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FusTek Station Parts Dev Thread (continuation of fusty's original work)


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  sharpspoonful said:
Would it be ok to keep the EVA ability of the Kirs Docking airlock as well?

EDIT: on question #2: I'd be ok with not having IVA's in the Logisitics module, and really any module with no "intended" function.

Well... I don't think the Docking module is intended to be an airlock, as you'll soon find in the IVA I'm doing for it that there is no suit storage or separate lockout chamber. The Kirs is essentially a pressurized tunnel acting as a stand-off between a crowded space station and any large ungainly visiting spacecraft.

Speaking of IVAs, the Kirs will still have one, as it would also get a MFD for monitoring station docking operations.

  sharpspoonful said:
Have you seen the KSO IVA's Sumghai? I'd like something along those lines in terms of IVA utility. Especially the docking IVA.

I'm not familiar with the Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter system I'm afraid.

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  sumghai said:

I'm not familiar with the Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter system I'm afraid.

I would Take a look at in IMO. Helldiver has plans to release a 2.5m wide orbiter in the future, and the mini-orbiter works well with crew rotations (see fig.1).


Figure 1. KSO/Fustek compatibility

Edited by sharpspoonful
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  sumghai said:

2) Would it be alright if Nodes and Logistic modules didn't have IVAs?

Absolutely, now that we have a smaller node, I would be fine if it also didn't have a crew capacity. As for logistics modules, I think many mods (or users who edit configs) would be putting different resources in them anyway, making a one size fits all IVA difficult.

  sumghai said:

3) Would it be alright if I removed airlocks from all FusTek modules except for the dedicated Kuest and Kuest Legacy Airlocks? (Bonus - this would allow me to finally to shift the part origins back to 0,0,0 instead of relying on the blasted CoMOffset hack)

Absolutely, but maybe with a link in the mods description to the Crew Manifest plugin as the "official suggested way" to get kerbals in and out of the station modules.

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These parts are great. But a simple 100 part station I built out of them causes far more lag that it has any reason to. After some checking it seemed like the docking ports were the source of it. Putting eight to 12 of them on an otherwise lag free rocket causes a large framerate drop, other docking ports don't have the same effect. Is there anything I can do about that?

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  ayana said:
These parts are great. But a simple 100 part station I built out of them causes far more lag that it has any reason to. After some checking it seemed like the docking ports were the source of it. Putting eight to 12 of them on an otherwise lag free rocket causes a large framerate drop, other docking ports don't have the same effect. Is there anything I can do about that?

Well the simplest, quick fix would be to use the stock docking ports.

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  sumghai said:

It recently dawned on me that the "hatch" feature on crewed compartments are ostensibly intended for actual airlocks, and most hatches on FusTek modules simply aren't supposed to open out into space, even with that hokey excuse regarding emergency egress procedures. Would it be alright if I removed airlocks from all FusTek modules except for the dedicated Kuest and Kuest Legacy Airlocks? (Bonus - this would allow me to finally to shift the part origins back to 0,0,0 instead of relying on the blasted CoMOffset hack)

Might I make a suggestion? Since Connected Living Space API (if I understand it properly) connects living spaces and allows Kerbals form other areas EVA out of hatches in other modules. Would it be a happy compromise for there to be a Karmony End Ring with a fake hatch like the Wayland-Corp Port-o-hatch (possibly with the handholds like in my previous suggestion) so the end user can decide where they want to put an airlock in addition to the Kuest?

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  sumghai said:
2) The Nodes and Logistics modules are essentially passageways with extra functions, and as such were originally envisioned to not have seating positions for Kerbals. With the Connected Living Space API, it is apparently now possible to define pressurized compartments without IVA but would still allow crew transfer. Would it be alright if Nodes and Logistic modules didn't have IVAs?

A few thoughts to consider on IVAs and crew capacity for those:

1. Maybe a spacecraft suffers an emergency and its crew need an emergency refuge; I might want to temporarily crowd them into parts of a station that aren't normally continuously occupied.

2. With a sanity mod, Kerbals might want to go somewhere to get a little alone time on a long mission, or might need to be confined because they've become violent.

3. I bet the folks over in KSP Fan Works could have all kinds of storytelling/roleplaying fun with more IVAs.

That said, it wouldn't actually affect the way I normally play the game at all.

Well... I don't think the Docking module is intended to be an airlock, as you'll soon find in the IVA I'm doing for it that there is no suit storage or separate lockout chamber. The Kirs is essentially a pressurized tunnel acting as a stand-off between a crowded space station and any large ungainly visiting spacecraft.

