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You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!


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I lerned it hard way...

Apollostile to minmus...

LRV upsidedown on the Transfer/Returnstage... we go.... we Land... we are Happy... we go in again... Lander Engine off... Trust up... Stage... Nothing... Hmmm more Trust maybe?....

Booommm....Pod is orbital on the way to Sun SOI

decoupler was upsidedown...(facepalm)

Nope you go Not back to Space again...


Funny Kabooms 


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  On 3/24/2017 at 7:04 PM, Leafbaron said:

Thats how i understood it. double tap would have most likely saved that situation haha. when nothing happened on the first tap you might have realized, nvm i want shift for throttle. 


Except you would get used to having to double tap when staging, and so even in this situation you would double tap, and it would be too late.

Ehh, whatever this is a silly argument. :P I'll move on now.

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I had built a mining to fuel conversion base on Minmus.


  . . . some game time passed, when I returned this happened.


Minmus is sadistic when letting me watch destruction of my hard work in slow motion.


Thankfully, there were no casualties.

I've narrowed the problem to poor weight distribution and wheel placement. As the fuel tanks filled over time, the excess mass caused insufficient support under the fuel to squat more.

This caused the lighter end to hop when the game physics kicked in.  It took me over a week and lots of game time to figure out what was happening.



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I've been having some terrible luck reciently.

First my Mun base has a rough landing, bouncing hard and the fuel tanks were destroyed (thankfully no casualties, it was almost a miracle). Then the rescue mission crashes as it doesn't have enough fuel. After that a "collect ore from Minmus and bring it back to Kerbin" mission fails as the main parachute was attached to the fairing for some reason. 



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  On 3/24/2017 at 6:29 PM, aRottenKomquat said:

I shouldn't have staged at all, all I needed to do was throttle up. But after jumping and jetting Jeb up to the command pod, my brain was in full "Spacebar to go up" mode.


Alt+L sounds like a good friend for you.  The key-combo toggles the "stage-lock" state, making craft ignore the spacebar and turning the staging light pink until unlocked again.  I use this constantly to prevent disasters.

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So. I have a station on Minmus, and decided I would send Jeremiah up to my space station to bring back a couple of scientists to the surface of  the moon. I forgot that he is in the Mk3 Passenger Module, and not the cock pit. He appears on the top of the Mk3 Passenger Module, but I figure, wth, I will just have him  jump off. But when he jumps off, he breaks off one of my solar panels on the Minmus station.

How DARE he obey my direct command!!!! He should know better. He should know I have no ides what I an doing. It is his job!

Anyway I called an all employee meeting on Minmus, which now counts 14, because it is going to be no lights on during the long Minmus nights, and sent Jeb back to Kerbin. I have a very special mission for him - A ONE WAY MISSION TO KOBO!!!

(Actually I need him for a refueling mission to the space station orbiting Minmus,)

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I am so bad at delta-V...

I just unlocked the new science lab module. I'm pretty sure this didn't exist the last time I played KSP. Anyway, I built a new Minmus lander loaded with science, scientists, and this lab, and sent it to the North Pole of Minmus.

Well I get most of the way to the ground and my final stage has completely run out of fuel. No chance of landing, no chance of returning. I decided to at least watch the crash. The lander impacted at about 60 m/s, bounced a few times, and somehow survived with no damage... :o Given Minmus' low gravity, I was able to use the reaction wheels to rotate it and park it upright, so I "did science" and set the lab to work and figured I'll send a rescue mission later to recover the scientists.

So I finally turned my attention to the Mun. At this point I've only done flybys, no landings, because Minmus is so much easier to deal with, but I have big boy rockets and modules now and need more science. My first attempt failed miserably when my staging somehow got set up totally wrong, and my command pod separated during liftoff when I tried to eject my SRB's. I have no idea how I managed that.

My second attempt failed because my transfer stage and lander stage ran out of fuel while burning into a transfer orbit to the Mun.

The third attempt failed when I successfully landed on the Mun, did a bunch of science, but was unable to reboard my vessel because I missed one ladder space while building the rocket, and Jeb's jetpack doesn't work well enough in Mun gravity to boost him to the command pod like I could on Minmus. Also, when I started the EVA Jeb fell off the command pod and broke all the solar panels on his way to the ground so even if he could re-board, I'd probably run out of electricity on the flight home. And the lander barely has any fuel left, once again I underestimated dV and I doubt it could make it back to Mun orbit.

