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Speak like a Brit Mk II


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HAHA, This Thread is awesome Keenan, im from the UK and love the way Family Guy portray us Brits, its just so funny. I bet our portrayal of the Americanlandians is way off aswell.

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Why the bl**dyhell Cant I f**king get this stupid Rocket to bl**dy Orbit? stupid f**king Physics.

Lol Good day

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*nods in agreement* I say I'm quite tired, I think i'll try some of that marvelous "coffee" rather than my usual morning tea. Has anyone here had this "coffee"? I've have not and am fascinated by the implementation of beans rather than the jolly old tea leaves.

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How dare you Sir, Tea is Drank by the Queen so it is, We dont partake in wild drugs from the colonys. I bid you good night, If you disargee, then i challenge you Sir, to submit a strongly worded letter to this right honourable gentlemen, Post haste.

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By golly! I was simply interested in its alleged "rejuvenating" effects. There's no need for gubbins such as this! I very well do enjoy my tea, I couldn't live without it! But I swear those bloody drunkards out in the street last night wouldn't let me sleep! I was only calling for excessive measures to give me "ye olde pick-me-up" so that I may be on my jolly way.

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Gentlemen! There is no reason to instigate a bitter quarrel. May I suggest some ice tea or gin for those who would prefer some variation to their habits, eh?

Oh yes, I forgot. Gin is served without the need to exchange any possessions at our local pub. Plusgood, or should I say doubleplusgood! Thank heavens for miniplenty!

Edited by Jones-250
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Goooood morning chaps! Id find it fine if someone would hand me some tea over, Im thirsty. Crumpets would be nice aswell, but I prefer pudding.

(oh I tried so hard not to, but anyway : "Timothy, language!")

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