This is beyond any current gameplay features, but may it be used as a non-EVA airlock for transfer between spacecraft with different atmospheres? I'm thinking of the ASTP Docking Module.

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  sumghai said:
Would it be alright if I removed airlocks from all FusTek modules except for the dedicated Kuest and Kuest Legacy Airlocks?
  Rockstar04 said:
Absolutely, but maybe with a link in the mods description to the Crew Manifest plugin as the "official suggested way" to get kerbals in and out of the station modules.

Yeah, I should probably make that a bit clearer in the description once R0.04a comes out.

  ayana said:
These parts are great. But a simple 100 part station I built out of them causes far more lag that it has any reason to. After some checking it seemed like the docking ports were the source of it. Putting eight to 12 of them on an otherwise lag free rocket causes a large framerate drop, other docking ports don't have the same effect. Is there anything I can do about that?

Are you using R0.03.5a (KSP 0.21)? The parts from that version aren't optimized, but R0.04a will (hopefully) be.

  StEligius said:
Might I make a suggestion? Since Connected Living Space API (if I understand it properly) connects living spaces and allows Kerbals form other areas EVA out of hatches in other modules. Would it be a happy compromise for there to be a Karmony End Ring with a fake hatch like the Wayland-Corp Port-o-hatch (possibly with the handholds like in my previous suggestion) so the end user can decide where they want to put an airlock in addition to the Kuest?

I'm not keen on that, I afraid.

For me, airlocks are more than just a hatch - they consist of behind-the-scene stuff like lockout chambers and suit storage. There's no way a full-length Habitat/Utilities/Science/Node/Logistic would have its own lockout chamber / suit storage without compromising its primary functions. It would be a bit of a pain to design every module's IVA around the potential for either end to be transformed into a fully-operational airlock.

  Kanddak said:
A few thoughts to consider on IVAs and crew capacity for those:

1. Maybe a spacecraft suffers an emergency and its crew need an emergency refuge; I might want to temporarily crowd them into parts of a station that aren't normally continuously occupied.

That was the original intention when I was working on R0.03+.

Unfortunately, some people ended up actually assuming Nodes and corridors were habitable, resulting in some less-than-polite Spaceport comments about why I "jacked up the crew capacity!? fix it back 2 six liek fusty!?".

  Kanddak said:
2. With a sanity mod, Kerbals might want to go somewhere to get a little alone time on a long mission, or might need to be confined because they've become violent.

Nodes and passageways with high foot traffic are probably the last places a Kerbal wanting some alone time would go to. Also, psychotic Kerbals really should be confined to their bunks, fully sedated and tied down with towels, duct tape and twine.

  sumghai said:
Well... I don't think the Docking module is intended to be an airlock, as you'll soon find in the IVA I'm doing for it that there is no suit storage or separate lockout chamber. The Kirs is essentially a pressurized tunnel acting as a stand-off between a crowded space station and any large ungainly visiting spacecraft.
  Kanddak said:
This is beyond any current gameplay features, but may it be used as a non-EVA airlock for transfer between spacecraft with different atmospheres? I'm thinking of the ASTP Docking Module.

Yes, the Kirs was indeed designed with that purpose in mind, although even then it would still not get KSP's EVA hatch functionality.

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  sumghai said:
3) It recently dawned on me that the "hatch" feature on crewed compartments are ostensibly intended for actual airlocks, and most hatches on FusTek modules simply aren't supposed to open out into space, even with that hokey excuse regarding emergency egress procedures. Would it be alright if I removed airlocks from all FusTek modules except for the dedicated Kuest and Kuest Legacy Airlocks? (Bonus - this would allow me to finally to shift the part origins back to 0,0,0 instead of relying on the blasted CoMOffset hack)

YES! I think this is a great idea.

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I'm tickled that you're still working on this one :) Your "SDHI Service Module" is going to be a standard mod with the upcoming NASA ARM pack (at least in my opinion). These station parts are going to look sick mounted to a class E asteroid base!

I'm def. a big fan of your work! Good job, keep up the good work, and may the gods smile upon you anywhere you go.

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  sumghai said:

Nodes and passageways with high foot traffic are probably the last places a Kerbal wanting some alone time would go to. Also, psychotic Kerbals really should be confined to their bunks, fully sedated and tied down with towels, duct tape and twine.

Let's not forget the intravenous snack drip!

