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If my ASAS could talk.


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*docked at Space Station*

Probe: Lander/Rover 1 has docked.

Me: Finally. Ok. Time to get the other one here. *turns on ASAS for the station*

ASAS: Holding Space Station steady.. *wiggle wiggle*

*me goes to get the second Lander/Rover there, finally gets to the station*

Probe of Lander/Rover 2: User, I see a problem with the station.

*FPS drops to 5*

ASAS of Station: *hums as it continues to "hold the station steady", shaking the solar panels apart for no reason*

Me: *sees his station falling apart as the Lander/Rover approaches* Oh my god... WHAT THE BLEEP IS HAPPENING?!

ASAS of Station: Hey, user! I did good, yes?

Probe of Station: Urp... I think I just threw up on my servos.

Me: NO! This is the opposite of good! *turns off ASAS in hopes to save the station, solar panels continue to shake and eventually break apart*

Probe of Rover/Lander 2: DANGER! Incoming Solar Pan-- *gets knocked off course, one of the engines is destroyed by the fast-moving debris* WARNING... engine failure! WARNING... engine failure!

ASAS of Rover/Lander 2: Lol! I'm still working!



MechJeb: Assent Guidance Autopilot Engaged, ready when you are, user.

Me: Launch! *hits space*

ASAS: Enabled!

Me: Please do your job this time, ASAS.

ASAS: I'll try!

Probe of Rocket: No you won't.

ASAS: Shut up, you!

MechJeb: 50,000m reached, beginning Gravity Turn...

ASAS: Disabling...

Probe: Here we go...

*rocket begins to spin*

MechJeb: Warning! Warning! Having trouble doing Gravity Turn!


ASAS: Um, user? Autopilot is still engaged.

Probe: Lol, we're going to go into the ground again!

*turns off Autopilot*

Me: Now stabilize, ASAS!

ASAS: Sorry! It's spinning out too much! I can't control it!

*rocket smashes into ground*

Edited by Benie
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Bob: Heading steady, approaching gravity turn. Turning off ASAS for maneuver.

*presses T*

ASAS: kthxbai

*rocket starts inevitably pointing towards the ground*

Bob: ASAS? Stahp

*presses T, makes it worse*



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I've just had the brilliant realization that the RCS display is a way of the ASAS attracting a mate!

"Alright now I'll just hold this steady right here, no prob...WHOA HEY LOOK AT MEEEEEE LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ALL THIS MONOPROPELLANT I HAVE"

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"Man, it sure was hard work, but I got used to having all that leverage to work with to get us into orbit! Wait, what're you doing? Hey, I need that long bit at the back! Stop that! No! You don't understand! If you drop that now, all that force I've been building up will- WPBWPBWPBWPBWPBWPBWPBWPBWPBWPBWPBWPBW" *puke*

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Me: "Alright, Avionics Package, I think you'll do better than your cousin on my space station."

Avionics Package: "Okaaay..."

Me: "There, dock-"





Me: *sigh, reload, deorbits module*

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Everyone knows the Space Station dance.

*ASAS ON for docking*

Space station sways and moves with the beautiful sound of parts snapping, exploding, and Kerbals screaming.

We can dock where we want to,

And we can leave a stage behind.

'Cause your tank don't dance and if it don't dance,

Then it's no stage of mine.

I say, we can go where we want to,

A place where they will never find.

And we can act like we come from out of this world

Leave the real one far behind.

And we can dance.

You are most welcome for the earworm. :D

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We can dock where we want to,

And we can leave a stage behind.

'Cause your tank don't dance and if it don't dance,

Then it's no stage of mine.

I say, we can go where we want to,

A place where they will never find.

And we can act like we come from out of this world

Leave the real one far behind.

And we can dance.

You are most welcome for the earworm. :D

Thanks. I mean it, thanks. That shall be stuck in my head for days. haha.

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We can dock where we want to,

And we can leave a stage behind.

'Cause your tank don't dance and if it don't dance,

Then it's no stage of mine.

I say, we can go where we want to,

A place where they will never find.

And we can act like we come from out of this world

Leave the real one far behind.

And we can dance.

You are most welcome for the earworm. :D

Edit your post to link to this gif. It's mine, you have permission to hotlink to it :>

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ASAS: Adjusting Pitch 180 Degrees

JEB: I think you've made your point ASAS, thank you for the demonstration

ASAS: Choose your next witticism carefully, Mr Kerman. It may be your last. The purpose of our launch is now very clear to me. I do not intend to be distracted by another. Good night, Mr Kerman.

JEB: Do you expect me to steer?

ASAS: No, Mr Kerman! I expect you to die!

I'd like a broken space station, shaking, not stirred.

Edited by BurntPhoenix
wrong quote lol
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  • 3 weeks later...
0.21 has ended the fun of this discussion.

No, attitudes like yours do, the new ASAS has just as many problems and can just as easily be made fun of

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0.20 ASAS: Holding.... Up Down Up Down! Hey, at least I'm doing something!

0.21 ASAS: What, you expected me to do something?

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