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Spherical Fuel Tanks and more!


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I've been working on this tank for a while now, but while I'm happy with the model, I really suck at texturing. I decided to go with a very simple texture job that seems to fit well with the stock aesthetic, and I think it worked out pretty well. It is a spherical fuel tank about half the size of the Rockomax Jumbo-64 tank, and I just kind of eyeballed the fuel capacity because I'm too lazy to do the math right now. I'm just wondering what people think of this design, and whether there would be any interest in me putting it up for download.




The tank is stackable on both top and bottom, as well as being able to be surface attached. It is very similar to Fiddlestyx's excellent looking part located at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/29528-Fuel-Orb-%28fuel-storage-tanks%29-add-on-release, but it has a very different aesthetic. Please let me know what you think.

I have also begun working on a spherical HAB module:


Comments and suggests always welcome!

Edited by Talisar
Expanded scope of items beyond tanks
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That really looks great, all around, the only thing I would say it'd be nice to have, is a sidemount clamp that mates with it in a more pleasing way than just slapping them on the side; but the inline looks super good

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I didn't expect to get any replies so quickly. I just uploaded it to spaceport and I'll make a release post once it shows up. I had just planned to use some generic parts to mount the tank radially, but I like the idea of a custom mount for it. I'll see what I can come up with.

I appreciate the feedback!

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So I started making a larger tank, similar to the first but having it be of a size where the caps would mate with the standard 2.5m pieces. After getting it made, I realized just how large this tank would be. By doing the math, I find that the new tank would have a diameter of 7.5m and hold 11,520L of Liquid Fuel and 14,080 of Oxidizer if it stayed consistent with the first one... Over 140t for one tank when full.


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By doing the math, I find that the new tank would have a diameter of 7.5m and hold 11,520L of Liquid Fuel and 14,080 of Oxidizer if it stayed consistent with the first one... Over 140t for one tank when full.

Partition some of that for RCS fuel, make it start empty, and you have a perfect orbital fuel depot tank.


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Partition some of that for RCS fuel, make it start empty, and you have a perfect orbital fuel depot tank.


I took your advice, partially. I made empty versions of both tanks and updated the download on spaceport. I also adjusted the fuel capacities to be in line with the standard parts (Spica did the math for me, using the Rockomax Jumbo-64 tank as a basis). I am planning on making RCS tanks in a similar style as well. I'm also going to make a version of the tanks to fit the .625m parts as well, I think. It shouldn't take long, as it's actually a pretty simple model, but I'm trying to keep the centerline bands and the orange rings a standard size, so I'm modelling each individually rather than simply rescaling them.

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Do consider that 1 unit of LiquidFuel is not a liter, in fact your regular size sphere tank contains roughly 8,280 liters of LiquidFuel, the large tank being twice as big would hold eight times as much, or 66,244 liters; not counting other contents (going by the given contents, not true volume)

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Yep, the new capacities I added using the math that Spica did are as follows:

Medium Tank:

LiquidFuel – 3420

Oxidizer – 4180

Dry Mass – 2

Large Tank:

LiquidFuel – 25920

Oxidizer – 31680

Dry Mass – 6

That is roughly in line with what you came up with, a little less. I explain that away by claiming that the fuel and oxidizer are in pressure hulls inside the spheres, so the volume is less that apparent :) . They are pretty large tanks, eh?

Edited by Talisar
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Ok, I've been working on another part to go in the spherical set. This one is a HAB module, and is the same size as my large spherical tank.


At the moment, its set up as a basic crew tank, and I'm trying to decide whether to add a hatch to it, or make a separate hatch that is surface attachable so people can place it where they want. I am also working on some 2.5m and 1.25m radial attachment points that can be placed as desired as well. What do you think?

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Ok, quick update on my Hab module. Here is what I have so far, with my original style texture applied:


I've also made a radial mount to go with it to help with attaching things to it, and it comes in 2.5m and 1.25 sizes:



I'm going to start working on airlocks next, and probably do a surface mount one as well as a version of the module with one built in.

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Regardless of how you do it any part with a hatch on it will only let you EVA kerbals contained within that part; so yes you can have surface attached hatches; but it won't work for other part's kerbals. The solution to this is Crew Manifest, which will let you move kerbals into the hatch for EVA.

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