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HI all,

For a few weeks ago i found this game, thanks to youtube ;). In the beginning i did like to build rockets, but after a few days i wanted to reach something. So i did make my first topic on this forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/29998-2-questions. It was short but, it was the begin of something. I did try to fly to the mun but i did still fail every time i did try it. So i did start to do the tutorials, that did help me a lot, but then i did came to the last tutorial flying to the mun, but i did really understand what to do, so i did make a new topic: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31253-Tutorial-Help/page1. This one did help me a lot to. So today i did finally succeed to bring my kerbal in space and now it is flying around the world, sad enough for him he wont come back i think, because it doesn't have engines to return to his family ;). In the future i hope that i can buy the full game, and do even more stuff. right now i will stay at this forum, and look and learn, and i hope to update this thread example when i reach the mun. When i have the full game i will ask more then thousands question, and i know 100% that there is always somebody who is gonna help or at least try to help..

I want to thanks everybody who helped me with reaching that what i have reached now.

Greetings Rowns.

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So right now i have fun with just launching rockets, and let them fly around the world. esun20.png

Next step it to try to fly to the mun, and just fly around. Somebody knows what a good rocket looks like and with only parts that are in the demo?

Greetings me.

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Built that one in the demo originally; it gets to the Mun and back. Only problem with the design is the narrow base and relatively small amount of fuel to work with for landing and return. Seven RT-10s on the first stage, second stage is a central LV-45 with LV-30s on the edges. You don't see them, but there are fuel lines running from the outboard fuel tanks to the inboard tanks and radial decouplers for them as well. Lander's got an LV-909; rest of it should be visible.

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Built that one in the demo originally; it gets to the Mun and back. Only problem with the design is the narrow base and relatively small amount of fuel to work with for landing and return. Seven RT-10s on the first stage, second stage is a central LV-45 with LV-30s on the edges. You don't see them, but there are fuel lines running from the outboard fuel tanks to the inboard tanks and radial decouplers for them as well. Lander's got an LV-909; rest of it should be visible.

I forgot how restrictive .17 was lol.

The biggest issue is escaping to orbit. Once you're there a mun landing is a cakewalk. Just burn prograde at your periapsis until your orbit intersects with mun orbit, then burn retrograde when you get caught in the mun's sphere of influence. You're now orbititing the mun. From there a landing should be easy. Try to make sure you have enough fuel to get home (I'd recommend using the same method, get in mun orbit and burn until your orbit reaches kerbin.)

Best of luck.

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Looks like you've got a nice space program going there! I believe the demo has maneuver nodes so don't forget to use them! Good luck and keep up the good work! (and yes, you are correct, the correct word is orbit)

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The newest version of the demo I believe is a stripped version of 0.18. When your craft is flying, and you're in map view, you should be able to click on your predicted path (blue line) and create a maneuver node, then you can pull the prograde, retrograde, ascending, descending, etc. icons to get a more accurate burn. I use them in my docking tutorial vid if it needs further explaination.

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I hope it all goes well! I also hope that you enjoy so much you buy the full version. Best money I've ever spent.

Hi thank you great to hear that you enjoy this game aswel, well next week(sunday)is it my B-day so i will ask if i can buy this game(i hope they accept it) :)

Here is another picture i did make yesterday it is the Mun, Kerbin and the Sun on almost one line, i did like it so why not post it aswel.


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Nice picc :D Press F2 next time to remove the UI and get a even better shot ;) You can also press your middlemouse (defult settings) and you release the camera


Thank you for the information didn't know that. Today i did finaly land on the moon thanks to Scott Manley and this tutorial:

. my rocket does almost look the same but then only built with the parts i did have in the Demo.

Here some pic:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

Today i did land a unmanned rover on the mun thank to this tutorial:

. Sad enought i did need to drive it 16km to my mun lander. But i have a question, sometimes when i fly to the mun i can make a perfect orbit(if it is called like that), but most of the time i cant make a orbit around the mun and i need to land exact on the spot. hope you know what i mean, so how can i make sure that that isnt going to happen next time?


Greetings me.

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Looking forward to my first Mun landing... I've got probes in close orbit of Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus now and I've done a docking rendezvous (using the Gemini 6a/7 tutorial). Seeing all these pictures is so awesome and inspiring. :)

Having such a blast with this game sofar!


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  • 2 months later...

After playing this game for now almost 3 months i finaly succeeded to fly to a other planet then Mun or minmus, thanks to Scott Manley's tutorial, i did finaly fly to Duna. This with my first rocket based on Scotts rocket, i did use MJ only for make it fly in a 100km orbit around kerbin and for the phase angles, after that i did do everything be hand and with maneuver notes.


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