because of the terrible aerodynamics and lack of any drag. Without ASAS its impossible. So that should be on there.

But after that I would say landing on a planet.

I havent tried any of the other things so I wouldnt know about them yet.

Edited by nats
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can't answer, you need to be more specific.

SSTOs? yes and no, quite hard at the beginning, you need to learn a couple of tricks about planes.

rocket-only SSTOs (no jet engines)? with enough delta-v to escape the Sun, or reach another planet? then yes, definitely hard.

landing on other planets? yes and no.

Tylo and Moho are quite painful. Duna and Eve are a breeze. But try to come back from Eve...

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voted for SSTO's because, as others have mentioned, getting an SSTO that does anything 'useful' is really tricky. Best I've managed so far is a SSTO plane that can deliver around 7tons to orbit, but its so impractical, takes ages to get into orbit and is way more complex compared to a rocket capable of delivering the same payload. Fun challenge thou.

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SSTO spaceplanes for me. Never managed a successful flight and landing yet.....

  Francesco said:

SSTOs? yes and no, quite hard at the beginning, you need to learn a couple of tricks about planes.

Any good tutorials you can recommend? Thanks :-)

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Didn't vote because I find rendezvous the most difficult. Docking fairly straightforward if you're going very slow, however rendezvous is the only thing in KSP that I've been able to unlearn!

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