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[0.20] EditorTools (EdTools)


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I've noticed that when you go to 8x symmetry it skips it and goes straight to 9x, you have to go back one to get 8x symmetry

When things were updated to 0.20.0 it broke the plugin and caused that issue with the symmetry button "double clicking". There was a fix for it, but then when they releases 0.20.2 it broke the plugin again. As far as I know it has yet to be fixed for the newest version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick note on my observations.

The download from spaceport reproduced all the problems listed here so far. The download from the top of this thread fixed it. Looks like the version on Spaceport might be a version behind.

The only issue that I can see, at the time of this posting, is that CTRL-Z no longer works as "undo" in the editor. I'm sure I can remap this, but I thought it worth mentioning in case it hasn't already.


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The only issue that I can see, at the time of this posting, is that CTRL-Z no longer works as "undo" in the editor. I'm sure I can remap this, but I thought it worth mentioning in case it hasn't already.


I don't think that issue is related to EdTools specificially, as I've had the undo shortcut not do anything on some occasions, even before reinstalling EdTools.

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Two quick points Konyrou

1) Copyright doesn't exist if there's no money involved and you are correctly citing the original authors. It's called "Fair Use" and is a feature of every copyright act worldwide.

2) If you're removing it for Copyright (I understand being nice to the original author), could you please highlight where we can get the current version of the code as this implies the author will continue to support their product.

If the author has requested you remove it and is not maintaining or uploading their code then I think they will swiftly find out that said code is posted to the internet without their approval or control. So this is an option for you/them to produce a link to something "sanctioned" prior to the community filling that gap.

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I don't mean to be rude or anything, Entaran, but you would not believe how wrong you were just there. Copyright never "doesn't exist." It's automatic, always. Fair use is an affirmative defense, which means if you get sued you can claim your infringement of copyright was fair and ask not to be found liable by the courts. The scope of the fair-use defense is extremely narrow, and includes things like education and critique, most definitely not "but I said where I got it from so it's okay."

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Two quick points Konyrou

1) Copyright doesn't exist if there's no money involved and you are correctly citing the original authors. It's called "Fair Use" and is a feature of every copyright act worldwide.

2) If you're removing it for Copyright (I understand being nice to the original author), could you please highlight where we can get the current version of the code as this implies the author will continue to support their product.

If the author has requested you remove it and is not maintaining or uploading their code then I think they will swiftly find out that said code is posted to the internet without their approval or control. So this is an option for you/them to produce a link to something "sanctioned" prior to the community filling that gap.

Excerpt from the end of KW Rocketry thread. The thread was closed due to this same sort of issue.

This is not stated anywhere on these forums, there is no onus on any modder to update their work or inform users of future updates, that you do not like this is tough, it is not the modders concern, nor is it the moderation teams or Squads.

. . . .

This thread will now be closed until Winston or Kyle request that it be reopened. - sal_vager

Guys PLEASE refrain from arguing Copyright issues as the forums rules are pretty clear.

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I suppose that really depends what country you live in and who's laws you're subject to.

I'm not American.

Edit: Not that it matters, you can google this mod and find it fairly quickly anyway. Also it'll only be a matter of time before someone clones the functionality of it with new code.

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This all suggests that with the game constantly changing, and the forum rules being what they are and everything, it is unwise for anybody to rely on any mod unless either they have the skill to update it themselves when it breaks, or the mod uses a license that explicitly and unambiguously allows others to update it if the author goes missing. And supposedly 'still being here', but not communicating any intention to update or not do so, or the opinion on others doing so, or otherwise clarifying the license, is being missing. Also, the license should be included right in the archive of the mod, just in case the forum data loss strikes again.

Edited by a.g.
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Excerpt from the end of KW Rocketry thread. The thread was closed due to this same sort of issue.

Well, TBH I think the KW thread was closed more because of a certain member was acting like a spoiled & entitled brat about the mod not being optimized yet, and actually argued with a moderator that it is a mod-creator's duty to keep updating their mods, as well as keeping the public informed about progress. But yeah even so, follow the rules, and don't argue with the moderators; you're just going to ruin things for the rest of us.

