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Naming stuff in KSP


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Is it sort of like this...please feel free to add!

earth = Kearth

Heaven = Keavin ( my favorite)

Hell = Kell

Kangaroo = Kerngaroo

Koala = Kerala (well sort of)

Australia = Kerstalia ;P ( guess where Im from)

F**K = KERK ( ;D could\'nt resist a ST pun albeit a really bad one)

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Oh sorry I didnt know.... btw would Kermit the Frog be Frogmit the Kerm?????

It\'s a little known fact that Kermit the frog was, in fact, the test pilot on the first kerbal rocket test.

Here\'s short clip from an interview he gave describing how the flight went...


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Kea- sea

Kocean- ocean


Kesus-is a major religious icon

Kitler- I Tyrant in the past. some of Kerbins most cruel acts were commited by him and his Loyal kazi\'s

Kazi\'s-Fanatical Followers of Kitler

kews- Discriminated against by the Kazi\'s

Kohammed- another major religious icon

Khuck Korris- another major religious icon

Kokain- a illicit drug used by the kerban people

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