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Platform Enigma- an off topic chat thread.


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I just feel like we have a perfectly good planet right here, as long as people stop behaving like tools.

Or something. I've always been interested in space, but never so much I wanted to go.

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I just feel like we have a perfectly good planet right here, as long as people stop behaving like tools.

Or something. I've always been interested in space, but never so much I wanted to go.

*puts on Monocle* I vill agree zat we have a very good planet here...

As for people to stop being tools...That's not gonna happen unless we commit mass genocide.

@satcharna: No, no, no. I wasn't insinuating that at all. I was saying that the people who actually believe that the Earth is flat are Morons. I was saying that on THAT forum it isn't wrong to say you aren't interested in space flight. but then I followed it up by saying that you wouldn't want to join them because they're morons.

Also: Interplanetary settlements are a must. Especially when the Sun decides it doesn't wanna live any more. although it's entirely possible humans will be extinct by then.

Edited by Rage097
Why is the semi-colon so close to the "L"
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Don't insinuate that Trekkette is a moron.

Personally, I'd rather we make more theoretical and practical research before going to space again, but I still think extraplanetary settlements are a requirement for the future.

Oh, good, I wasn't the only one who caught the inadvertent subtext...

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I think that some people could get scared to death when Slender man/amnesia will be combined with device like oculus-rift and good headphones...


Rage097, some people can had some... unusual opinions and beliefs, but they still not deserve to being called a "morons" or being insulted in any way.

You can think ,that they're findings are wrong ,but You get to nowhere without dialog and using civilized methods.

Edited by karolus10
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Poll: How High are you?

1.) Songcookie

2.) he he...Like, This high. *shows with both hands*

3.) Over 2 kilometers Elevation

4.) between 1 and 2 Kilometers Elevation

5.) about Sea level.

6.) Minecraft.


@Karlous: Understood.

Edited by Rage097
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