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100 ways to get kicked out of wallmart


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494: Dress as a detective, drive a cop car into the store, drive slowly up and down the aisles, point a pair of binocs out the window at people, and play this at full volume:

BONUS: Get out of the car every once in a while and frisk a randomly-selected person.

Edited by Flymetothemun
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495: Plug a mini-speaker into your phone, put the speaker and the phone in your pockets, turn the speaker to maximum volume, and play the FNAF 1 jumpscare sound on repeat. You'll get kicked out for two reasons: everyone hates FNAF and everyone in the store will probably be deafened by the noise.

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511: Tell the bosses they should pay the workers a decent wage instead of just minimum wage so they don't have to ask for handouts from the Government.....

(its a sure way to get kicked out)

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