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Spinning never going to stop

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For some reason every single craft that I've build recently, regardless of design, spins. This isn't a slight spin, either, it quickly become a mach speed spin, even in vacuum. Often times it wobbles uncontrollably while spinning. SAS, ASAS, RCS, trick piloting, design changes...nothing works. What's the best way to fix spin on a rocket?

I suppose it could just be a stupid design decision I keep making but it's happened on the last 4 rockets that were all designed for very different purposes.

Also sorry in advance if this answered somewhere else or this belongs in a different place, I just want to get to the Mun without drilling a hole in it is all.

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Is it only happening when you apply thrust? Images would help a lot as well if you could take some screenshots.

It happens no matter what, but I also realized I'm not on the latest version so I'm downloading that to see if it helps. I'll take screenshots if it keeps happening.

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Sometimes silly spin is caused by part clipping, as two parts tug at each other. More normal spin is caused by fuel not draining from fuel tanks evenly. Usually it causes spin during liftoff as the heavier tanks are pulled "down". Asparagus staged rockets suffer from spin sometimes for this reason though they are symmetrical as much as possible.

Ways to combat spin are adding more SAS modules (not ASAS, you only need one), using a command pod with more torque, adding stabiliser fins or winglets and making sure the rocket is symmetrical when loaded with fuel and dry.

A little bit of spin is ok and toggleing SAS on should stabilise it, but if the spin is greater that SAS can handle, either you increase torque available or get rid of whatever is causing spin in the first place.

Post some screens.

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You could also accidentally be setting the trim on your ships, particularly if you tend to use physics warp. If you hold the alt key down a bit too long while controlling the vessel, the trim will wind up being non-zero and weird things can happen.

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