I am now taking a couple days' break from KSP to let my frustration subside.

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  On 3/28/2017 at 1:47 PM, aRottenKomquat said:

The third attempt failed when I successfully landed on the Mun, did a bunch of science, but was unable to reboard my vessel because I missed one ladder space while building the rocket, and Jeb's jetpack doesn't work well enough in Mun gravity to boost him to the command pod like I could on Minmus.


Those jetpacks should work great on the Mun.  Heck, they just barely work even on Duna.  Is he carrying a KAS wrench or something?

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  On 3/28/2017 at 1:47 PM, aRottenKomquat said:

I am so bad at delta-V...

I just unlocked the new science lab module. I'm pretty sure this didn't exist the last time I played KSP. Anyway, I built a new Minmus lander loaded with science, scientists, and this lab, and sent it to the North Pole of Minmus.

Well I get most of the way to the ground and my final stage has completely run out of fuel. No chance of landing, no chance of returning. I decided to at least watch the crash. The lander impacted at about 60 m/s, bounced a few times, and somehow survived with no damage... :o Given Minmus' low gravity, I was able to use the reaction wheels to rotate it and park it upright, so I "did science" and set the lab to work and figured I'll send a rescue mission later to recover the scientists.

So I finally turned my attention to the Mun. At this point I've only done flybys, no landings, because Minmus is so much easier to deal with, but I have big boy rockets and modules now and need more science. My first attempt failed miserably when my staging somehow got set up totally wrong, and my command pod separated during liftoff when I tried to eject my SRB's. I have no idea how I managed that.

My second attempt failed because my transfer stage and lander stage ran out of fuel while burning into a transfer orbit to the Mun.

The third attempt failed when I successfully landed on the Mun, did a bunch of science, but was unable to reboard my vessel because I missed one ladder space while building the rocket, and Jeb's jetpack doesn't work well enough in Mun gravity to boost him to the command pod like I could on Minmus. Also, when I started the EVA Jeb fell off the command pod and broke all the solar panels on his way to the ground so even if he could re-board, I'd probably run out of electricity on the flight home. And the lander barely has any fuel left, once again I underestimated dV and I doubt it could make it back to Mun orbit.

I am now taking a couple days' break from KSP to let my frustration subside.


Try KER.

Stuck on Minmus? Use your jetback to boost yourself into the orbit!

Also, I never bring ladders on Mun landers. Jetpack as always.

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  On 3/27/2017 at 9:10 PM, wibou7 said:

The contract said "pass out" not "liquify"


It only hit 33 G for a fraction of a second.

I eventually put that thing up into space, and fired it at apoapsis of 300km when still suborbital.  That let me complete the contract as they were in orbit when they passed out.  It was tough to balance it, as if the apoapsis was low when I fired it, they would end up on escape trajectory.  Though, the contract didn't specify bringing them back to Kerbin, I figured it was manners to do so.

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I downloaded GPP and landed a probe on Iota. Then I realised it had enough fuel to hop to the next biome.

Five minutes later, the probe collided with a mountain and lost the engine, landing legs, and a science container, but it´s still mostly operational and can send science.

Edited by joacobanfield
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I was so surprised when I noticed an asteroid inside kerbin's sphere of influence, when I started tracking it in the tracking station I realized that it was orbiting kerbin. The next thing I know I assemble an asteroid mover without solar panels and reaction wheels. A VERY bad idea indeed. I of course turned on infinite electricity but  turning to preform burn was Agonizing. long story short I managed to claw the asteroid and close its orbit closer to kerbin, I say closer because I forgot to aim for the center of mass when I clawed the asteroid. But I didn't let that get in my way for I had finally caught an asteroid. I soon sent up a probe full of rsc ports and reaction wheels and solar panels. It was easier rendezvousing with the asteroid and clawing it at the center of mass. The probe still had its transfer stage, a poodle and a large 2.5 meter tank. I attempted to do a retrograde burn at the near periapsis, the nav-ball became a mess but I ignored it. The next warp to the periapsis crashed me into the planet. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:




But then, i quit, then when I reloaded the game, the asteroid was still alive with the asteroid catcher. :rolleyes:

Edited by Alpha 360
"Kouston, we have several problems, but that doesn't matter so we want to continue on with the mission."
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