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standardized system folder names


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Much to ask!

Use our modifications standardized system folder names.

Offers the following options:

For engines. The letters 'EN' ('BS' - for the boosters), power (three digits), seat (three digits), the manufacturer.

For modules. The letters 'module type', the largest size (three digits), the smallest size (three digits), (the letter 'b' in the case of inverted cone, 'x' in the case of branching, 't' in the presence of the fuel system), the manufacturer.

Special cases -

Wings - The letters 'VNA' (VNB - for control), dimension (small, medium, large), the manufacturer, the internal numbering.

Side decoupler - 'RD', dimension ('S' - small, 'M' - medium, 'L' - large), the diameter of the discharge of attachment of the module (if there are three digits), the manufacturer, the internal numbering.

Other devices do not fall into the classification - 'RX', the name of the manufacturer, the internal numbering.



Fuel tank - FT

Adapter - AA

decoupler - DC

nose cone - AD

So is it the location please use the File Name box part.cfg.



- EN600200_NovaSilisko - Engine, power 600, two-meter size, the manufacturer NovaSilisko

- BS125xxx_SundayPunch - Accelerator, power 125, side mount, the manufacturer SundayPunch

- FT300175_NovaSilisko01 - fuel tank, 1.75 to 3 meters, the standard, the manufacturer NovaSilisko

- AA300100x6t_NovaSilisko12 - adapter with a 3 meter by 6 meter pieces. With the fuel system

P / S

Sorry for my english

From Russia with Love Qwede ;)

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I would love that. I cannot STAND the current (un)organization. I have some parts with the red texture glitch, and I have so many parts I don\'t even bother trying to pick out which ones they are. We need something like this. :\'(


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'Red' texture appeared in version 0.11 (if I remember correctly).

I correct it in the program Adobe Photoshop.

For this purpose, the texture you have to convert the 'background' to 'layer'


Such an organization would allow folders (except convenience) to avoid many problems and sort the modules in the game.

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AFAIK all you have to do is change the image from 24bit to 32bit, ms paint will do this much quicker than adobe unless you batch process it.

For mspaint its as easy as loading the image in paint then saving it, done. :)

+1 for standardised system/part folder names.

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I think the name of the mod maker should be first.

Ideally, KSP would load parts diffirently. IE, engine folder, solid booster folder, and in each of these folders you\'d have 'novasilisko' and 'KW challenger' folder.

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What? and Why?

Currently most modders name their part folders with a prefix containing their name or an acronym giving you a list looking like to following:






.... and so on

What you propose would result in list that if sorted by name doesn\'t differentiate between modders/mod packs resulting in a scrambled less organized folder structure.

In my experience it has always been easier to see if an engine is made by me,C7 or sundaypunch for example than judging them by their thrust. So I\'m not sure what you are trying to accomplish?

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You look at the problem from the standpoint of the manufacturer, not the consumer.

Players are pleased to know the names of modders.

But the most important technical characteristics of the models.

In addition, modders do not always write his name at the beginning of the folder

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I do not want to argue.

In my opinion, I proposed a convenient system.

A system for organizing folders ...\ Parts

I tried it and I liked it.

You do not like it - do not use.

Or offer your own version.

I always thought that the standardization and procedure bring positive results. )))

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Currently the only things the folder names do is affect are the load order, the parts are loaded from an alpha list of the folders, and the order they appear in game.

There are two issues here. The first is how the parts are displayed in-game and the second is how they are displayed in the parts folder. Both of these issues are minor in the scheme of things and haven\'t got much attention yet. Eventually, the in-game display of parts will be more organized and probably have multiple ways to display and locate parts. We just need to wait.

As far as the part folder names, a properly designed mod integration system would remove the need to ever look in the parts folder to sort though the names. As a community, developing a naming scheme will end up being a waste of time if the final product renders the need to ever look in that folder pointless. I do agree that modders should at least prefix some initials on the front of their folder names to facilitate adding and removing mod packs as a whole manually.

For now, if you really need to feed you OCD, you can rename part folders willy nilly with no consequence. You don\'t need to change any game files to rename folders, they can be named anything since the names aren\'t used in the game for anything other than the order in which the appear in the listings.

If you want, you can even use the two currently unused tabs by editing part configs and changing the category to 4 or 5. I\'ve currently changed some of C7 Studio\'s parts to put engines/tanks in tab 4 and wings and doodads in 5.

I haven\'t had to worry about keeping my parts folder organized or renaming because I use the Generic Mod Enabler to install and uninstall mods. You can find more information on using this program with KSP in my sticky thread in the How To forum. It really does make working with lots of mods a breeze. 8)


Capt\'n Skunky

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I think the point is that it can be a bit of a pain to track down a part when its name does not correlate with its folder in any way, luckily most mods have the name of the modmaker as a prefix for the folder, which you can find from the part in-game.

But as we know not all mods do this and even then it can be annoying to find the part when you have a lot of parts from one mod, and again the names do not correlate.

This is of course with the goal of modifying a part out of the game, folders obviously make no difference to regular in-game behaviour...

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I think the point is that it can be a bit of a pain to track down a part when its name does not correlate with its folder in any way, luckily most mods have the name of the modmaker as a prefix for the folder, which you can find from the part in-game.

But as we know not all mods do this and even then it can be annoying to find the part when you have a lot of parts from one mod, and again the names do not correlate.

This is of course with the goal of modifying a part out of the game, folders obviously make no difference to regular in-game behaviour...

You have a good point, this is really only meaningful to other modders and tweakers.

Have you considered using the PartLab application from the SDK to 'browse' your parts? It will browse the list of parts by folder name. You can open one part at a time much faster to see if that\'s the part you want. For the most part you know what part you\'re looking for and can narrow it down to a few part folders then just browse those looking for it.

While PartLab is used by modelers and skinners, tweakers can still benefit from being able to browse by folder and quickly get at least a visual look at the part to find one. Once found, you can rename the folder or make note of it for later recall.


Capt\'n Skunky

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first - the effect will be greatest in the case of uniform titles. all modes. If everyone will enjoy their own system - it will be only half of the chaos ... divide in half chaos is how chaos?

the second - which is more important in the game? engine power or the name of the modder?

I started from the fact that the parameters are more important.

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I like the KW challenger pack. I\'d rather not install another program to move mod folders around.

Engine power and diameter size are important in-game; there they should be sorted by qwede\'s proposal.

Outside the game, you want addon name folder consistency, ease of updating and ability to quickly add and remove packs, and for that I widely prefer KWchallengers system ; keep it up!

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i believe the most important things would be for mods to feature a prefix tag to identify the pack/author before anything else....

then one could add a subset of further tags for part type, radius and stuff.... but absolutely most important is the pack/author tag - since it makes maintenance a LOT more organized...

now, i had suggested already that if a single mod folder could contain any number of cfg files for defining multiple parts, the whole thing would work a lot more smoothly (including being able to reuse/share texture and model assets between similar parts)

but at least until HarvesteR decides to hear us out on this one, this can just as well be a sticky, since it\'s of such high importance

*edit: i have added a note on this in the 'tips for releases' sticky thread, so we try to keep things organized a little more than not

now, i have updated my own parts pack to bear the 'mac_' prefix (for 'Moachcraft Amalgamated Components') - advice is for all authors to do the same, lest all sorts of mess ensue ::)

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reading from zip archives ... the old way.

Perhaps the game in the future will support this feature ....


can anyone knows ... in the future, the game will be built-in language?

as in the game COLOBOT ...

This is a promising ... will not only increase interest in the game .... and moves the game on the level of training programs

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