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Progress Report, 4 April 2014

After migrating my KSP install to the 0.23.5 ARM update, I went through all the modules I have so far and did the following:

- Removed EVA airlock functionality on all crew compartments, except for the Kuest (standard & legacy) Airlocks

- Removed IVAs and crew capacity for Nodes (standard and compact) as well as the Logistics Modules

- Shifted part origins for all full-length modules back to 0,0,0 and removed the hokey CoMOffset hack

Since these are all behind-the-scenes changes with no changes to part appearance, there aren't any screenshots for this.


Future versions of FusTek Station Parts Expansion will require the following:

- Firespitter plugin (for the IACBM active/passive guidance fin and Kupola blast shutter animations)

- Connected Living Spaces API (most crew modules will be habitable; the Nodes, Logistic modules and IACBM docking ports are merely "traversable')

- Ship Manifest plugin (for internal crew transfer between modules; the author is working on CLS integration)

- RasterPropMonitor (internal instrumentation; see subsequent sections for details)

- sfr plugin (Kupola see-through windows)


To help with the development process, I'm going to lay out some detailed specifications for internals in "habitable" modules:

Karmony Habitation Modules

Crew Capacity / Positions:
4 (1 inside a Sleep Station, 3 seated around galley table eating/drinking/reading)

- 4 Sleep Stations / 1 Shower / 1 Toilet

- One Sleep Station will be fully furnished

- The others will be inaccessible and represented by closed doors

- Galley area with table, fridge, food heater/beverage dispenser unit, flatscreen monitor/camera for video conferencing, drawers for emergency supplies / board games / DVDs

- Exercise area with collapseable stationary bicycle (I recall that RPM allows toggleable animated internal props)

- Ceiling with drawers for more crew provisions etc

- Floor with access panels to life support, waste storage / processing

- Emergency station with fire extinguisher, gas mask/respirator storage,

- Custom RPM Prop: "Power / Life support" monitor (probably just one screen showing current resources)

- Internal blue EVA hand grips

- Light fixtures

Karmony Science Modules

Crew Capacity / Positions:
4 (Seated at various science "stations")

- Glove box

- Kerbal sciences rack

- Materials science rack

- Life sciences racks

- Robotics control rack (actual UI will be in the Kupola)

- Thermal control system rack

- Centrifuge

- Custom RPM Prop(s): Monitors. Lots of monitors (no idea if I can display actual science experiment results)

- Ceiling with storage / science power management racks

- Floor with access panels to misc avionics / science management systems

- Emergency station with fire extinguisher, gas mask/respirator storage,

- Custom RPM Prop: "Power / Life support" monitor (probably just one screen showing current resources)

- Internal blue EVA hand grips

- Light fixtures

Karmony Utilities Modules

Crew Capacity / Positions:
2 (Both towards the viewport side, 1 port, 1 starboard)

- Forward half of module internal acts as the "command" center for the space station
- Custom RPM Prop(s): complete flight instruments, resource management etc

- Aft half of module with access panels to batteries, air/water tanks, life support systems

- Ceiling with storage for more air tanks / emergency supplies

- Floor with access panels to misc avionics / waste processing systems

- Emergency station with fire extinguisher, gas mask/respirator storage, sunglasses in "Break Glass" enclosure

- Custom RPM Prop: "Power / Life support" monitor (probably just one screen showing current resources)

- Internal blue EVA hand grips

- Light fixtures

Kirs Docking Module

Crew Capacity / Positions: 1 (Facing starboard)

- Starboard side

- Custom RPM Prop(s): Docking control station (target selection / management, monitoring)

- The docking camera will be built into the Kirs module itself instead of the docking ports

- Docking port control boxes

- Equalization valve / gauges (3 each)

- Signage / handbook for docking instructions

- Port side

- Power management / distribution unit

- Fuse panel

- Life support control boxes

- Emergency air tanks

- Wall-mounted segments of flex-piping for resource transfe

- Ceiling and floor with access panels to misc avionics / batteries

- Emergency station with fire extinguisher and gas mask/respirator storage only

- Internal blue EVA hand grips

- Light fixtures

Kuest Airlock / Kuest Legacy Airlock

Crew Capacity / Positions: 1 (Facing forward, to lockout chamber)

