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Making a mod to mine more resources and stuff.


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I'm planning on making a public mod that allows you to mine tons of different resources (including collecting stuff from Laythe and Eve's many oceans) and converting the stuff into default resources or use them as raw materials with engines for them to be used up. I was also on planning to add stuff like food, water, oxygen in command pods to be used up (and replenished to keep the crew alive) and stuff like Co2 and general waste that can be removed from the capsule or stuck into an unmanned rocket to be burned up in the atmosphere with the junk on board (like the Progress with the Mir and ISS), and if those are not removed then you're crew most probably will drop dead in the capsule. Food and water will only last so long then the crew will die (unless it is replenished). Also I wanted something along the lines of Uranium to go with modified Nuclear engines that only use a very small amount of the stuff, just to keep the weight of interplanetary rockets down :D . And I most probably am the youngest modder here making a mod like this at the age of 14 :P .Please do feel free to come up with names for the resources and designs for the tanks that hold them.


Edited by Psycho529
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It all sounds good to me, but the nuclear engines don't actually use up the uranium, or well they do but over the course of centuries.

They use the uranium to heat reaction mass, the reaction mass can be just about anything but hydrogen works best. It's newton, you throw something out one way and you travel the other way. So you've still got to carry the heavy fuel, you're just heating it instead of burning it.

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id love a kethane++ mod. i know ive said this in other threads, but converting one minable resource into several others feels a lot like alchemy to me (like how you get oxidizer or xenon out of a ch4 analog without a fusion reactor is beyond me). but other than that kethane is awesome. id rather just have to mine each resource independently of eachother, and not keep everything in one place. have different resource distribution on different planets and moons. atmospheric and oceanic compositions would also yield different resources. and then have different resources take different equipment to extract. a gas separator is different from an ore processor is different from a liquid extractor. conversion would be limited to things that are chemically possible. to ad the framework not just for refuing but offworld ship construction and colonization.

Edited by Nuke
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Same here, and that's exactly why I want to do this, tons of materials from oceans, atmospheres and from the ground (as well as resources for keeping crews alive to make the game even more entertaining and challenging than it is... and a real purpose for bases and stuff alike)

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as it stands you set up a moon base and then what. send more stuff, and ultimately it just sits there collecting regolith. what i want is cumulative infrastructure, where each new installation you bring in gives me that much more capability out of a base. you start out with a base to house kerbals, then do mining, then you do a fuel depot, followed by launch facilities, followed by a linear accelerator, followed up by manufacturing, and ultimately leading up to a base with a full fledged spaceport.

  Psycho529 said:
Does anyone know how to make inflatable modules so I can make some to go with this? (Just to generate food and stuff to keep Kerbals alive)

add an animation in unity and you can animate the xform data for any game object (like scale, rotation, translation, lots of other things too, same way you do heat effects on engines). then you just use a generic animation module to inflate/deflate it.

Edited by Nuke
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  Nuke said:
as it stands you set up a moon base and then what. send more stuff, and ultimately it just sits there collecting regolith. what i want is cumulative infrastructure, where each new installation you bring in gives me that much more capability out of a base. you start out with a base to house kerbals, then do mining, then you do a fuel depot, followed by launch facilities, followed by a linear accelerator, followed up by manufacturing, and ultimately leading up to a base with a full fledged spaceport.

add an animation in unity and you can animate the xform data for any game object (like scale, rotation, translation, lots of other things too, same way you do heat effects on engines). then you just use a generic animation module to inflate/deflate it.

Thanks for telling me how to make inflatable stuff.

Well the whole idea of this is to actually make some use of bases with assembling, mining, storing, refining and stuff (as well as plants and stuff to make food to keep kerbals alive)

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  victor tan said:
This is a great idea,I hope you succeed in it and try making a Tank that holds different types of fuel but can only be used as transfer.I am 13 years old so I am younger than you :P

Thanks for the idea... I never actually thought of that... having a fancy tank for transfer instead a tonne of piping and stuff.

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Hate to be a down, but your mod will be tossed in the trash after Squad releases the resource system. It is why there isn't many resource mods, because no one want to waste time developing a mod that could be useless because it will be added into the game. Since Squad doesn't give to much warning to what is going to be in the next update you could release the mod after spending months of hard work to just find out squad has finally added resources into the game.

Your better off doing something simple like the kethane mod where it has one resource and not several. Doing it this way will give you a good chance of being put on the development team to help with the addition of resources.

