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[1.0.2] TAC Part Lister v1.4.1 [22May]


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Presenting Thunder Aerospace Corporation's Part Lister

The latest release is version 1.4.1 which works with KSP 1.0.2. Download below or read the release announcement.

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Have you ever wanted to minimize the mass or cost of a rocket? Have you wanted to see how much each part was contributing to the total? Well now you can have the information at your fingertips, in a nice list format, showing every part along with its mass and cost.


  • In the editor, it lists all parts in the vessel showing the name, stage number, mass, and cost of each.
  • It also displays the empty and resource mass and cost.
  • The total mass and total cost are listed at the bottom.
  • The window can be shown or hidden by clicking the icon.
  • The icon, a small clipboard, can be re-positioned anywhere around the edges of the screen by dragging it.
  • The window can be resized by dragging the lower right corner.




Available on Kerbal Space Program's Curse website. (Alternate download)

Source code available on GitHub.

Works with the Toolbar mod from blizzy78. Not required, but if you have it, the icon will be added to the toolbar instead of being by itself.

Change log

Release 1.4.1

- Updated for KSP 1.0.2

- Updated MiniAVC to v1.0.3.0

- Updated to latest TacLib: sets the min/max KSP version, hoping that future KSP updates won't break too much.

Release v1.3

- Updated for KSP 0.25

- Displays each part's full, empty, and resource cost/mass information, along with totals. Includes contributions by girka2k.

- Added a settings window to allow changing which columns are displayed.

- Now ignores the mass of physics-less parts plus fuel lines, struts, and launch clamps.

- Now prevents click-through on the GUI.

- Reorganized the directory structure so that it is no longer placed in ThunderAerospace.

- Added support for the KSP Add-on Version Checker (KSP-AVC) and the KSP-AVC plug-in

Known issue: hiding a column zeros the total for that column (displayed along the bottom). I am working on a fix but it will require extensive changes.

Warning: make sure that you completely uninstall any previous versions. I moved everything from KSP/GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacPartLister to just KSP/GameData/TacPartLister.

Release v1.2

- See release announcement.

Release v1.1

- See release announcement.

Release v1.0.1

- Minor tweaks and bug fixes, nothing major

- Thoroughly tested for 0.20.2

Release v1.0

- Initial version, made for version 0.20




This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.


Includes contributions by girka2k.

Edited by TaranisElsu
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One suggestion would be instead of listing each part one by one, if there are duplicates, just put for example a number in brackets beside the name indicating the amount of that part.

I thought about doing that for parts placed using symmetry, but I do not want to roll all duplicate parts into one line because I want it to list the parts from top to bottom.

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If your going from top to bottom, every time you encounter a separator for a new stage, make another counter? So, do a stage by stage part counter?

That might work. Good idea. The only problem will be dealing with horizontal decouplers, because right now I am not walking the part tree. Instead I am just sorting on the Y-position of each part.

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Assome plugin man!! I think applying brackets to the simetry placed parts is the way to go! Also, I would like to suggest that you show each part's electrical consumption and storage... But maybe that's a whole other plugin... Keep up the nice work anyways!!

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Is it possible to have a remove part button? One of the biggest annoyances is getting a part stuck in another part and having to trash it to clear the error.

I've had that happen too. Quite frustrating. I will add it to my list of possible features.

Assome plugin man!! I think applying brackets to the simetry placed parts is the way to go! Also, I would like to suggest that you show each part's electrical consumption and storage... But maybe that's a whole other plugin... Keep up the nice work anyways!!

I may eventually add more columns and allow configuring which ones are visible. I kept it to a minimum for the initial release to keep it from being overwhelming.

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How easy would it be to follow the staging? Is there a possibility of looking at the staging info and grouping the parts the same way?

Also, the first thing I thought when I saw the part lister was the possibility of a list of parts and an option to delete one...

Very happy to see this may become a feature.

Good mod again from TAC.

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How easy would it be to follow the staging? Is there a possibility of looking at the staging info and grouping the parts the same way?

I've noticed that some times, a part's stage number is one higher than you would expect. I have especially noticed that with fuel tanks. Look closely at the Kerbal-X and you will see what I mean.

Good mod again from TAC.

Thanks :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This is a really helpful plugin thanks

Cool plugin. It would be really nice to see which mod pack or plug-in each part is coming from. This post has a code snippet that might help with that.
This would be a fantastic addition and make this even more helpful
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Tested and it still works with 0.21.1

Cool plugin. It would be really nice to see which mod pack or plug-in each part is coming from. This post has a code snippet that might help with that.

Thanks, I will look into that :)

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Cool plugin. It would be really nice to see which mod pack or plug-in each part is coming from. This post has a code snippet that might help with that.

Agreeed that other addon that lists your addons by "/GameData/SomeFolderName/" would show it as "SomeFolderName" and then a pop out window of all the parts within that folder. Instead of areo/utility/sience/ etc.

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  • 4 months later...

Great mod.

Really like idea of being able to see more info if possible, like which mod.

Ability to sort by the columns of information (sort by stage or by ????).

Would also be nice if possible to add a column for comments. On some complicated designs, it gets very hard to sort out lots of decouplers (a sat delivery system that has 9 sats on board) so it would nice to be able to give a 'easy comment' so that this could be read and used for proper placement.

Ability to move the parts, change their order in your window rather than having to **** around with the stage window display in VAB and or Flight views. Yours is so much better.

again, really great mod. I appreciate all of your mods and hard work.... thanks.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

this would be very usefull for .24 (does it still works?)

maybe you can add the summary of the active contracts rewards too? so we can have a overview to compare costs to rewards :)

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this would be very usefull for .24 (does it still works?)

maybe you can add the summary of the active contracts rewards too? so we can have a overview to compare costs to rewards :)

It seems like the contract rewards stuff is kind of.....well completely outside of the realm of this mod.

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this would be very usefull for .24 (does it still works?)

I'm having trouble getting it to work for .24 (64 bit version). The widget appears as before, but when I click on it, I just get an empty gray box.

I run a lot of mods, so God only knows what the problem is.

Is there any other way to tell how much my craft weighs before I launch it?

Edited by NoClass
64 bit
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