- Two side cabinets with stowed EVA suits, batteries, airlock controls

- Hatch leading into lockout chamber half of airlock

- Ceiling with access to air tanks

- Floor with access panels to monoprop storage

- Emergency station with fire extinguisher and gas mask/respirator storage only

- Internal blue EVA hand grips

- Light fixtures

Kupola Observation Module

Crew Capacity / Positions: 3

- Station 1: Station management

- Custom RPM Prop(s): complete flight instruments, resource management etc

- Blast shutters and internal lights toggleable via switch

- Station 2: Robotics / docking

- Custom RPM Prop(s): docking monitor, robot camera monitor, joysticks

- Station 3: Laptop prop

- Floor with padding

- Emergency cabinet with fire extinguisher, gas mask/respirator storage, sunglasses in "Break Glass" enclosure

- Internal blue EVA hand grips

- Light fixtures

Additionally, if modules run out of power, the instruments and lights will shut off.

Edited by sumghai
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  Curgon said:
How do you add stuff on them without exactly blocking the hatch?
  sumghai said:


Future versions of FusTek Station Parts Expansion will require the following:

- Connected Living Spaces API (most crew modules will be habitable; the Nodes, Logistic modules and IACBM docking ports are merely "traversable')

- Ship Manifest plugin (for internal crew transfer between modules; the author is working on CLS integration)


In other words, we will be using Connected Living Spaces and Ship Manifest to move crew from module to module

For EVAs we will be using the Kuest and old Kuest Legacy airlocks.

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X0.04-2 DEV BUILD released - refer to the blog post for download link

WARNING: Major save / craft-breaking update - use at own risk

X0.04-2 DEV BUILD  11 April 2014

- New Parts
- Karmony compactNode Mk III
- Karmony compactNode Mk III Adapter
- FusTek Resupply Module
- The compactNode Mk IIIs are six-way nodes that area approximately half the length of the standard Node Mk IIIs, ideal for crowded station designs
- The FusTek Resupply Module is essentially a oversized probe core that users can reconfigure to carry whatever resources they need for station resupply

- Compatibility Patch for KSP 0.23.5
- Removed FusTek_Sumghai.dll plugin
- This parts pack now has Firespitter.dll as a dependency, which is more regularly updated and supports tweakables
- Reworked common texture atlases to 4096 x 4096 px
- The updated UV island maps will now allow non-tiled alternate textures
- Also removed ENG TEST ARTICLE watermarks
- Texture switching will be supported in a future release
- Removed airlock functionality from majority of crew-habitable modules
- Modules affected:
- Karmony Node Mk III
- Karmony Node Mk III Adapter
- Karmony Logistics Module
- Karmony Logistics Module Adapter
- Karmony Habitation Module
- Karmony Habitation Module Adapter
- Karmony Science Module
- Karmony Science Module Adapter
- Karmony Utilities Module
- Karmony Utilities Module Adapter
- Kirs Docking Module
- Kupola Observation Module
- Kuest Airlock and Kuest Legacy Airlock will retain said functionality for obvious reasons
- Shifted part origins of majority of modules back to 0,0,0 and removed CoMoffset hack
- WARNING: This is a craft-breaking change!
- Modules affected:
- Karmony Node Mk III
- Karmony Node Mk III Adapter
- Karmony Logistics Module
- Karmony Logistics Module Adapter
- Karmony Habitation Module
- Karmony Habitation Module Adapter
- Karmony Science Module
- Karmony Science Module Adapter
- Karmony Utilities Module
- Karmony Utilities Module Adapter
- Removed crew-carrying capacity and IVAs for selected crew-habitable modules
- Modules affected:
- Karmony Node Mk III
- Karmony Node Mk III Adapter
- Karmony Logistics Module
- Karmony Logistics Module Adapter
- These modules are essentially junctions and passegeways, have no seats and are thus not intended for long-term occupation
- Connected Living Spaces (CLS) API will be supported in a future release
- Removed RocketParts capacity from Karmony Warehouse Module / Karmony Warehouse Module Adapter
- Official support for OrbitalConstruction and all forks has been terminated; Users will need to apply their own ModuleManager configs at their own risk
- IACBM 1.25m / IACBM 2.5m
- Removed hatch mode toggle as most FusTek modules no longer have airlocks (making the EVA-through capability for docking ports redundant)
- Tweaked docking collider to mitigate wobbly docking port issue
- Fixed docking port lights by updating spotlight definitions to Unity 4.3 (no more cyan lights)
- Custom placeholder IVA added for Kirs Docking Module

- Warehouse has incomplete textures and functionality
- Further updates depends on KASPAR/FLEXrack being released
- IVAs are still a work in progress
- For now, most will borrow stock KSP internals

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