I suggestion crude oil and only available on Kerbin and Laythe. You would have to refine it and turn it into either jet or rocket fuel. Of coarse you could have either two parts or one part with a switch.

Just an idea on that is to have a storage tank with the refiner that drains the tank and pumps it into a second tank the converted fuel of your choice. Just my opinion.

Great mod idea by the way

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  sounthernrebel78 said:
Hate to be a down, but your mod will be tossed in the trash after Squad releases the resource system. It is why there isn't many resource mods, because no one want to waste time developing a mod that could be useless because it will be added into the game. Since Squad doesn't give to much warning to what is going to be in the next update you could release the mod after spending months of hard work to just find out squad has finally added resources into the game.

Your better off doing something simple like the kethane mod where it has one resource and not several. Doing it this way will give you a good chance of being put on the development team to help with the addition of resources.

I suggestion crude oil and only available on Kerbin and Laythe. You would have to refine it and turn it into either jet or rocket fuel. Of coarse you could have either two parts or one part with a switch.

Just an idea on that is to have a storage tank with the refiner that drains the tank and pumps it into a second tank the converted fuel of your choice. Just my opinion.

Great mod idea by the way

I disagree with your assessment. You assume with this statement that the squad resource system will be well implemented and accomplish everything we want it to do. This will likely not be the case. It will be good, but will likely fall short. That is where modding comes in. It would be foolish to just lay a blanket statement saying that this mod would be trashed by the squad system without even knowing what the squad system will entail. The most they have ever said on the matter is a chart that details a POSSIBLE resource tree. Do you have more information the rest of us do not?

Now back to the topic on hand. I would love to see inflatable storage tanks. Something along the lines of a module that unpacks in a Bobcat-like manner while you mine out a deposit. Once the deposit is done, pack up and drive/fly/carry your platform to another location. Perhaps these could also be radially mounted?

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  PringleMan said:
I disagree with your assessment. You assume with this statement that the squad resource system will be well implemented and accomplish everything we want it to do. This will likely not be the case. It will be good, but will likely fall short. That is where modding comes in. It would be foolish to just lay a blanket statement saying that this mod would be trashed by the squad system without even knowing what the squad system will entail. The most they have ever said on the matter is a chart that details a POSSIBLE resource tree. Do you have more information the rest of us do not?

Now back to the topic on hand. I would love to see inflatable storage tanks. Something along the lines of a module that unpacks in a Bobcat-like manner while you mine out a deposit. Once the deposit is done, pack up and drive/fly/carry your platform to another location. Perhaps these could also be radially mounted?

Yeah I will try to make some radially mounted ones as well. And you have got a point about the resource tree... what I had in mind is kinda different to that to some degree because I thought of having something like coal e.g. Solidified Kethane would be awesome.

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  sounthernrebel78 said:
Hate to be a down, but your mod will be tossed in the trash after Squad releases the resource system. It is why there isn't many resource mods, because no one want to waste time developing a mod that could be useless because it will be added into the game. Since Squad doesn't give to much warning to what is going to be in the next update you could release the mod after spending months of hard work to just find out squad has finally added resources into the game.

Your better off doing something simple like the kethane mod where it has one resource and not several. Doing it this way will give you a good chance of being put on the development team to help with the addition of resources.

I suggestion crude oil and only available on Kerbin and Laythe. You would have to refine it and turn it into either jet or rocket fuel. Of coarse you could have either two parts or one part with a switch.

Just an idea on that is to have a storage tank with the refiner that drains the tank and pumps it into a second tank the converted fuel of your choice. Just my opinion.

Great mod idea by the way

Yes I get your point but I would like to have at least 3 modded resources before the devs release resources.

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I'll get some pictures up of my current progress. Some of them will be stuff drawn out on paper (so I know what I'm trying to make and so you lot can get some sneak peaks at what will be arriving later in the mod... once I get my head round how to make the .dll and stuff. Oh and does anyone know any good places where I can get some software for opening .dll's and .mbm's please?

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  sounthernrebel78 said:
Hate to be a down, but your mod will be tossed in the trash after Squad releases the resource system. It is why there isn't many resource mods, because no one want to waste time developing a mod that could be useless because it will be added into the game. Since Squad doesn't give to much warning to what is going to be in the next update you could release the mod after spending months of hard work to just find out squad has finally added resources into the game.

