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KGas Industries Asteroids

KGas- Inc

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Asteroids that small have negligible gravity anyhow. You don't so much land on one was fly your probe up next to it and park at a distance of zero. That said, once you accomplish that, you should rest on the surface and not orbit away like you would if there was literally no gravity at all. As long as you don't move. Sneezing is enough for escape velocity...

That's pretty much how it is with the gravity plugin. I know it's not particularly realistic, but I like it anyway.

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Maybe you could write some sort of plugin that automatically (Or using Gui) puts the into the orbits you want. And when i say "you", I mean, Maybe get someone who knows how to write plugins to help you. I really like this idea (And I am hard to please), Keep working at it. :wink:

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I agree about the stretching, but I haven't found big enough images to get a good rendering on the big ones. Anyone tried the small ones?

Also, I didn't change the radius f the gravity, because as mentioned, the gravity would be nearly nothing, not until you were right against the surface.

I almost got connected with KAS, but I haven't used it enough to know.

I agree with the plugin suggestion. I am no coder, so someone else would need to. If there are any people interested, be my quest.

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I agree about the stretching, but I haven't found big enough images to get a good rendering on the big ones. Anyone tried the small ones?

There is a way to work around getting a larger image. You can take your one image and tile it into a larger one.

You just do a cut and paste with a few mirror image flips over and over until you fill a larger image size.

I threw this together as an example. It's you original brown asteroid texture that I tiled to make it 8 times larger.

I also changed it into a png image. The only down side is that it is now a 4.39 MB png image instead of the original 81.6 KB JPEG.

This was a quick five minute job, but it shows the difference. It's one option to consider.

You can find large royalty free soil and rock images at CG Textures.

You have to register to get the larger images:



Edited by Tommygun
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The option to have some asteroid on which one can land is great. At the first post you mention that you've added five smaller ones. What is their size? Personally, i'm looking for an icy asteroid sized between 50 and 100 meter in shape comparable to the one below.


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Tommy Gun - Thanks, I hadn't even thought of that, yeah they do look better. I will look at re-texturing in the next few days.

Cardinal - They are really small, from 5-20 meters across. I will make a few 50-100 Meter ones in the next few days hopefully using Tommy Gun's texturing Idea.

Thanks guys, happy mining.

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I agree about the stretching, but I haven't found big enough images to get a good rendering on the big ones. Anyone tried the small ones?

Also, I didn't change the radius f the gravity, because as mentioned, the gravity would be nearly nothing, not until you were right against the surface.

I almost got connected with KAS, but I haven't used it enough to know.

I agree with the plugin suggestion. I am no coder, so someone else would need to. If there are any people interested, be my quest.

what sort of UVmappig method are you using for them? I always found asteroids a real pain, you can get like 90 percent of it perfect sometimes but there is always that one section that doesnt want to map cleanly. Gave up on the ones I was finding in google and tried some in photoshop.. just unwrap the asteroid in blender, look at the UVimage editor, screenshot it then paste that into photoshop. Then, you make your texture based on the UVmap on another layer over the top of it, then add some poc marks craters etc.. it should wrap ok then, and obviously use as high res texture as possible.I sorta held off on making them because I lacked the time or know how to code a plugin to make gravity wok on them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I can't solve this clipping problem for the big asteroids but all the small ones work well. Squids cause uncontrolled motion and are not viable for landing on these asteroids. KAS and robotic hings work well to attach, both magnetic and grapplers KAS work, though the grappler needs to be fired several times until a luck hit locks into the asteroids surface, generally they shoot through the asteroid and then need to be pulled back until they lock on. A KAS attachable port is all that is needed to "mine" these things.

Edited by RuBisCO
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  • 1 month later...

Then again you can use Lazor System's EVA welding tool to weld a docking port to asteroid's surface (or an entire ship if you feel like it) and then just drain all the kethane like from any other tank. It breakes the immersion though. Or you may see a welded docking port as a well into the asteroid's liquid kethane core. Lust make sure to assign "undock" to an action group and put a lot of lights on your ship - finding it on a giant asteroid, when the camera is centered on the rock is no small feat,

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