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Patience, friend. You can't rush art. xD

Plus I play far too much Minecraft lately...

But Chobit and I did go over some details on Monday after Into Darkness. There was even a napkin sketch!

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  OdinYggd said:
<courtesy snip>

This is my first flag placement in 0.20.

It is also the first time I've landed on Laythe with anything in any version.

And Jeb himself is the one that did it.

So does this mean that Laythe is now Odin's sphere?

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Rage097 walked calmly up to the chain link fence. It was locked tight with a padlock. Rage097 knew that the padlock was not going to break, but that wasn't his plan anyway. He pulled his key out and slowly put it into the lock. He hesitated and looked around to find...Nothing, nothing but silence. He unlocked the gate, and ritualisticly lifted the padlock above his head and yelled: "THE GATES ARE OPEN! FOR THE GLORY OF INSANITY, CHARGE!". and with that he threw the lock to the ground and kicked the gate open. seconds later, a very loud rumbling could be heard. The users were coming...


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Why must I miss all the good conversations! Also, 0.20 is out!!!

That makes up for my exams. I had a fun question on the physics one. It asked whether space exploration was worth the cost and asked for a reason. I gave 3 and had a star trek quote in it :D

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  LeonG17 said:
I tried to make Jeb ride a SRB but for some reason, the toggle ladders didn't work :(

It's because Jeb has been launched on an SRB so many times now that he's just like:"Nope, I will bug the game if you try to make me do this right now."

I dunno what's wrong with your ladders, they work fine for me.

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  OdinYggd said:
What are ya'll up to.

Shouldn't you be busy flying?

Last night I planted a flag on Laythe. If you haven't landed there before, you really should see it.

I almost made it. I had an encounter with Laythe, then ran out of fuel. Bill Kerman is now forever in Jool orbit.

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  OdinYggd said:
What are ya'll up to.

Shouldn't you be busy flying?

Last night I planted a flag on Laythe. If you haven't landed there before, you really should see it.

I want to land on Laythe, but I have no interplanetary travel experience. Luckily I have a holiday all next week to try and gain some. I'll try to send some probes to the planets and moons, then rovers and finally, a one way trip to Lathye.

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