Your better off doing something simple like the kethane mod where it has one resource and not several. Doing it this way will give you a good chance of being put on the development team to help with the addition of resources.

I suggestion crude oil and only available on Kerbin and Laythe. You would have to refine it and turn it into either jet or rocket fuel. Of coarse you could have either two parts or one part with a switch.

Just an idea on that is to have a storage tank with the refiner that drains the tank and pumps it into a second tank the converted fuel of your choice. Just my opinion.

Great mod idea by the way

right now it sounds like resources could be a couple updates away so this mod will be fun while it lasts and even then the scuad may push it back even further

mod sounds really cool

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  brobel said:
right now it sounds like resources could be a couple updates away so this mod will be fun while it lasts and even then the scuad may push it back even further

mod sounds really cool

The thing is squad keep mentioning this and people become convinced it may be in the next update, but it never arrives and people don't make mods like this because of what the Dev's are constantly saying that resources will arrive in a few updates... but exactly how long is a few updates? We don't know so that's why I'm making this... but hey we will have even more resources to mine :D

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  PringleMan said:
I disagree with your assessment. You assume with this statement that the squad resource system will be well implemented and accomplish everything we want it to do. This will likely not be the case. It will be good, but will likely fall short. That is where modding comes in. It would be foolish to just lay a blanket statement saying that this mod would be trashed by the squad system without even knowing what the squad system will entail. The most they have ever said on the matter is a chart that details a POSSIBLE resource tree. Do you have more information the rest of us do not?

Now back to the topic on hand. I would love to see inflatable storage tanks. Something along the lines of a module that unpacks in a Bobcat-like manner while you mine out a deposit. Once the deposit is done, pack up and drive/fly/carry your platform to another location. Perhaps these could also be radially mounted?

My point was we don't know what resource system will be added. So once it does come out you will see more people doing resource mods.

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And why not? Just look at Ioncross Life Support mod. It needs oxygen - which can be scooped from atmosphere on Kerbin, Laythe and i presume Eve. But what if we could mine oxygen from ice on Minmus and Eeloo (if it's ice at all ;))? Or in fact mine it everywhere, albeit slower. Then we could pump oxygen into Ioncross tanks using Fuel Balancer for example (or tie two mods directly). We could support long-range missions indefinitely this way. This is the point of mods - we don't have to wait for developers to come with something, we can make it ourselves now.

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And actually, building in your own resources, and then converting them, as long as you know what you're doing (or even if you don't like me), only takes a day to work out at the very most. I implemented ~20 or so resources, which can be collected if landed/splashed/in atomospehere by 3 different types of sample package; started work on Friday afternoon, had a very basic release ready Saturday, made improvements Sunday, and still working on the various parts - but the coding of resource mining really should only take you a day at most. For a magic box anyway. When it comes to coding a drilling rig, or robotic arms (which I want to do eventually), would take you a while longer. But, at a guess, still only a day or two.

Anyway, my point is this. While mining might come, developing a quick and dirty mod to fill a gap, shouldn't take you more than a week to do, and then its just maintenance/and or feature requests. Still a lot quicker than the devs, even if it might all turn to junk when the new system is released at a releas date of Soon.

If you are interested, we can work together to make sample return/analysis (sample collection I have already, analysis will start Soon), and your mining mod play nicely. I plan to make mine work with the Kethane mod also, just because its there, and is in wide use.

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  tek_604 said:
And actually, building in your own resources, and then converting them, as long as you know what you're doing (or even if you don't like me), only takes a day to work out at the very most. I implemented ~20 or so resources, which can be collected if landed/splashed/in atomospehere by 3 different types of sample package; started work on Friday afternoon, had a very basic release ready Saturday, made improvements Sunday, and still working on the various parts - but the coding of resource mining really should only take you a day at most. For a magic box anyway. When it comes to coding a drilling rig, or robotic arms (which I want to do eventually), would take you a while longer. But, at a guess, still only a day or two.

Anyway, my point is this. While mining might come, developing a quick and dirty mod to fill a gap, shouldn't take you more than a week to do, and then its just maintenance/and or feature requests. Still a lot quicker than the devs, even if it might all turn to junk when the new system is released at a releas date of Soon.

If you are interested, we can work together to make sample return/analysis (sample collection I have already, analysis will start Soon), and your mining mod play nicely. I plan to make mine work with the Kethane mod also, just because its there, and is in wide use.

Can you help me with coding and stuff for mineable resources, I'm having a few problems here and there with making them... :P

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