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Did anyone find a fix to vertical snap/symmetry mode swapping not working? When I try to use them two overlayed bits of text come up, presumable one saying vertical snap or w/e is enable and the other saying vertical snap or w/e is disabled

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Did anyone find a fix to vertical snap/symmetry mode swapping not working? When I try to use them two overlayed bits of text come up, presumable one saying vertical snap or w/e is enable and the other saying vertical snap or w/e is disabled

I believe the OP had a fixed version up, but has since removed since DEADB33F, the original author of these tools, is still around around and wants to fix them himself. I still have the fixed version here. ;)

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aaaaww crap, one of the best mods ever, I just now found this thread, only to see I was to late, I sure hope the original author will be so kind to upload a new version, i grew quite accustomed to the mods functionalitys XD

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I believe the OP had a fixed version up, but has since removed since DEADB33F, the original author of these tools, is still around around and wants to fix them himself. I still have the fixed version here. ;)

That's not true. So far, DEADB33F is not interested in updating any of his mods at all. More than one people tried to contact him through various ways and he essentialy told all of them to leave him alone.

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That's not true. So far, DEADB33F is not interested in updating any of his mods at all. More than one people tried to contact him through various ways and he essentialy told all of them to leave him alone.

Well, if the original author of this mod (or any mod, for that matter) is unwilling to update it or is non-responsive when asked about other people continuing the work, what are we able to do? There are a lot of mods out there which people still want to play with which were abandoned by the original authors. I myself would love to be able to pick up this mod, but now it seems that I'm unable to.

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Well, if the original author of this mod (or any mod, for that matter) is unwilling to update it or is non-responsive when asked about other people continuing the work, what are we able to do? There are a lot of mods out there which people still want to play with which were abandoned by the original authors. I myself would love to be able to pick up this mod, but now it seems that I'm unable to.

Write a new mod that does the same thing, but it's not associtated with DEADB33F, which is what it's been planned for the Subassembly Loader.

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That's not true. So far, DEADB33F is not interested in updating any of his mods at all. More than one people tried to contact him through various ways and he essentialy told all of them to leave him alone.

That makes no sense to me, no matter which way I try to consider it. Then again, maybe I'm falling into the trap of assuming that human beings usually think rationally.

Here's why I think it doesn't make sense:

If DEADB33F honestly wanted to be left alone, couldn't he just re-post the stuff he had up previously, with the usual CC-BY-NC license (or similar) and a statement along the lines of "anyone is free to post updates to this plugin for the purpose of maintaining compatibility with the latest version of KSP, until further notice"?

That seems to be the "rational" thing to do, at least from my perspective.

Firstly, it would stop people that want the mod back spamming his inbox.

Secondly, it would mean people wouldn't have to "re-invent the wheel", and also make any type of "Not Invented Here" argument a moot point.

Finally, when someone does update EdTools for the latest version of KSP, the person who updated it would be able to share the fix HERE on the KSP forums instead of having to refer people to Reddit or some other place where it might not be found by as many people!

Another good thing about this solution? DEADB33F is still credited as the original creator of it! (As they should be, IMO)

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That makes no sense to me, no matter which way I try to consider it. Then again, maybe I'm falling into the trap of assuming that human beings usually think rationally.

Here's why I think it doesn't make sense:

If DEADB33F honestly wanted to be left alone, couldn't he just re-post the stuff he had up previously, with the usual CC-BY-NC license (or similar) and a statement along the lines of "anyone is free to post updates to this plugin for the purpose of maintaining compatibility with the latest version of KSP, until further notice"?

That seems to be the "rational" thing to do, at least from my perspective.

Firstly, it would stop people that want the mod back spamming his inbox.

Secondly, it would mean people wouldn't have to "re-invent the wheel", and also make any type of "Not Invented Here" argument a moot point.

Finally, when someone does update EdTools for the latest version of KSP, the person who updated it would be able to share the fix HERE on the KSP forums instead of having to refer people to Reddit or some other place where it might not be found by as many people!

Another good thing about this solution? DEADB33F is still credited as the original creator of it! (As they should be, IMO)

Here's the catch. Apart from the GUI elements, which he claim rights over, the code for, let's say, Subassembly Loader is not something he created in the first place. The code for it's functionality is something that KSP already has, but wasn't implemented yet. No one is reinventing any wheels here.

I don't know about his reasons, but questioning them won't make new mods faster. If he doesn't want anything to do with the mods he made, then let's ditch them and make new ones that do the same thing, but are supported.

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Fair point, I just don't get why stuff like this causes so much drama sometimes. Then again, this wouldn't be the first time i've had problems understanding why other people make the choices they do, and I'd be willing to bet that it won't be the last, either.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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