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[0.20] Deadly Reentry 2.3 - reentry heat, plus thermal and g-force damage to parts


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Yes, definately FAR's reduction in drag causing my hot-butter-knife style reentries.

Heating and cooling along with thermal transfer between parts would make an excellent subject for a mod, hopefully from an author that doesn't mind losing their hair by pulling it out. It sounds like a tall order.

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Will this work with other part packs like KW Rocketry?

EDIT: also I did a normal re-entry from an 80km orbit with a 'standard' angle, the effects came up but nothing actually blew up. And this was without using a heatshield - is this normal?

Edited by theSpeare
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I did a normal re-entry from an 80km orbit with a 'standard' angle, the effects came up but nothing actually blew up. And this was without using a heatshield - is this normal?

Looks like ridiculous maxTamp reduction didn't applied right...

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Is there any chance for g-force tolerance to be adjustable for each part seperately by cfg editing? Bc current limit is sometimes either to low or to high for specific parts.

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Is there any chance for g-force tolerance to be adjustable for each part seperately by cfg editing? Bc current limit is sometimes either to low or to high for specific parts.

It's dependant on the impact_tolerance.

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Re. hot butter reentry problems. From the FAR thread:

@foamyesque: If that's for the 3-man pod, then the last number should be a 2, not a 1.

That's the last number here:

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1

node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.145, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1

I changed it and suddenly everything worked perfectly. Set periapsis a smidge over 18 km, AoA 25 degrees, reenter from the Mun and land safely (except for losing my mechjeb when the chutes opened).

@ialdabaoth I think if you set the node sizes of the heatshields to match their diameter in the next release you might see the whiners like me stop whining about FAR.

Edited by SchroedingersHat
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Re. hot butter reentry problems. From the FAR thread:

That's the last number here:

I changed it and suddenly everything worked perfectly. Set periapsis a smidge over 18 km, AoA 25 degrees, reenter from the Mun and land safely (except for losing my mechjeb when the chutes opened).

@ialdabaoth I think if you set the node sizes of the heatshields to match their diameter in the next release you might see the whiners like me stop whining about FAR.

ok! will do.

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Max temp is working intermettantly for me. It's hard to reproduce, but I think it isn't working until I either end a mission or have an object burn up.


Parts show their original max temps when the game first starts. They later change to the halved values. Starting and immediately ending a mission does not seem to fix it.

I'm not sure, but I think they sometimes still melt at the original value when they are displaying the halved value.

My debug menu is full of NullReferenceExceptions, but that may be another mod -- I haven't yet isolated Deadly Reentry

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a quick suggestion: instead of modifying all of the stock parts heat tolerances, would it be possible to just increase heat production from re-entry? that way mod parts are compatible off the bat, instead of being rather overpowered because they are balanced for stock values with crash tolerances and heat production

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a quick suggestion: instead of modifying all of the stock parts heat tolerances, would it be possible to just increase heat production from re-entry? that way mod parts are compatible off the bat, instead of being rather overpowered because they are balanced for stock values with crash tolerances and heat production

This was talked about earlier in the thread, somewhere about page 30ish I think.


ialdabaoth sez no.

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I've found a workaround for FAR+DR. I put a decoupler in between the shield and pod so I can quickly switch to drag mode after the burny stops enough to get slow enough for the usual drogue/mains arrest.

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I recently deorbited a spent stage, just a Skipper with a Rockomax X200-32 (I think that's what they're called), four Sepratrons that I used for deorbiting (admittedly, I did use the stock debug menu to decrease the periapsis into the atmosphere, but just by pulsing Infinite Fuel so that the Sepratrons fired), one of the big stock Rockomax decouplers, and four cubic octo struts that I used to strut the whole launch vehicle together. All I have installed is this, FAR, and Modular Fuel System; the Skipper and fuel tank were set up with LiquidFuel/LiquidOxygen if that matters. Periapsis was about 30km, apoapsis was about 200km, I didn't record the speeds though. It flew kinda sideways the whole time, so it definitely couldn't be the engine shielding the rest of the stage. It was undamaged until it hit the ground.

Will re-entry be a bit more deadly at some point?

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I have a question. the shields are classed as decouplers, not structural parts, but when i fire them in staging, they stick to the command pods. is this supposed to happen? or is the collision mesh clipping through the pod?

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I get a crash on editor load, in linux. Can't find any other discussion, so I'll post here.

Other major mods include b9 aerospace, AIES aerospace, KW rocketry, HOME

------------------- initializing editor mode... ------------------

(Filename: /BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/LinuxStandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

editor started

(Filename: /BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/LinuxStandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

Untitled Space Craft - Untitled Space Craft

(Filename: /BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/LinuxStandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at DeadlyReentry.FixMaxTemps.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Is this a known issue?

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XenonBlade: if the item is light enough with respect to its surface area, it will slow down too fast for DRE to do any real damage to it.

Considering an improperly oriented Mk1 command pod coming in from Minmus exploded for me (mind you slightly old version of DRE2), I'd say it's plenty deadly enough.

Kerbin just is not a deadly planet when reentering from low orbit as orbital speeds are too low.

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I think I may have encountered a bug with the sound.

When in the space plane hanger, only when double symmetry is on and there is a part attached to the mouse, before placing it down, as I move the part over the craft I sometimes get the burning sound being played.

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