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Laythe Nuke-SP SSTO .20 OK!

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Check out my new thread, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44759-Nobunaga-Interceptor-quick-agile-spaceplane?highlight=nobunaga

Hello, here is the culmination of all my space plane effort. This plane is remarkably controllable during all phases of flight, even while empty.

Tested and confirmed functional in .21.1

Stock version now default for this thread! Click here for the stock version.


Münar eclipse! Must burn towards the Mün!


Flying by the Münar Arch

Download this craft now!

Click here for this plane with MechJeb and ISA GPS unit attached!

NOTE**Stock version now default for this thread! Click here for the stock version.


2x Turbofan

4x Intakes

1x LV-N

Action Groups:

[1] - Enable LV-N

[2] - Toggle Turbofans and Intakes

The ascent profile for this spaceplane is like many others.

Climb at 45 degrees until 10km altitude, nose down gently while continuing to climb to ~20km, watch apoapsis and gently guide the plane up to an apoapsis of 24-26km. At this point, the fuel in the forward tank should be half or a little over half consumed. Continue to burn this fuel while gaining speed, you should approach 1550~1600m/s surface velocity.

At about 30 units of fuel in the forward tank I fire the nuke, either by staging or the "1" action group. Burn the nuke and turbofans, continuously pitching upwards to raise your apoapsis out of the atmosphere. During this maneuver, your speed may decrease by some negligible amount and while under 34km altitude your maximum pitch will hover around 30 degrees, I usually wait until above 30~32km to press "2" to disable turbofans and intakes (Yes, it drops below 1/3 throttle). As the apoapsis approaches 55km I usually begin to level out picking up a significant amount of my horizontal orbital velocity before completely leaving this atmosphere.

My best attempt has left me with 1700m/s delta-V when reaching orbit. or more than half the liquid fuel/oxidizer available to the nuke. A quick refuel and this baby has ~2.5km/s, enough to make it to Jool/Laythe if you are clever about it.

Mechanical Jeb is included on this version for flameout prevention however I've never been able to successfully use Smart A.S.S. to reach orbit, its all manual flight. For non-mech jeb use, throttle down to 50% at 26km and 25% up to 28km at which point I disable the turbofans, if you're a brave soul you can push 15~20% throttle up to 30km.

EDIT: Once refueled in orbit, I have made it to Laythe with this plane under its own power. You may be landing empty; I kept 3L of liquid fuel to fire my turbofans about 1km off the deck just to keep from wasting the journey by crashing; however I feel confident no fuel was needed to land safely, maintaining a negative pitch (~-15deg variable depending on altitude) to hold a consistent velocity of 75~100m/s. Flaring to land should yield a touchdown at around 55-75m/s. I'll add photos when available.

So far all it has is its functional name...

Edited by AnalogAddict
Added Stock version vs Modded default updating links
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Thanks Captain.

All my other space planes can get touchy when re-entering atmosphere with empty fuel tanks, this was the first to avoid that problem. Granted you can still lose control in upper atmosphere under the right conditions but I think as long as you aren't a potato trying to fly my plane then you'll be fine.

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Thanks Captain.

All my other space planes can get touchy when re-entering atmosphere with empty fuel tanks, this was the first to avoid that problem. Granted you can still lose control in upper atmosphere under the right conditions but I think as long as you aren't a potato trying to fly my plane then you'll be fine.

Meh, even then you shouldn't have too much problem, assuming you've got even a tiny bit of power.


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Meh, even then you shouldn't have too much problem, assuming you've got even a tiny bit of power.
All my other space planes can get touchy when re-entering atmosphere with empty fuel tanks

Indeed, but by circumstance, I fail to have even a tiny bit of power. I should have seen the potato coming... nice touch

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The name suggested it could make Laythe orbit... Please fix this.

However it cannot go directly to Laythe from the runway, it has the on-board fuel to rendezvous with a refueler or refueling station in LKO, HKO or one of its moons, then the craft is capable of the interplanetary transfer.

Edited by AnalogAddict
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This is very interesting, being a "HandFlyer" myself, I'd like to request that un-moded version, if you could be so kind.

Here is the stock version, updated to download vs display as text.

Here is the stock version, sir. Let me know if there is an issue loading it.

Note* Edited original post to include stock version as well.

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Thanks a lot, but when I clicked the link, it opens the craft file as a text document. I've edited it to be a craft file, but there might be some people who don't know how to do it.

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Thanks a lot, but when I clicked the link, it opens the craft file as a text document. I've edited it to be a craft file, but there might be some people who don't know how to do it.

Thanks for the heads up sir, I'll see what I can do about getting that changed to a download link vs a view link. Got this downloading as a .zip file vs displaying as a plain text file. Sorry for any confusion this may have placed on some players.

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