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Tributes To Heroes of Space Exploration...


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Inspired by a comment I made on the Easter Eggs thread, I wondered if anyone else has created anything in game as a tribute to any of the greats of space exploration.

So far I have Armstrong and Aldrin Kerman standing next to the Neil Armstrong memorial plaque on Mün, a replica of Sputnik orbiting with the same apoapsis, periapsis and inclination as the real thing did and I'm currently building a replica on the ISS so that I can record my own video to Chris Hadfield's Space Oddity.

I'll link screenshots when I get my main computer up and running (I've got it in bits due to a power supply replacement at the moment) and post the YouTube video once I've finished it.

Please post your tributes to the greats here. I would love to see them and I'm sure many others will too.


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Michael Collins Kerman really needs more love ;.; We all adore Armstrong for being the first badass on the Moon, and Aldrin for being the first badass to punch that Moon landing conspiracy guy in the mouth, but seriously... Who was the first badass to pick both those badasses up and bring them home safe?

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Michael Collins Kerman really needs more love ;.;

I couldn't agree with you more. I think its time I rectified that (albeit two patches too late)

Been waiting for the space oddity parody ever since Chris Hadfield posted the video. :)

I'll have it finished soon. Two more modules to add to the station and then fraps and edit. I should get it done over the weekend :D

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Michael Collins Kerman really needs more love ;.; We all adore Armstrong for being the first badass on the Moon, and Aldrin for being the first badass to punch that Moon landing conspiracy guy in the mouth, but seriously... Who was the first badass to pick both those badasses up and bring them home safe?

I agree. Ever since I read this big book about him and the apollo missions I realized what an important role he had. Plus he has awesome facial hair (does that sound weird?)

Edited by Kerbol Prime
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Michael Collins Kerman really needs more love ;.; We all adore Armstrong for being the first badass on the Moon, and Aldrin for being the first badass to punch that Moon landing conspiracy guy in the mouth, but seriously... Who was the first badass to pick both those badasses up and bring them home safe?

Lol they are definitely some great guys! Total bad asses.

I approve of this idea.

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I think all the mercury, gemini and apollo astronaughts deserve more love.

Armstrong would have never made it there in the first place if it wasn't for them and the at mission control kicking ass.

The great thing about Neil is that he would've been the first to admit it, his humility was off the scale.

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The Crew Manifest mod allows you to create additional Kerbals. As a nod to some of the early astronauts, so far I've added Big Al (Shepard), Gus (Grissom), Herschel (Glenn), Scotty (Carpenter), Wally (Schirra), Deke (Slayton), Gordo (Cooper), Buzz (Aldrin), Tweety (Conrad), Shakey (Lovell), Beano (Bean), Freddo (Haise), and Cool John (Young).

The only prerequisite for including their names was their nickname has to sound sufficiently Kerbal. :)

On a side note, I have added one non-astronaut name: Pee Wee. How could I pass it up?


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Hey xandski,

you could use my kerbalized version of space oddity if you like. It's not perfect, bit I think it's pretty good.



That is awesome, it had me in stitches. I've been recording stuff most of the day and have quite a few outtakes so will probably use your version for that. I think I've almost worn out my F9 key with the number of quick save reloads I've done so far.

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