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KSP Global Universe: a website to merge everyone's best flights (early alpha!)


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Hi there!

I've developed a website which allow anybody to push its vessels into a global game file, and download the results.

That is, you can push there any currently flying thing you have, and it will be merged exactly where it stands in the global game.

I've announced it yesterday on the KSP sub-reddit and there is already more than 120 vessels in the global game.

Here is what it looks like: http://imgur.com/a/CbdkD

And the website is here : http://construct.ath.cx/~case/kspweb/

Everything is quite early, I hope you'll enjoy it. I'm looking for feedbacks, here or through the form on the site (include your email if you're expecting an answer ;p ).

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a good thing you added a stock download too :)

I was a request by early testers on reddit.

By the way, KSP handles unknown modules quite nicely, removing unsupported vessels from the game on first acces to the tracking station, so you have just a couple of modules, you can still download the full set and KSP will filter it.

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Just a little bump (promised, it's the first and last one), because I've improved the site a little bit, and we have now more than 230 vessels in the global game file...

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