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Version .20.1: Comments?

Kerbol Prime

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There's one new bug in particular: any mod that uses .png or .jpg textures will add massive amounts of RAM usage to the point that KSP crashes in most cases - but no worries: the devs are on top of that :)

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It won't even load, just crashes in load screen, reverting back.

I wonder why that is. Do you happen to have any outdated mods? It seems that they cause much of the problems so maybe you could try a fresh install? Beyond that I'm clueless as to why.

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I wonder why that is. Do you happen to have any outdated mods? It seems that they cause much of the problems so maybe you could try a fresh install? Beyond that I'm clueless as to why.

because it uses way too much RAM with png textures that it goes over the 32-bit limit.

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There's one new bug in particular: any mod that uses .png or .jpg textures will add massive amounts of RAM usage to the point that KSP crashes in most cases - but no worries: the devs are on top of that :)

Does this affect flags, too? I'm pretty sure they're saved as .png files...

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Does this affect flags, too? I'm pretty sure they're saved as .png files...

Flags are baked in, they're not provided by mods.

There's one new bug in particular: any mod that uses .png or .jpg textures will add massive amounts of RAM usage to the point that KSP crashes in most cases - but no worries: the devs are on top of that :)
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Something is definitely wrong with the flags now. They take as long to load as the sound effects, meaning the boot-up time for the game has gone from an already overkill 99 seconds for stock to 178(!) seconds. This is just ridiculous.

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It won't even load, just crashes in load screen, reverting back.

Also to KasperVid. Thanks for the heads up. Had already backuped just in case, but will hold off till 0.20.2 to upgrade then. I've got a temporary fix for "spontaneous self destruction" bugs, so can do without the upgrade for another day or two.

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There seem to be some issues with AMD Phenom II X4 9xx processors in particular and 0.20.1 (as well as 0.20, but that's a bit old hat now). Not sure if it's hitting any other particular line of chipset, but it's definitely made at least the 955 and 965 models effectively unable to handle KSP due to absurdly prolonged start-up loading times.

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I seem to be the only one who isn't having problems...

You're not. I've had flags-and-footprints missions to Minmus to test new landers and have been assembling a new space station in Kerbin orbit, all of which use new parts (and flags!) extensively; no problems so far. My usual deep-space probe mission (gotta have one with every new version) is going well, too, though there's not much that could go wrong with it.

If this thread is any indication, though, the fact that I play stock (except for flags) might have something to do with that.

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Skyrender: it has to do with the Turbo technology in that chipset and has been affecting KSP for a long long time. Check the Known Issues thread in the Support forum to see how to fix it.

Um, I think I'm gonna need a specific link or quote... As best I can tell, Known Issues does not say anything about my problem. The closest I can find is the bit about being careful with mods on the latest version; my problems are with vanilla KSP, ergo that doesn't really help me.

EDIT: Found what you were referring to; it's in the Crashes topic, not Known Issues. Adding the suggested flag did absolutely nothing to reduce the start-up delays. Sounds and images of all kinds still take an eternity to load.

Edited by SkyRender
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