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[PLUGIN, PARTS, 0.23] CleverBobCat – V


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Even if this mod is actually nearly useless due to stock wheels i updated CleverBobCat dll and example parts for those legacy mods who use them, after all 30k downloads worth an update :)

It was updated to "new folder standard" of 0.20 (inside GameData), but obviously can be included in KSP_Win/Plugins folders too and will works.

Download link is the same in spaceport: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/cleverbobcat-0-18/


Edited by CleverWalrus
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You did? And here I was planning to abandon Bob, Jeb, and Bill, and their crews who are still using their pre .19 vehicles.

But then, I think they're the TouhouTorpedo version. I think they're the same part, but we'll see. I mainly need the plugin.

But, if I just put it in GameData, plugin and all, it will work right?

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You did? And here I was planning to abandon Bob, Jeb, and Bill, and their crews who are still using their pre .19 vehicles.

But then, I think they're the TouhouTorpedo version. I think they're the same part, but we'll see. I mainly need the plugin.

But, if I just put it in GameData, plugin and all, it will work right?

Well, the current CleverBobCat download include a GameData folder ready to be copied in KSP folder, if you just need the DLL take it out and include it in your mod folder/plugins, otherwise just stick it in ksp/plugins folder and will works.

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  • 6 months later...

Thanks for updating this, CW. :)

One small issue: All headlights now seem to glitch when turned on. That is, they still emit light, but the face of the light itself, the surface that emits the light, turns bright magenta, like there's a texture missing or something. Doesn't interfere with gameplay, it's just a visual glitch.

Just thought I'd let you know. :)

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Thanks for updating this, CW. :)

One small issue: All headlights now seem to glitch when turned on. That is, they still emit light, but the face of the light itself, the surface that emits the light, turns bright magenta, like there's a texture missing or something. Doesn't interfere with gameplay, it's just a visual glitch.

Just thought I'd let you know. :)


All the features of CleverBobCat module were introduced in stock KSP over the years, the "wheels" part have a behaviour and works in a way slightly different from the stock one and many plugins/mods still use that so i consider it a priority to keep functional as much as i can, for Lights or other features that are provided by the plugin... well... i think the stock way of making them work is better and has no difference from the workaround of the plugin.

So i will not try to fix those lights :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Any chance you might update the Demv Rover series? I prefer them to almost anything I can put together with random parts. Though rovers built with stock parts have their place, I find for general exploration that your series are far superior. Plus all the awesome features you put into them with this plug in. I have done a very rough job of converting them so I could use them in my career mode game in .23 but it is a barely passable job and I don't have the skills to do it properly. I also use the Mk2 and Mk4 with the optional Kethane tanks someone built for them and they are the best looking Kethane transports out there.

Thanks for reading this if you do, and I hope you won't mind that I kinda hijacked the plugin thread to talk about the vehicles that use it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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