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Hello everybody! I'm a Turkish spacefan who has just joined the forum-I guess I'm the first Turkish kerman here?-. I've been making flights for two weeks on KSP and I fell in love with it! I'm glad I am going to experience the whole development of this excellent simulator (I just can't say game, games are not as complicated and high quality as KSP) and I want to thank all of the SQUAD members for creating this awesome universe. Safe flights people! :)

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Welcome to the forums! :)

It's always good to see the game getting so much exposure around the world. I know exactly how you feel about the game -- it's one of the few that I've actually been excited to play over and over again for a long time.

If you need any help with any area of the game, check out the Drawing Board (link in my sig). It has links to a number of useful tutorials and other resources which might cover a topic you're having trouble with. If you still have questions, the people in our How To forum will be more than happy to share their knowledge.

Happy landings!

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Thank you all! It's such a nice feeling to be welcomed from people around the world. So it doesn't matter where you are from, being a kerbal is enough! :) Safe launches and smooth landing :)

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