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Platform Enigma- an off topic chat thread.


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I treat couscous as an emergency food, You left dishes for a short while and this stuff won't go off from plate without a fight :(.

With soups I had bad Habit of cooking 5-6L and then eating the same stuff for 3 days... -_-.

Edited by karolus10
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  ROFLCopter64bit said:

*brings out Hyper-V*

*removes all of the fuses from the control system, and magnetizes the focusing chamber wall on one side only to make the beam deflect out the side of the unit.*

That'll be enough of that. Your hyperweapon is no match for my maintenance engineering skills. It's only too easy to mess it up, just like the very presence of it messing up this thread.

I'd rather keep talking about ice cream. A trip to the store is definately in order tomorrow.

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  Rage097 said:
Hyper-v soup?

I can survive being shoved into an exploding Tsar Bomba! You think I can't take you!?

I have a device capable of shaping the universe to my will! I can edit the state of everything, down to the smallest neutrino, which allows me to abuse the device to make a universe which treats me as it's god. But, I use this universe as a backup incase I screw up in another universe. Infact, in another universe, right now, we are having a fight which seems to mimic a fight of gods.

But my soup is the best even without the intervention of my device.

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  ROFLCopter64bit said:
I have a device capable of shaping the universe to my will! I can edit the state of everything, down to the smallest neutrino, which allows me to abuse the device to make a universe which treats me as it's god. But, I use this universe as a backup incase I screw up in another universe. Infact, in another universe, right now, we are having a fight which seems to mimic a fight of gods.

But my soup is the best even without the intervention of my device.

Really? *goes to said universe with popcorn*

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I liked Odin's response. Ice cream is always worth talking about.

If they're a Safeway supermarket anywhere near any of ou, I recommend the Nutter Butter ice cream. Vanilla with swirls of peanut butter and chocolate chips. Taaaasty!

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Scenario: you have a horrible accident in which you completely destroy a part of your body. This part is no longer functional by any means.

So. What part is it?

The doctors give you 3 options.

1. They remove the useless and afflicted biomass and you live without it.

2. They replace it with a prosthetic.

3. They replace it with a fully functional robotic part.

What part did you lose?

What option did you pick and why?

How has it worked out?

Ready? Go!

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The part of my brain that is responsible of not letting me multitask and making me forget everything. (Because then I could play piano with extreme accuracy and actually remember everything that has happened in my life, and especially remember piano sheets.)

Replace it with a fully functional robotic part, so then I can abuse that as well.

It has worked out by actually doubling my brain power and store all my memories on a computer via bluetooth.

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I lost my right arm and my vision after a truck decided to run me over. I sustained damage to the optic nerves.

Replaced with robotic arm and electronic eyes linked directly to my optic nerve.

The arm is great except that it looks very skeletal and has no large amount of tactile sensation. The eyes a low me to see with 20/20 vision and benifit me with enhanced night vision. However, due to the slight brain damage I'm now a bit more "twitchy" and can occasionally have visual hallucinations. Also, they glow and change color. WTF doctor?

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  MGUARN said:
Hmm... well i suffer from a rare case of Exponential Time lagging Syndrome ,E.T.L.S, or you can call it Time lag sickness.Don't ask how it works.

Hint: read the second post on this page

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well it is a random thought

so here go:

My legs broke when building a steam powered car.Doctor gave me surgery ,and also gave him some blueprints to turn my leg into a steam powered leg that uses clock work of my head ,and heart.This ended with me having to be less tired ,and able to more leg straining task like kicking one of thoses 10 ton gears into place.This made me the fastest runner.Now how I'm doing is that I managed tofully construct steam powered men to asist me ,and my mechanical legs are able to crush anyone in my way of creating a new world that will be born in the dust of the modern world.So everything turn out well ....Thank you Doctor.

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